
"The test this time is simple. This portal leads to a small world according to the union research team. There are no demons so the danger level should be low but it is populated by a very large amount of goblins. They are by no means an intelligent race but some of them have grasped the ability to use mana so if you are lucky you can come across an artifact or something of the sort but their world is rich in minerals that we can use so we need the locals out of the way.

Your exam is as such you will get points for the number of goblins you can clear out and you will each be given a storage bracelet. It's cutting-edge tech from the union that uses a type of mana recently discovered that will allow you to store close to a football field's worth of items. The pair of ears from a goblin is worth a single point any artifacts will be worth ten. The ears or one of the special necklaces that the ones that use mana wear will be worth twenty. Anyone with 100 points will pass the exam.

The top three scorers will get to keep the bracelets and the top scorer will get the bracelets and anything they can take can be kept or sold to the union tax-free. Now my assistants will come by to verify everyone's name and confirm that everyone is here."

Women came by and began to verify with everyone and pass out the simple black bracelets with a gem in the middle. The assistants did their work quickly and returned to the front where the dean stood.

The dean looked up towards the sky and said, "Macarthur, the boy you submitted is not here. The exam was supposed to already start. I'll give you another ten minutes due to who you are." said Devlin.

The family leaders all turned to him at once but Kyrie spoke first.

"What Macarthur found some orphan that would be passable to enter the University? We were wondering why you were here." It was at this point that a low hum could be heard in the distance. Regius accelerated across the icy ground and skid to a stop beneath Macarthur as Macarthur spoke out loud

"What took you so long, I spotted you in the distance ages ago they are ready to start and you are late." Regius looked around at the people that were looking back at him. The back of the assembly was populated by people he knew from growing up all except one; the last person stood still looking forward with a hood up shielding themselves from the cold. Regius turned off the bike and looked up at the family leaders and Macarthur.

"Yea I slowed down to eat it was a pretty long trip old man figured I'd go through this stupid exam with a full stomach." Macarthur sucked at his teeth and said "Well go report in. They are waiting for you." as he said that he lowered himself to the ground and said in a low tone " The exam should be a cakewalk but this is it no more moving in the shadows for you the sun shall shine on you and you'll be in the spotlight."

Regius looked at Macarthur and took off the sunglasses he was wearing.

"Then it's good that I've got an umbrella to keep me shaded." Macarthur smiled at him and gripped his shoulder. "Your father would be proud."

Regius looked up once again and Hilford said "That bike looks very familiar to me, Macarthur." The other family leaders spoke up and Chris raised a finger and pointed "That's Leon's bike! You gave some street urchin Leon's bike?"

Macarthur grinned and nodded his head and began to speak but Regius shook his head. Regius looked up at them. "It was only so long ago I was your favorite nephew and now I'm simply a street urchin. I guess since killing my father I'm just a nobody. I guess the massacre of my family has that effect."

The family Leaders all dropped from the sky to surround the bike and Macarthur. Jason looked at the bike and then closely at the boy then shouted "REGIUS!" The other three all turned to Kyrie at once and echoed each other "You said he was dead!"