
In the boundless void there's three realms from lowest realm to highest

- True Emperor World

- Celestial Spirit Word

- Creation world

The True Emperor World is the lowest world. It has the lowest quality of energy called spiritual essence, it has what you would call mortals and only when you get to the highest cultivation level can you see the tip of the world of immortals. The next world after this is the world of gods, immortals, celestials. This world has the next best quality energy celestial essence in which you have the power to create worlds and even some galaxies if you are in a group of select individuals. The next world above this is the creation world this is the place where all of creation was invented, and nobody really knows what the cultivation realms of this world nor the people in it or even the energy but since I'm the author I'll allow you to know this world like i said where all of creation was made and put out into the endless universe and realms. But what no one knows besides the creator himself is that the creation world was there even before he was put into existence. Even himself doesn't understand how he was created and why he was put where he was. The energy in this world is less than even the lowest world, the only energy in this world is primal chaos and once you can understand even a sliver of it you have almost endless possibilities of what you can do with it. Becoming another creator makes another universe. All of these are possibilities but no one to date has done it besides the current creator and only he knows how to ascend into the creation world from the Celestial Spirit World.