Go And Save Her

"My lady.. My lady.." the worried voice of the maid filled the palace when Eli frowned.

She had already told everyone not to disturb them while the maid was shouting!

She opened the door with a cold look on her face when she found that the maid was sweating and her whole face turned white.

"What happened?" she asked with a look of worry when the maid shook her head.

"The lady, mistress hannah is gone.'' Eli frowned further.

She walked out of the room and closed the door behind her and asked in a low voice.

"What do you mean by gone? She must be resting in her room since she is pregnant." she asked but the maids shook her head again.

"I have already checked the bedroom of the mistress and the painting and music room where she spent most of her time. She is not in a condition to explore other rooms, she had vomited just half an hour ago and she was looking sick again." 

"......." Eli looked around.