Better Things To Do

Regius drank through the night and through the next day that followed it wasn't like he had anywhere to be but by the next night he was thoroughly inebriated and understood that he had kind of wasted too much of his time here he had the thought of having Link come out of his mana space to ferry him home when someone slid in across from him with another drink and he figured why not.

He took a sip of the cold beer and grimaced that the quality was less than what he had been drinking. He was rich due to all the money that his family left behind and that Macarthur had safeguarded for him so in settings like this he preferred to drink the best of the best not like he couldn't afford it. Regius looked up to see Ashlyne before he lowered his eyes from her smiling face and took another long drink from the glass and she just silently sat there refilling his cup and her own from a pitcher that had been brought over at some point and suddenly the taste of it didn't matter anymore.