
Astra Cores - Astra cores are a special type of stone that when a mana wielder puts their internal mana into the stones they can force the stones to take a shape and form of their will. Once the weapon has been crafted it binds itself to the will of the creator and is stored within the mana space in the bodies. The Astra is then nurtured by the internal mana of the person that casted it steadily becoming stronger as the wielder grows stronger. There are grades to Astra cores that correspond to the grades of spirits. The grades affect how powerful an Astra is as well as how well they conduct and boost the mana of the user.

Grade 1 is Servant. Grade 2 is Knight. Grade 3 is Baron. Grade 4 is Count. Grade 5 is Marquis. Grade 6 is Duke. Grade 7 is Archduke. Grade 8 is Prince. Grade 9 is King. Grade 10 is Emperor. Grade 11 is God. Grade 12 is Forbidden.

Astra are bonded weapons that bond to the person that awakens them. They take shape based on the spirit and mage and the characteristics of the weapon are shaped through the will of the mage. The strength of the weapon is decided by the mage who wields it. Some mages with exceptionally powerful souls have been known to use Astra Series. When an Astra user dies their Astra exits their mana space and becomes an artifact that can be used by anyone of the same elemental affinity. The artifact is stuck at the rank of the mana space of its original dead user.

Astra Series - An Astra series is what happens when a mana user uses several cores to make their Astra weapon sometimes known as a fusion weapon. The fusion weapons are multiplied in their base strength based on the number of cores used. No one person has been able to to fuse more than 5 cores into a single Astra weapon. Sometimes a series can come in the form of a bow and arrows and other times they come in the forms of massive weapons made out of several parts.