Ch. 41

<<<'I was the weakest..'>>>

A small white whale was swimming around in a huge lake. The water was warm and the fish were bustling. Everything seemed peaceful in this blue world.

<<<'I was beaten..'>>>

Water magic was thrown at the white whale. It hurted the whale, causing it fall to the sea bed.

<<<'"Your horn is a curse!" they said. "You should die, you freak!" they screamed.'>>>

The whales horn glowed, freezing the entire lake.

<<<'"This is power" the whale said..'>>>

His horn was indeed a curse. A curse to get stronger by eating sea life. The whale would go around, killings its friends, parents, brothers and sisters, anyone for power. He was greedy.

And yet..

<<<"Leave me! Alone!">>>

It swam through the water at 75 mph. That didn't affect the white torpedo behind it as its speed only increased. 'Everything is so clear..' Daemon could see in the infinite dark. He saw bones and dead sea life.

'It was once a beautiful land, and yet it was ruined by you..'

Daemon grabbed its tail, causing the whale to flinch. With its momentum, its tail ripped of by itself, leaving a rectangle with eyes and a horn to float. 'I'm too fast. Next time I'll adjust my speed so the fight will last longer..'

The whale tried swimming but was barely able to move. Its average speed was 50 mph but with the boost, it was able to clock 75. Its power, durability, things like that also increased but it didn't effect Daemon.

"Your the boss.."

Daemon swam around to its huge eye. 'I need to take a souvenir back to prove I killed it..' Daemon smirked as he looked at the horn.

"I'm taking your horn. That's fine right?"

His horn was his power source.

<<<"Yes! Do what like!">>>

And yet he gave it up so easily.

Daemon nodded and went to where the horn was sprouting from its skin. 'Its deeply rooted..' Daemon placed his feet onto its forehead. He then placed his hands on the horn.

'Nice material. I'll definitely ask then to make this into armor for Lily..'

As easy as plucking weeds, Daemon took the long horn out. This caused immense pain for the whale but it didn't show it. It thought it would die if it did.

He is going to die though.

"Well, uh...thanks.."

Daemon put the long piece of white material into nothingness and places his hand on the snout of the whale. The whale seemed to become happy from this.

" almost killed my friend, and I'd be a pretty bad friend to let you live, so..."

Its skin peeled off, leaving a meaty body left. The whale screamed in pain from its exposed skin. Since his horn was gone, his powers dwindled. Since he was born in warm water, its netraul state was that of a warm blooded animal.

"It would be a shame...for you to go on like this.."

All the bones at the bottom of the sea bed started shaking. Some bones would reform themselves while others were merging with other bones.

"How about you end it with the very people YOU killed,!"

A horde of over 100,000 animals rushed at the whale as Daemon floated away. The whale couldn't move, use powers, or do anything but wait for its predestined death.

"Feels good.."

They ate away at the whale, slowly killing it. It would use its head to bash them away, but Daemon quickly put an end to that by putting a rule on him. If he moves his head now, his oxygen starts to deplete.

After about 10 minutes or so, the huge whale was nothing more than floating bones. No meat was left, making Dameon laugh. 'And now it begins..' The world started shaking.

Daemon quickly emerged from the water and noticed that everyone was gone. 'Good..' He looked in a certain direction.

'Now, to save Lily..'


The group of 13 students and 1 adult woman was running through the shaking forest. Animals would run past them, but not attack, making the situation perfect.

"Shes somewhere around here?!"

Sarah was back on her feet while looking around. Everyone was informed that Daemon wasn't who he claimed to be know, but they had bigger problems now.


Sebastian said outloud for the world to hear. 'He should carry a pen and paper around..' Acier stared out the corner of her eyes at Sebastian. Noticing her stare, Sebastian slightly blushed.

"Hey guys! I found her!"

Someone shouted out while pointing. Everyone stopped and looked over. They saw Hannah, but something else was bothering them.

"Save her!"

She was being chocked by a snake tail. The students then rushed at her and revealed themselves to her. 'Ah..' Hannah sighed out as she felt Yumi's soft skin. ' life..'


Sarah screamed out at her. Hearing such a familiar voice, Hannah shot her head up with a huge smile. She saw her classmates with distressed looks but she ignored that.

"You guys! I-I can't beli-"

"Step away from the...snake woman(?), Hannah!"

Sarah cute her off. The snake woman in question then revealed completely, making the guys blush from her beauty. 'Wow..' Even Lucifer was caught in a daze.

"W-Wait! Shes friendly! I promise!"

"Don't be stupid! She's a monster!"

Acier retaliated while creating a mace in hands. Snakes weren't her favorite animal, let's just say that.

"D-Didn't Daemon tell you about her?! Shes nice, I promise! She won't harm us.."

Hearing this, Sebastian thought back to Daemons words. 'You'll find Hannah and someone else. Please, and I'm begging you, please take them with you.'

"W-Wait, she right! Daemon...Daemon said that someone would be with Hannah! This...must be here!"

They all stared at Lucifer, who spoke for Sebastian. 'Who the fuck are you, Daemon?!' Sarah was becoming even more pissed. She was caught off guard and now her friends not who he says he is.

She didn't know what to think.

"Aaaaaa!.... Fine! Bring this monster along!"

Yumi cocked her head back at that. She has never been called a monster before as shes never interacted with other beings that could talk until Daemon. Even then, he didn't call her that.

Outloud atleast.

"I can move on my own, thank you very much."

Her speaking in fluent English surprised them all. It scared Sarah the most, but she didn't show it. Yumi then slithered away and soon came back with a stroller.

"What the hell?! Leave that!"

Sarah shouted at her.

"What? No. These are our children."

"H-Huh? Our?!"

Sarah never met this woman a day in her life. She was also a monster! A monster!

"Yes. Me and Daemon. These are our babies."

She started walking away with a big smile on her face. 'What..' Lucifer stared at her back. 'Daemon...had children?..'

He wasn't jealous as he thought it was bound to happen, but he was just surprised that it happened this quickly.

The group of students had their own thoughts on her words and soon left. Only 15 minutes remained.


<"The great boss...had died..">

The blue woman spoke out as she saw the sky ripping apart. They knew the Boss had died as this was mentioned in legend.

<<"Yes. And he should come..">>

The old man slowly got up. On the table, Lily was seen with multiple flesh wounds. She was whipped, beaten, spat on, and even tickled for torture.

<"And when he does-">

She quickly pulled out her bow and aimed it at the man behind her, now in front of her. His eyes were moving around his socket as he heard the narrator's words.

"What...did you do?"

The blue people around them pulled out their weapons. When they did, their arms fell to the floor, blue blood spewing out in the process.

"Hey, bitch. I'm you. Why...aren't you kneeling down and respecting me?"

Daemon was able to stand above them as he altered his height. 'So...much pressure.' She was forced to he ground and laid on her stomach. The bow in her hand broke and the arrows in the pouch she carried started rising up.


Lily's voice was quite and broken. You could hear traces of fear and she would sometime twitch for no reason.


As Daemon started walking towards the table, the arrows pierced the blue womans back. 'I...went too far...' The arrows repeatedly stabbed the woman as he cupped his sisters cold and bruised face.

"What...have I done.."

While Daemon was off being a father, his sister was being tortured. 'I'm...terrible..' The stabbing got faster and faster, making her scream out even more.

"YOu..diD NoTHIng.."

She forced a smile while Daemon placed bos forehead onto hers.


Water fled from his eyes. 'I did nothing. I' idiot. I should have been there. I should have and yet...' He thought back to the words that he said after he left the cave with Hannah.

'Hey. Do you feel safe enough to explore?'

If he would have only went to go save his sister. She was depressed about the thought of losing her brother. She was broken and tired.

'I..always make these mistakes..'

He made her sad by staying in the dungeon for too long because of a deal that HE made. And now...shes repaying for his blindness to see that his sister needed help.

"I'm Sorry.... For Being Such A Bad Big Brother."

Daemon forgets that if he did save her then he would have never met Yumi. He would have never fully seen his true self as well. Because of his sister suffering, he was able to grow.


Lily breathing was getting lower and lower.

"Your the best...big brother than anyone could ever ask for.."

Lily then closed her eyes. When she did, she started to feel her brothers warmth. 'This is...brothers magic..' She hasn't felt something like this since she was born.

'And these memories..' It showed the two playing together, running together, bathing together, doing everything together.

1 minute remained now.

The blue people were already gone, trying to find a way out. The world was breaking in half as the sky was too.


Daemon waved his hand and her chains came loose. Lily immediately started coughing as Daemon turned around.


She held her throat as a huge light started to go off in the distance. His coat flapped in the wind as the mood seemed like this was going to be their last meeting.

"I love you, Lily. Don't forget that, okay?"

Lily stared as his back as he looked over his shoulder. 'This is for...the better..' Lily was then placed into a transparent bubble, the light in the distance getting closer.


She beat on the bubble but he had no response. He instead looked back, a small tear falling down his face.


She disappeared and the light enveloped Daemon. 'You will always...' His best friend. His sister. The person he loved most in the world.

'Have A Special Place In My Heart..'

The dungeon closed and everything thing that was inside was lost in ??? for the rest of eternity.
