To War

Regius had operated the crown and used the natural portal ability of core worlds to connect earth and Spiritus Regnum while he brought Ashlyne and Sia here. He used the time until Absalon woke up to start the process of them breaking into the demigod rank. The demigod rank required such a large amount of mana that the two of them would be more likely than not be the limit for this world without greatly affecting it.

It was shortly after that he started the process that Absalon finally woke up. He stumbled upon standing up, but Regius placed a hand out and helped him steady himself as he looked at Regius with only what could be described as a fanatic light. "Your honor, I can't thank you enough for this. I had never noticed that becoming the champion of my world had enabled something like that. I am very sorry for any trouble I may have caused."