The Neighborhood.

In the roads of the neighborhood near the coastline of an island country, four figures were calmly walking through the empty path without that many expressions plastered on their faces. Each of them wore unique clothing, though most of all, they had weapons held tightly under their fingers. From how it looked, it was almost as if a war was about to start.

Which was in itself the truth of the current situation. It was nothing more but a short war between the Jungin Clan and the so-called foreigners outside of the world. Most would have expected the foreigners to enter with strategy in mind, rather than barging in front of the gate of the enemy.

But they had a different thing in mind, Alastair wanted to do something else, rather than do it in the normal way. Alastair was simply too lazy to strategize on people who were incredibly weak. Though, if a miracle did happen. Then they had a plan in mind, which was to gang up on the bastard.