The Nine Races

Mr. Genus had a short beard cut close to his face as he went to the board behind him and realized that the whiteboard was actually several boards stacked on each other that could be slid around as he needed or even slid down further to bring another to the front as well as upwards. The whole wall seemed to be a system that would allow him to move the boards around at will and he did just that until the whole class was looking at nine Boards each with a circle with a word in the middle of it.

He moved the first board to the center and it had the word celestials in the middle of it. "The first of the nine races would be the celestials. They are reminiscent of the Angels of the catholic mythos. It was during the time that the portals began to open that we came to realize that many of the myths from our world are beings that can be found abroad in the Myriad realms, we as of date have not discovered how the stories made their way here but we believe that there was a time on earth in which the portals opened and in the process, these things were met but the stories stuck with us and overtime as we lost mana we must have lost most of this info." Regius had begun to pay attention now because although Merlin had gone over it lightly this was much more of an explanation.

Mr. Genus rotated the boards one more time and the board labeled demon was moved to the front. "There is no need for long explanations. You have all been around long enough to have felt the after-effects of when the demons invaded us. We will revisit the topic at another time." Mr. Genus had chosen to not go over the demons until the end of the semester because just from saying the word he was able to watch the faces of so many of the students change to a look of horror and it would be a bad way to start the year.

The next race would be the elves, they are a graceful race that reveres nature above all else and is extremely gifted in the utilization of mana from an early age. They mature faster than most humans but after reaching maturity their biological clocks slow to crawl, allowing them to be exceptionally long-lived people which has allowed them to cultivate a very profound level of intelligence as a whole. If you meet elves in the Myriad realms, diplomacy is a solid option as they are not aggressive by nature.

The fourth race would be the dwarves, a boisterous group of people that are known as the greatest craftsmen to ever live. They are said to have done things with Astra and artifacts that no one has been able to replicate.

The next race is the beast race, they are what we originally called animals but as it turned out the beast race had lived on this planet with us all along in such a devolved state due to the lack of mana. The beast race isn't all bad but the majority of them seek to claim back territory for themselves which leads them into constant combat with us. Throughout the myriad realms though they are a race with the firm belief that might make right and that only their strongest can lead them which gives them a sense of unity that is hard to replicate. It is said that the top of the beast race is the dragons but at this time no one has been able to confirm it.

Next, we have the monsters. They are unlike the beasts in that most of them lack the intelligence that the beasts have despite sharing some things like body shape, two examples of the monster race would be goblins and slimes or minotaur's.

The next race needs little explanation because they are the giants. We share many similarities in appearance other than the fact that even as toddlers they can stand as tall as a three-story building. The eighth and second to last of the races is the spirit race; they exist in almost pure mana forms and appear as almost anything throughout the myriad realms but exist as being able to command mana on unprecedented levels. The final race in case you all haven't gotten from the hints yet is us."

Mr. Genus slid all of the boards away and left the board-marked human hanging in the middle right behind him. "This class is about all the races of the myriad realms and our first topic of the class will be humans. You all are under the impression that you need not be taught about that so let me leave you with a piece of information that may be only our young Miss. Vernize would know.

In the Atlantean royal treasury, there is a piece of parchment that was found in a portal world that had traces of celestials. It was titled at the top, The Creation of Humans, and read as such. "Humans are flesh taken from the Celestials. Cunning taken from the Demons. Intelligence took from the Elves. Ingenuity took from the Dwarves. Instinct took from the Beasts. Malice is taken from the Monsters. Unity took from the Giants. It was then that the creator realized that humans were missing something and so in a stroke of genius the creator captured spirits and stuffed them inside of what they thought were the perfect shells and thus humans were created."

Hopefully, this gives you a lot to ponder on because for your first assignment I expect a five hundred word essay giving your thoughts on the matter on my desk at the start of class next week." Mr. Genus that grabbed a briefcase and while leaving everything right where it was at walked out of the classroom leaving all of the students in stunned silence.