Marquis of Lightning

Saoghal acted first and with a wave of her hand, most of the surrounding area became quicksand that attempted to swallow Axel. The quicksand formed massive maws that attempted to swallow Axel. He released a pulse of lighting mana that blasted them apart as he began to hover in the sky so that his feet were no longer touching the ground. It had become harder for him to gather mana, one the entity known as Saoghal fully took over the body of Grimmulda.

Regius had said that would be the case, and it was part of the reason that he sent two people for each location. Axel froze for a moment when he realized how dumb he had been. Why spend mana to dodge when he still had Absalon in the background? If Axel did not know his exact position, then he would have never noticed the man was there.