
"Ha! Wait, that's not funny!"

Lewis said as he saw the decaying man on the floor. Him and the light blue fog, Hize, were back in the bar. Upon seeing him beaten up, some of the people in the bar laughed while others only shook their heads in disappointment.

"Shut it. Do you know who I was facing back there? Immesurable AND other S ranks. Speak when you do something greater.."

His wounds started healing as he got up. He had a slight healing factor that his master gave him as a kid. Using it however brought bad memories back to him.

"I was just kidding man. Sike, I lied! No, I swear..!"

He went back and forth with himself as he played uno with Lidia. The decaying man sighed at that and sat down at the bar. 5 seats to his left, there sat a pink haired girl who was drinking water.

"Hm? What are you doing here, Rukia? You never visit, even when we have meetings.."

Hize went over to the tv and started playing with the antenna. Their master would be waiting for them to host a meeting with him and Hize was setting that up.

"What? I can't come here for a drink, Gensui?"

"Woman! I told you not to call me by my real name!"

She laughed at that while shaking her head. She had ear rings in her ear and upon further inspection, you could see a tinge of dark blue in her eyes.

"But really, why are you here? To tell me how much of a failure I am like always or to compliment me like always?"

She thought about his words and shrugged.

"You said a new guy started working here, right? Was his name, Daemon?"

"Hm? Oh, I see now. So you meet him, huh? He's interesting isn't he?"

"Yeah, he is. Anyways, why doesn't HE take his powers? Daemon's magic with HIS power amplification would surely bring about something dangerous."

"Eh? I'll do anything for master, but Daemon... I don't think I can give him up so easily."

"What? Why? Don't tell me your in love with the guy?"

"Jokes. You sure have a lot of them. Anyways, he's the first person to not avoid me because of my Magic. Like now, you sitting all the way over there makes me sad.."

He sighed while putting his head down. 'If Master were to get his hands on my only friend, then... Fuck, what am I thinking? His power... It's far greater than mine..'

"Oh, so your not lonely again, huh? I'll be taking my leave now then..."

She got up and placed a nickel on the counter. Seeing her leave didn't bother him as a figure on the tv took his focus. He then went over to a couch, sat down on the one without anyone and stared.

<[Hello, guys... L-Lewis, don't play that- Oh, God damn it man!]>

The man started as serious but upon seeing Lewis place a regular red card instead of a draw 2 to win, he lost his shit. The man on screen had the face structure of a middle aged man and grey-white hair. You couldn't see his face completely as a shadow enveloped it.

"Hello, Master. lively as usual.."

The decaying man bowed his head slightly as he looked at the man.

<[Tsk, tsk, tsk. It's a shame that X-M1 was defeated that easily, Gensui. Why is that?]>

The man was free to call him with such a name. After all, their bond was deeper than Father-son. Even if they weren't Father-son to begin with, their relationship was that close.

"I-I don't know, Master. Please give me your advice on how to do better next time.."

The other people in the rooms chuckled at hearing his plead. Even the man on the screen couldn't help but laugh out loud.

<[Okay, okay. No need to say, 'Please'. I'll tell you anyways..]>

He coughed.

<[Immeasurable is a public hero who everyone adores. He'll do anything for them and would even kill for them. What does this give you? Connect the dots and a child could figure it out.]>

He was speaking to a child so the two relations kinda clashed.

"U-Uhm, from what I already, there was children there that I could have sent X-M1-"

<[Good job! You figured it out after one try!]>

He interrupted the decaying man while talking and laughing.

<[You yourself rushed at the students when you should have sent X-M1 after them. This would have definitely forced Immeasurable into unthinking positions, giving you a freer space to work with.]>

The decaying man slowly realized his mistake and nodded. 'Yeah, maybe if I went after the kids using X-M1, then I could have given my self more breathing time to relax and think clearly..'

<[Well anyways, that was just a test. Things are only beginning..]>

The tv turned off by itself, making some get up and leave. They were only there per his request to always be there when he speaks.

People like the pink haired girl could be excused because she was in a league of her own with that Imprisonment of hers.

"For now on, I'll think more clearly. Like master said, things are only beginning. I should start becoming stronger myself..."

He vowed to train himself now and become quicker and faster. For his decaying magic to work, he would have to touch someone or something with physical contact. Right now, his stamina, strengths, his overall abilities were mediocre.

'Just watch. I'll tear this world of hunters down, starting with you, Immeasurable. 'Their Symbol of Peace and Justice'.'

He mocked his words while going into a back room.


"We're in the dark on this one.."

The S ranks were in a conference room along with some police members. Right now, they were talking about the incident at Zone J.

"The only thing that we got off what we assume to be the leader was that he's childish and overconfident. Anything like looks, names, magic, those are all out the window. We even background checked the bandits that Luke left alive and they have no correlation to his identity."

Detective Angelo Michael. Age, 39. Height, 6'1. Weight, 143lbs. Sex, Male. Magic, [Earth Magic]. Detective Micheal is a tall man with short black hair and black eyes. Hes always seen in a detective outfit and is known for his smarts at solving cases.

"What about that boy, uh... Daemon, yes, Daemon. Was he able to get any information off them using his magic?"

Christie, the titan power user, asked outloud. Micheal shook his head and said:

"Nothing at all. Apparently, he fought someone with the 'Imprisonment' technique so he was too busy to get anything off of anyone."

The S ranks became surprised at his words. To be caught in an Imprisoment means that you'd probably never see the light of day again. Especially for Daemon since hes a kid. He may have high magic power, but in an Imprisonment, you'll need more than that to actually get out.

"That's absurd. How could a kid even make it out of that. He must be lying."

Preshot, aka, Dick Cheney. Age, 33. Height, 6'3. Weight, 176lbs. Sex, male. Magic, [Preshot]. Dick Cheney is a tall man with brown dreadlocks and a long mask that covers his entire face. His magic, [Preshot], works in the sense that red targets will appear on you and then bullets would go to those intended targets. This only works with bullets.

"He's speaking the truth. We have multiple people in here and in the department that could sniff out a lie. Daemon Fisher was proved to be telling the truth on multiple test."

The room went back to silent as they all tried to see if they could gather their own information. In case you were wondering, Haori, Black hole magic girl, was facing off against her own problems. While her power is great, her speed is slow. If your faster than her, then there's a chance you could win.

"That kid.... He knew about Immeasurables skinny state, right?"

They all looked at the S rank hunter. When they heard her words, some went into thought while she continued.

"The only people who knows about that are us, as in the S ranks, and some people like Detective Michael. Even then, we take test to prove everyones loyalty to the secret and no one comes back a liar. With all that information, I think that the childish boy is working with a S rank, meaning.."

""A Rat.""

Someone at the school or at the police station or even in certain parts of the world was not who they said they were. Someone is working with Bandits to take down Immeasurable and to take them down as well.

"I see. We'll keep what we said in here a secret for now. You are all dismissed."

The principal said to everyone who only nodded and got up to leave. Only a few stayed back to talk about things.
