He Is Hungry And She Is The Food.

Alex came back with a grim face. He knew that his father did not have any idea about Oli and his relationship. But the moment he would come to know about it.. Hell was going to break loose.

He took a deep sigh as he opened the door. But when his eyes fell on the sleeping girl, an overwhelming emotion gushed out from his chest.

The moment she had told him that she was a girl flashed out in front of her eyes.

The desire to tease her and pamper her had never been this stronger before.

If not for the restrictions of the palace, he would have teased her freely.

He went in slowly, afraid that she would wake up with his actions. His eyes were staring at her as if he had seen her for the first time.

The desire to hold her started to itch his hands to the limit that he felt he was going crazier.

He sat on the bed near her as his eyes raked on her face, that looked so innocent.