One More Truth

Regius looked towards the smoldering pieces of Cerberus, working on the bike had allowed him to feel closer to a father whose memory grew more distant with each passing day and now it too was gone. Regius should have known better but his rage got the better of him and instead of responding to Henry Zhang he instead pulled Stella Sanguis from his mana space and blasted Valkyries' Last Kiss towards her but thanks to balance it was different now.

He didn't have the balance before but he had been on the cusp of it but now he melded the elements of wind and lighting but unlike before he knew what change needed to be made.

The pommel of his blade was the last dragon head of the blade and it too allowed him to channel an additional two elements so if Regius so chose he could channel 6 different elements at once. His original plans for the blade would be to just empower it but after infusing all of one element into all of the slots the weapon changed on its own and he began to discover the forms of his deadliest weapon. The weapon changed again when he swallowed Ashlynes balance and broke into rank 4 which brought the scales he had used in its creation back to life making the sharpest part of its edge glow with whatever form Link was in.

His perfect weapon had become more perfect and in this instance, it unleashed all its power to aid Regius and on its own, it used balance to add in the element that would push Regius' entire attack to the next level as both the eyes on the pommel of the blade turned a milky white. Regius vaguely felt Henry make his move but Macarthur moved first and Regius trusted his back to him as one last kiss became two and two became four and four became 20 and 20 became 40 as Regius poured almost every ounce of his mana into this attack and the kisses multiplied. To everyone else, this happened in an instant and they only saw what came next but for the family leaders and anyone else that could keep up they saw close to a thousand silver pairs of lips form on the edge of Regius blade and float off as they floated in front of Regius before he sheathed the blade.

Regius had discovered an element that scientists had only recently discovered and they had toiled just to create these new bracelets with space inside of them but Regius had weaponized it. He leaned forward and blew on the mass of silver lips like he was blowing a kiss. If you were to ask the students that were there when this happened they would have told you that the world was ending again because as the kisses flew forward they tore through everything.

The sky itself started to crack like a pane of glass as the silver trails they left made it look like a silver meteor shower but this was still Regius mana and something he prided himself in was his control of all of his techniques and Valkyries Last Kiss was no different and Regius aimed all of this at one single person, Kylie Kord. Henry turned towards the ten and roared while engaged with Macarthur "Run you fool!" unfortunately there was no escaping this element. It was faster than even these people who were five ranks above the current Regius but alas five ranks was a lot to jump.

The 9 remaining family leaders each deployed defensive spells to stop a portion of the attack as it tore across the landscape but unfortunately for Kylie Kord, Regius had sent too many. Three kisses aligned themselves touching together in a line and shearing her shoulder from her body while they tore through her Astra, badly damaging it. The technique this time was much different from the wave he sent forth against the goblin army. There was no charge time but he had infused the kisses with his will to kill Kyrie and it made the spell act completely differently, which was something he would have to look into. At this moment though he was beyond tired, he had never used so much mana other than the days he had created his Empyrean equipment but after a few ragged breaths he managed to stand up straight and look at the stunned Henry Zhang who was no longer trying to get past Macarthur and stop him as he smiled in the man's direction "My apologies Uncle Zhang you were saying something?"

Regius equipped the Armor of The Devil King and instantly had it morph into speed mode; he had not tested balance with his armor but now would certainly be the time. The 9 began to approach from behind while a screaming Kylie clutched her bleeding shoulder in agony. They all defaulted to Henry in his presence and so he spoke as he approached.

"It was a tragedy what we had to do but it had to be done, Regius. No one told your father to be so stubborn he wasn't even the intended target but he simply couldn't let her go, Swigen demanded your mother. She was one woman and your father could have found plenty others hell most of your siblings all had different parents but he wouldn't just hand her over for the greater good. IT WAS ABOUT THE SURVIVAL OF OUR RACE AND STILL, HE ACTED LIKE HE WAS ABOVE ALL OF US. You don't get to be angry Regius not with us blame your father for not just handing her over as we asked but then as he was within earshot of no one but Regius and Macarthur he leaned forward and his head passed through a wall of darkness that wasn't there before to appear next to Regius as he whispered in his ear

"Or if your mother wasn't a filthy fucking demon."

Regius froze as Henry retracted his head and Macarthur spun around "Regius there's more to the story let me explain but Henry charged Macarthur leaving him alone with his despair as the ten others began to bear down on him crushing him with the pressure of their mana alone. They surrounded him as he stood with his hands on his knees trying to fight the pressure of people five ranks above him while a faraway Devlin and Leem rushed towards him. Kylie cackled from behind them as she approached

"Now you know the truth little half-breed, your whole family died purely because of the presence of you and your mother. Swigen said we would regret it if we didn't stamp out any influence she had on your family and my biggest Regret will be not killing you before you could ever reach this point but today I will rectify that mistake."

Her hand covered in a rose-colored flame that he hadn't seen before pierced towards his chest and seconds before it connected an elderly gnarled hand reached through a pocket in space stopping it in its tracks as the rest of the man walked through shortly after. The man looked like he was in his seventies but Regius could feel such powerful mana oozing off the man that his instincts were screaming at him to run. The man wore a gray suit and was entirely too built for someone of his age but the expertly tailored suit did well to show just how well built he was.

He had a flowing white beard and stormy grey eyes that looked at Regius much the same way that Macarthur did when he thought that Regius wasn't looking. He lightly pushed with his hand and all of the ten went flying backward several yards. "This ends here. From henceforth, Regius Lowe is under the protection of Not only Magic Scientist Macarthur but of Dean Alcott Merlin the 5th."