Empress Anima

Empress Anima was the sole ruler of the spirit empire.

At first, she was a warrior who became a champion during the first astral war. Then, at the end of that great war, she became an empress who ruled over a vast land occupied by various diverse spirits. Her rule lasted for thousands of years, and during that time, her name was spread throughout the realm of Spectrum. 

She was considered one of the twelve spirit rulers of the entire realm. Her strength was not to be underestimated, and her influence was as vast as the heavens. That spoken empress was said to have died and had faded immediately into the annals of history. 

Though, it looks like they were wrong.

After all, Empress Anima was standing before Soteria and Alastair with a tranquil smile plastered on her face. Yet, at that very moment, silence shrouded the entirety of the luxurious room. No words were spoken as Alastair and Soteria continued staring at one of the strongest spirits.