For Eternity(Part 2)

Regius' blade was so fast that it hardly registered for most of the people there, but for one person in particular, she knew the moment that it came out that to stop following the blade would mean instant death. Eve dragged the mace downwards while one of the hooks from it previously being the axes just caught the tip of the blade and dragged it downwards before it was able to bite into her head. She smiled and used her free hand to throw a punch wrapped in lightning that sparkled like rubies.

Regius's free hand shot forward, wrapped in the royal blue flame at the same time and both fists collided while the resulting explosion made the barrier shake. Eve created space and let out a cackle, "I know you feel it too Regius, Ive melded all the elements into my lighting and you've done the same with that blue flame of yours. Let's experience what we discovered together."