Nybbas's Revelation

In the grand front staircase of the headquarters of the Bastion Syndicate, everything seemed to be empty as the hunters got a day off and were now throughout the city of Anfang. But while it was vastly bare of spirits, one figure stood before the front door of the Bastion Syndicate. She was none other than the legendary receptionist, Blitz.

Blitz had a mocking expression plastered on her face while she was looking over thousands of spirits exiting from covered buses and trucks. The spirits were holding weapons from blunt, sharp, and shooters. They seemed to be waging a way against the silent Bastion Syndicate of the city of Anfang. 

Blitz appeared to have been unfazed by the emergence of thousands of criminals. She never thought it would happen, but her boss had already told her of an event that would be highly intriguing. Never did she think that it would be a vast mobilization of criminals.