
" magic huh? That must be cool.."

Daemon and Sebastian were walking though a rocky cave. They both haven't seen a skeleton monster, so Daemon decided to spark up a conversation.


"Yeah.. Can you show me it?"


He then put his hands out and they were engulfed in a green life-like aura. 'The power of energy huh? Very useful if you could develope it further..'


Daemon looked over to where he was pointing and saw a skeleton. It was short like a goblin and wielded a sword and sheild.


"Nah, I want to see you fight."


"I'm going to be disappointed? Why?"



Turns out, Sebastian has little magic power, so he tries to do as least as possible. On the...good side though, he has very destructive power.

"Okay. I'll...take care of it."

Daemon then looked around and saw a small rock. 'Let's see what you can do..' Daemon picked up and tossed it up in his hand.

The skeleton then slowly charged at them while screaming out.


"Haha. Yeah, it does.."

He said it looked like the skeletons from that Lego show. Ninjago or whatever. It was actually pretty accurate.

Daemon then threw the rock at the skeleton, causing it to explode into millions of white pieces. 'Too easy...'


"Yeah, for now atleast. In the future dungeons, we'll be fighting way more harder monsters than this."


"Its scary to think that. It begs the question, 'Will we survive when the huge outbreak happens?'."


"I hope so too. You have any family to protect? That's why I'm doing this."


"Your little cousin huh? I see.."

The two kept walking with nothing eventful happening. Although Sebastian had little magic power to use, he made up for that mishap with his spear skills.

The two eventually got 10 kills each and was now looking for the final boss.

"Hey. Wanna make a deal?"

Sebastian looked at Daemon. He saw him with a sly smirk on his face.


He still listened however.

"When we defeat the boss, we'll wait. The first person to leave is the loser, making the other the winner."

Sebastian heard that and pondered. After some 'Sounds fun' and 'Is he serious?', he decided to do it.


"Okay. The Loser owes the other a favor. Sounds good?"



They each shook hands and continued walking. As they did, more skeletons showed up. 'The closer we get to the Boss, the more monsters spawn..'

They easily defeated them however and got to a huge double door. It had no way to opened it, so the only option would be to...



The two then looked at each other. 'How..would we pull it?'


"You can get your fingers through that small crack? Yeah right."


He then went up to the door and turned sideways. He placed his fingers in the crack and pull. He grunted and grunted and made absolutely no progress.


"Your an idiot Sebastian."


"'I-I-I' Why would you think that it's a pull door?"

Daemon mocked him as he slowly put his head down.

".. ..."

"Jeez. Now your your making me feel bad. I'm sorry I called you an idiot. I was just confused as to why you thought it was a pull door."


"Alright. Let's go then.."

The two then put their shoulder into the wall and pushed. The door slowly creaked and it started opening on it's own, causing the two to stop and stare.


"Yeah. It's...huge...."

60 meters. It was 60 meters tall. It had a massive sword and huge shield. 'This...this is E? Yeah, okay.'

"I think it's your turn..."


He agreed with Daemon. Daemon then backed up and Sebastian stepped up. The huge skeleton noticed their presence and looked down at us.

'This IS common though..'

Daemon and Sebastian was shocked at it, but this was normal size of an E rank dungeon Boss. The higher the rank, the smaller they become until they rival the height of an average sized human.

Sebastian sighed and looked up at the monster. 'The bigger they are, the weaker the are as well..' He quickly put his hands tougher and green lines started forming itself into a green, hollow ball.

The huge skeleton noticed the danger and put its shield up. 'Green..' He put his hands out and the ball started to grow and expand. The room started to shake when he did.

"Hey! Don't kill us!"

Daemon shouted at him from behind while covering his face.


"Then hurry up! Your showing off for what?!"


"Because your my junio?- Man if you don't hurry your ass up!"

Sebastian hands started shaking as the pressure from the green ball that could rival a house was weighing down on him. 'I..showed off too much!'

He shot the ball at the boss and it connected with the middle part of the sheild. When it did, it expanded even further and surrounded the skeleton in green, completly destroying it in the process.

'Wow. It was...kind of worth the hype actually.'


"Yeah, good job."


"Yeah, your strong alright. I see why God gave you low magic power."


"Yep... The sad truth.."

The two then sat down and played the waiting game. The cameras that followed after them started moving all around them, giving them some type of Morse code.




"Blame it on me?! accepted it. I just offered.."


They both sighed as they sat there. 'No one can come in after a boss is defeated. Only escape is possible...' Daemon nodded at himself.

Time past and Daemon noticed that Sebastian was starting to sweat. 'Its been 28 minutes...'


"28 minutes."


"Oh, I'm scared. I'm just gonna get up as soon as you do."


"Guess we're dying here together then. Actually..."

Daemon forgot to mention one important thing to him.

"I...can't die. I'm immortal with my Magic."

Sebastian instantly got up and started running away. 'I...was destined to lose this bet from the start!' He ran and ran with Daemon chuckling in the background.

'Guess I win huh?'

Daemon the looked up and smiled at the floating camera.

"Sorry about that. We were tired.."

Daemons body then turned into lines and disappeared. He reappeared next to Sebastian who was running with a serious expression.

"Sorry 'bout that."

"..-..?! ..... ....?!"

"I'm just that fast.."

They then reached the door. Sebastian slung it open and jumped out. Daemon only looked back and saw things deteriorating. After a couple of seconds, he walked out himself and saw the bright sun.

Or boobs.

"You idiot! What the hell were you thinking?!"

Sylvia squeezed Daemons body while shaking him around. The students around them were worried with even one of them crying. The S ranks all had frowns on their faces except for infinity.

He seemed amused.

"Hey! Putting your life at risk is a big no no!"

The Fire King pointed at Daemon while yelling. He had flames spewing from his nostrils and was twitching. 'Off the perk..'

"Yeah, I'm with Fire King on this one. What you did back there was unacceptable."

Aquatic knight agreed with Fire King. 'He agrees with everything..' Daemon then said his sorrys and forgiveness to the S ranks and it came down to 5 people.

"Sorry Sebastian. It was a cruel deal/joke."


"Fine. I owe YOU a favor. Is that a deal?"


"Alright, alright. I won't use that word. Is that...okay?"



The two shook hands and came to an agreement. Daemon then went over to his crying sister. 'I should have... Yeah I should have considered this...'


She was clenching his shirt while crying into it. Daemon slightly smiled at that and rubbed her head.

"I'm sorry Lily. I didn't mean to make you sad. Please forgive this foolish brother."


"Daemon. That wasn't funny. You could have died, y'know?"

Sarah's words made Lily cry even harder. 'Fuck. Maybe I should turn the clock back...' Daemon pondered about it, but eventually shook his head no. 'I did this to myself without thinking about the outcomes. Going back in time would be similar to avoiding my promblem, no?'

"I...wanted to put on a show for you all. It's been a pretty boring day."

"Idiot! What if you got left behind, and...and...and never came back!"

Sarah screamed at him while pouting. 'If you die before I get to confess my love for you, then I'll never forgive you, Daemon Suzuki!'

"Just...don't do it again is what we're trying to tell you. You're our friend and her big brother.."

Lucifer said while placing his hand upon his head. He had a small smile with his eyes closed. 'Hes been doing this lately, but...I'm used to it? Well I just don't bother with it anymore.'

"Thank you guys.."

Before he thought of them as nothing more than school friends, but seeing how that they care for him so much makes him happy, leading them to become..

"For being my friends."

The group of people smiled at that and reminisced.


"Hm? Oh, what the hell. You get over here too..."


Sebastian the mute. They wasn't together for long, but the journey they shared made them friends of sorts.

"Listen up! You all have passed! Congratulations!"

The S ranks clapped with huge smiles on their faces. The students clapped themselves and soon stopped.

"You have proven to be able to fight in a Dungeon without the Serum. This means that your able to become Hunters now. We will dope you up with the serum later, and brand you with your respected class. I say this again and I mean it, Congratulations, on becoming Hunters and on becoming our Future!"

Fireworks went off as she said that. It captivated them and even cheered Lily up slightly. 'The real beginning..' Daemon smiled at seeing the smiles on his friends and sisters face.

'Let's hope it last.'
