
The boys had been living with Macarthur for the past three months and in these three months, he had taught them and guided them on the martial skills they had and polished the roots that being with their families had left them. Macarthur's evaluation of the two boys is that they were unpolished diamonds. In the past three months all he had to do was rinse them little by little and with each passing day they began to shine more and more.

The real problem that he had to deal with was the boy's personality issues. They had spent the youngest years of their lives as gladiators, and to finally have their freedom neither of them truly knew how to properly act. They spent most of their time doing whatever they wanted. Peter was less of an issue so Macarthur could manage Peter, but Peter stuck to Regius's side no matter what. It meant he did a whole lot just to stick by Regius's side almost as if letting him out of his sight for more than a minute he'd lose him forever.

It was heartbreaking enough that they had both been forced to have a horrendous daily life; he wanted them to enjoy some happiness before they started what would be a war on the most influential people in the world but that wouldn't come for many many years. Macarthur was ruminating on all of this at a time late in the night after the boys had gone to sleep when he looked to his side to see the 12-year-old Regius also smoking a cigarette he'd stolen from a pack he had left around.

Macarthur flicked his finger and cut the cigarette in half. The other portion froze then shattered and scattered to the wind.

"Damnit old man can you just let me be," Regius said in an aggravated voice. Macarthur shook his head and replied

"I don't know how many times I've had to tell you Regius but you are too young to smoke and you don't need to take up my bad habits before you take up my good ones," said Macarthur.

Regius let out a single loud "HA" then turned with a grin "You've got good habits, old man?"

He somersaulted as he finished the statement as a particular menacing blade of ice shot through where he was sitting moments ago. The boy is getting quicker thought Macarthur. He put his raised finger back down and turned to look at the boy and Regius turned to look at him.

"Old man, tell me again why you let us stay here," said Regius as he walked closer to Macarthur and took a seat.

Macarthur's face softened and he spoke "Peter's mother had a special ability and with it, she could use her mana to penetrate time itself and look into the future. After she and your father made it back from a particularly dangerous exploration she had relaxed her guard, she thought she was safe so why look ahead, it was for that reason that she didn't realize what was soon gonna happen. She was wounded in a sneak attack while at the same time your father was too, both by people they thought they could trust.

They beat back their initial attacker but they were swarmed by the ten families shortly after but before they got to her she ripped a hole in space and sent me this letter across space itself.

She told me that I was too weak to save them or their families and it's true back then I was but more importantly I was already lost at that time. I was adventuring through the myriad dimensions to become stronger because I was bitter.

Your father brought me on most of their expeditions but I was only there as a porter to bring back treasure and items so that other people wouldn't have to. I wanted a more important role in the group. I fought with your father to prove I could be more useful but your father is the strongest man I've ever met. He beat me black and blue and the matter was supposed to be done there so instead I did something that the twelve families had all but banned which was exploring other dimensions alone. I dove into a freshly opened portal that someone found in the arctic and I wouldn't return for many many years.

Not only was I too late but the two of you were already taken and the letter said I must let you both make your way out of the pits on your own." The final word freed him from a weight he didn't know he was carrying and tears spilled from his eyes. He had agonized over that for a long time. Not immediately going to battle to find the boys had torn him up after he finally returned.

A tiny hand crept up to his face and wiped at the tears, and an appalled Macarthur looked down at the tiny boy that now stood in front of him holding the sides of his face.

"In the pits, there was a time when I and Peter both cried after every battle, it wasn't until I was made to kill the last member of my family that the crying stopped. It wasn't because I had no more tears or because the moment stopped being sad because they asked me to.

Her name was Emily, her family had worked as protectors for the younger members of our family for generations and as her body slid down the blade of my sword that she had impaled herself on so that I wouldn't be forced to do it myself she kissed me on the cheek and whispered in my ear If you've got time to cry then the young prodigy of the Lowe family certainly has time to grow stronger and right these wrongs.

She died in my arms and I held her cold body until they dragged me back to the cells but she was right so as I wept I cultivated more and more mana so that one day I could be free and get my revenge.

So I'll tell you much as she told me, the time for tears is over you'll keep your promise to Mrs. Elizabeth and make us stronger so that we can take back everything that's ours and while we do it you'll be our umbrella. You'll keep us safe from those that are too powerful until I can lay the ten families to waste at my feet." as he finished speaking Regius let go of his face and walked away to go to bed so that he never heard Macarthur's next words "Yes I think I'll do just that. A porter to your father and an umbrella to you."