The Wedding and The Favor

Regius smiled to himself as his mother fixed the tie of his tuxedo while knowing fully well it was made with creation mana and was already perfect. It was the recreation of the tux he had worn when he walked into the council room of neutral city, but he had traded out the dragon scale shoes for loafers. "Ya know son, I still don't know how you managed to wind up with two wives, not to mention she's an astral but I guess when you conquer an entire plane, it's up to you whether you take a wife from a subjugated force."

Regius raised his eyebrow at his mother in exasperation. "Mother, you make me sound like I made her marry me by force!" "Nope son you simply left the task up to your wife to handle because you would have just pussy footed around it and left her isolated in a kingdom that you already included the rest of her people in after her aiding you. Speaking of since you've taken the luxury of making the astrals a part of the Ark, I pardoned the Atlanteans."