
On a huge military ship, several students were in a room with towels wrapped around them. They didn't make it to the ship in time and ended up falling into the water.

"W-We told them everything..."

Sarah spoke out with her teeth chattering. As soon as they were in the condition to talk, they were bombarded with questions that they had to answer truthfully.


Acier spoke while getting up. She went over to the mine fridge and bend down, catching the attention of almost all the guys.

"They didn't care about us though..."

The students agreed with Acier words.

"Yeah. They could've sent out people to rescue us, but they left us to die. Some 'Heroes' they are.."

The students picked at the Hunters guild and hunters themselves. What made them more pissed off was the fact that none of them ever got a reason as to why they weren't rescued. They were left in the dark.

"And Daemon.... They were so worried about him.."

'Daemon, this. Daemon, that.' That was all the investigators spoke about. They knew what would happen if a person got trapped in a closing dungeon and yet they still asked.

"He is important."

"Yeah, that's true and..."

The random student looked over at Lily. She was starring at the tv, almost as if she was waiting for something to come on.

"How..did he save her? He has regeneration power, and.."

The tv turned on, showing a person in white and black. This caught all of the students attention as they were startled by it turning on so suddenly and recognizing the person.


They saw his white hair which made them think he dyed it, but that's not what completely shocked them.

'His entire aura... Its changed..'


All around the world, TVs, phones, tablets, it all changed to show a man with white hair. His image was on every electronic device on the 7 continents.


"My name is Daemon Suzuki. Some may know me, and some may not. I'm 16 years old and attended Magic High. My parents, Kazuma and Lucy Suzuki, are my guardians and birth parents. Now, you all may be confused, but I thought it was time for me to get this off my chest.."

The world watched in confusion at the sudden appearance of a man on their phones. Some thought it wad an act of terrorism while others thought only they were seeing the broadcast.

"I Am Not Who You Think I Am."

He waited for a minute to collect his thoughts.

"On my birth certificate, my magic is listed as 'Regeneration'. That is a lie.."

Daemon then pulled out a piece of gray paper with writing. He got up from the couch and came closer to the camera to show.

"This is my real certificate. As you can see, it's on its last breath. It had been kept away in a vault at the bottom on the ocean. On this paper, it list all the information of me as a person. Weight, name, sex, age, parents, race, hospital I was born in and..."

Daemon pointed to a spot on the paper.

"'Magic, God Magic.' You see that? That's the real me..""

Daemon walked back and sat down on the couch.

"God Magic is Magic that gives me the power of...Gods. I can fly, throw moons, resurrect, turn invisible, grant wishes and even reverse time. Pretty cool right?"

Daemon put his hand out and showed a model of him using his powers.

"If you're still in disbelief then how about you...reach into your pockets, or bookbag, purse, ext. You'll find something...special."

The people of the worlds, eyes, were bucking at his statements and words. One person then put their hands into their pockets and found something.

"My-My favorite toy!!"

A grown man shouted out. More and more people started to do this, finding things like toys, or clothes. It was things that people lost as children, bringing nostalgia back to them.

"With this Magic, I am essentially a God. But.."

Daemons leaned forward, a frown appearing on his face.

"These powers are more of a curse, then good."

The world snapped out of it and looked back down at their electronic devices. Even the people who didn't want to watch had to stay and watch. They were being forced to listen.

"Have you ever thought of yourself as 'Weird.' Maybe you heard it from someone. Maybe they said it behind your back. Everyone has been bad mouthed at one point in their life.."

"These powers of mine make me feel so far away from humanity that I can't see myself as human. I could cause conflict between nations, or even create them. I could cause great calamities for fun. All of this could happen with a single thought."

"Its a scary thing to have. And with that, world problems. I don't consider myself a God, but someone who was born with their power. That being said, I won't help humanity. We create our own conflict and problems. We do bad things like stealing and killing. That's the problem with us, and I should fix that, but no. If we can create problem, then we should be able to fix them. If we started war, then we should be able to end it. What I'm saying is that us humans tend to do anything, BUT fix our problems and with the addition of my power, you'll continued thinking that way, passing it down like it's common."

After he said that, a snake like person slithered in and sat down next to him. In their hands, two smaller snake children rested.

"If you know basic mythology, then you would know that this is a Lamia. Lamia are beings who have the upper body of a human, and the lower body of a snake."

The worlds was in a state of shock from being picked on like that, but they soon snapped out of it when they saw Yumi.

'W-Why is there an escape monster sitting in the human world?'

'Is he crazy?!'. 'Does he plan on using that to attack us humans for failing in life.!'.

People had all sorts of superstitions. Most were wrong.

"You see, you may have heard about the incident of a plane going missing throughout the past week. I was on it. When we disappeared, we arrived in a dungeon. My friend thought of a way out and we went with her plan. Sarah fye is her name. She deserves all the credit."

Sarah fye herself started mumbling while stammering back. 'W-What is he saying?!'

"We eventually got off the plane that was flying towards a mountain. In the process however, we split up. They continued their own journey while I did as well. It was me and a little girl alone. We eventually found shelter, and after a day or so, we decided to leave to go find the others."

"After exploring for a bit, we found...her."

Daemon looked at Yumi. She carried a small smile, seeming to not be fazed by his story.

"We fought, but you have to know that she wasn't a Lamia at the time. Before, she was just a snake, no human in her. But after our battle, I placed a curse on her and turned her into a Lamia. The curse goes as follows, 'You will transform into something greater while following your one and only master, Daemon Suzuki'. This will anger people as its enslavement, but I can guarantee you that's it's not. She could leave now if she wanted."

Yumi then handed Yu and Mi to him.

"And these two.."

The two small Lamias giggled while grabbing Daemon's shirt. The people of the world could only awe in how cute they were. Well some people. Others wanted to capture them and sell them on the black market. It was common as when monsters seep into the world, they are sometimes captured and kept hidden away from public eye.

"These are her daughters. They seemed to have considered me as a Father, and I actually don't mind. You see, I consider meeting this Lamia as fate. I said that as..."

Everyones screen changed to that of a society of peace between monster and human. There was no conflict and everyone seemed happier.

"She is the perfect mix of human and monster. She has her own thoughts and emotions, just like us. Actually, why don't I let her speak for herself. It's better to see than to hear, right?"

The camera then focused on Yumi's face. A lot of people flinched from seeing her face appeared while others were captivated. Yumi then proceeded to put on the most unprovoking smile that she could muster.

"People of earth.."

Yumi spoke with grace and kindness. One of the features in the equipment was something that could translate our voice into other languages, making this all possible.

"I..can't say many things about you all. I was only just rescue by Daemon from another world. But, while my stay here had been short, I can proudly say that humans....are quite cute."

She giggled while saying that. Her choice of words made some infuriated while others became slightly surprised.

"You love, hate, care, joke,... I find it cute. Its something that I never seen before in my other world. Seeing how your all able to do it, I become jealous as I start to envy you. Well that and the fact that I can't walk like you.."

She threw a joke in that made some laugh.

"But jokes aside, I, on my children, promise to never hate you. I promise you that I can live amongst you, and help you in any way that I can. Yes, I know I'm a monster and I'm not to be trusted, but please... "

Yumi put her head down while putting her hands together in a prayer like manner.

"Please Trust Me."

The people of earth heard her claim, their expressions all showing different thoughts.

'Trust her? But shes a monster!'.

'How can we trust such a thing?! Shes clearly...shes clearly lying!'.

'I'm all for it. Shes seems chill..'.

'Eh, what the hell. She seems nice than certain people.'.

Each and every single person had a different view on her words. Some were too scared to trust her while others seemed down for a change. It was an era of Magic. Not saying that Magic is the scapegoat for this situation, but....It's Magic. A fantasy. Something in books and our imagination. If they could accept such a fantasy, then a monster living amongst humans is fine. Though, like Magic, it will take time to comprehend and get used too. She can join the human race, but it'll atleast take another 100 years for discrimination and such to go away.

"As you can see, she wants to live with us. She wants to eat the same foods, use the same hair products, walk on the same street as us and so on. I just hope you all can find it in your hearts to accept this.."

Their screens then went white, with a black line in the middle of the screen.

"I...want you to type your opinions on this matter. Ask questions, make statements, be concerned, just do whatever. You don't have to if you don't want too.."

As soon as he said that, a questioned appeared in his head. The survey was linked to his brain but the people didn't need to know that.

[Is she single?]

Daemon smiled at this question.

"Uh....yes, actually. If you meet her, ask her out and-"

Yumi pushed Daemon away while pouting. Daemon laughed at this while calming her down.

"Kidding, kidding. I think she likes someone. But then again, I wouldn't know.."

Another question popped up in his mind. The questions were linked back to the top right corner of their screen, so ever person in the world who was watching could see the question.

[Did the government experiment on you?]

"They tried....and failed. Parents wouldn't allow it."

[From what I've gathered, you plan on bringing more monsters out of the dungeon if I'm correct?]

"Well that's the plan, but that's not my decision entirely. If the....higher ups per say agrees with me on this, then yeah, monsters will be brought out from the dungeon. If I didn't make this clear, we'll only bring out intelligent monsters. Since they have their own thoughts, communication with them will be easier than trying to sway a crazed Zombie."

[If the world was going to end, would you save it?]

"Good question. If it was my fault then yeah. But if its fate, then no."

[So you would watch us all die? Are you sure that you're human and not some alien?]

"Oh, I'm human, but I still stand by my answer. This world is going to die anyways. It was predestined in a sense."

[I just looked you up and apparently you have a sister?! What if she dies too?!]

Daemon remained silent as he saw the question in his head. If he told the world that he would still not interfere in her death then the little trust that hes gained so far will be thrown out.

" little sister were to die.."

He hesitated before answering fully.

"I-I don't know. If I save her, then I'd have to save the next person. And the next person. I can't live with the thought of my sister dying and me saving her, only to ignore everyone else who is dying and such.."

His answer made everyone stop moving their fingers from writing questions. They soon snapped out of it and continued.

[Have you ever killed?!]

"Yes...and no? I've judged people before. If you know, there have been a series of deaths happening over the past year or two when a person would crash in a car and they'll later appear on the news as a drug lord or something. Their death would be because of me. I do that to make the world...safer for some. Just something I do to give back to God for giving me such powers.."

[T-That was you?!]

[People say they saw someone in those cars! It makes sense now!]

Cops and detectives were more surprised than others by the sudden news. They thought that a killer with final destination type powers were on the loose, but it turned out to be Daemon.

[Where will you go after this? Surely you won't stay where you are now?]

"Well, I'll be disappearing actually. I have to get better control over myself and powers before I do anything big again.."

Daemon was asked of more questions. Some were puzzling while others were just jokes. In the end, out of 11.4 billion people, around 7 billion accepted what he claimed. The other 4.4 billion or do people still wouldn't go through with it. 'Magic is already freaky. We don't need this' is mostly their thoughts.

"I'll say this once again.."

Daemon got up and walked to the camera. When he stood in front of it, he squatted down. His looks captivated most as his expression became that of a serious one.

"I Am No God. I'm Just A Man Born With His Power."

Being a God and Having His Powers are two separate things. One had authority and judgment over everything. The other had that as well, but what made the difference,...a huge one at that was....

Who They Really Were.
