I Have To

What terrible luck this was for him. The one he would have a better chance at was now taken away. Rubbing his face and groaning, he left the room to the confession room. He just sat silently with his eyes closed and fingers running through his hair. He didn't know how long he sat, but he could hear footsteps near the locked door.

"What are you doing? Leave him alone!" Shun heard Teameng berated, and footsteps left his door.

Taking a deep breath, he looked to the camera.

"Sadly, the camera was now broken and I was unable to record my portion. Ah, I am quite sad I could not record my reasons."

He thought about it for a moment as he faced away.

"Being an idol is not easy. You have to work really hard, sing well, dance well, and be good to those around you. I always wanted to become an idol after being mesmerized by Donny Wang. His presence, his tone, everything about it. My parents were very supportive of my goals, but they…" he paused as his eyes watered, "They are watching me from the heavens. I want to make it as an idol not for me, but for them and everyone who is counting on me."

He looked away and leaned his head on his hand with fingers covering his eyes, he started singing his personal ballad again. Finishing his song, he paused for a long time and shook his head.

"I don't have a lot of skills, but all I know is my dream and goal is to become an idol. Even though I am unable to record like the challenge wanted, I know I will get there. I have to. All the people who helped me like Tee, Suu Jin, Wen Dong, and Manager Quang and Manager Ling from Zhi and Mei studio... I have to win for them and my promise to my parents. I have to..."

He sighed and looked at the camera. Offering a smile, he thanked all his fans for their support. Disappointed and disheartened, he left the room and saw eyes on him. Offering a smile to the trainees, he went to the kitchen and prepared a meal. There wasn't much else he could do…

'Oh, I could challenge someone to a dance,' he hummed to himself, 'At least then I feel productive.'

So after their meal, he asked Taemeng if he wanted to dance battle. The man laughed, breaking that ice cold exterior. It caught Shun off guard that when it came to their battle, he danced like a wet noodle compared to the man. The other trainees laughed and cheered them on.

"How long have you been dancing, Tae?" Shun questioned wiping his face with his shirt.

"Since I was 6," the young man said taking off his sweat-soaked shirt.

His eyes widened and he quickly went to drink from his bottle.

"That makes sense. You dance really well and you catch it far quicker than the rest of us."


Shun stretched his limbs and sighed.

"I don't think it was an accident."

"What?" Shun looked at Taemeng to see his eyes looking at the twins laughing with the other trainees.

"The camera. I don't think it was an accident it broke on the day you were to record your part. They convinced everyone to record their portion and the next day it was broken when you are the only one who needed to record your part."

"…" Shun turned to the twins as well, "You think it was on purpose?"

"Think about it, Shun," the dancer looked at him, "You have growing fans. You have Suu Jin supporting you. You also have one of the best scores overall amongst us. It would be an easy win for you, don't you think?"

Taemeng finished and Shun found himself frowning. Was what the man saying true? Was there a sabotage going on against him?

'Here too? I thought these things only happen in my world, not this place…'

Shun was going to have to watch his back then. He could not trust everyone as easily as he thought he could. Thanking Taemeng for letting him know, he wished he could speak to Wen Dong or Suu Jin for advice.

The television screen flickered with his status.

"Task completed: Dance Battle. Earned points. Singing ability 41%->43%. Level 3: Singing- Wider Range. Fans accumulated 4215/1,000,000. Health 56%. Stress 69%. Memory 33%-> 34%."

Nodding he focused on his determination to win the competition instead of the backstabbing twins.

The next day, Ping was excited to see what Shun would send. He already knew his past, but he missed his friend and could not wait to see how high his brother's percentage would be. So listening to the host, he found his brows furrowed. Why was Shun's name not listed along with all the trainees? He got up to walk closer to the screen to double, triple, quadruple check.

There was no Xiong Shun. His brother failed the challenge. This did not sound like his friend at all!

Wen Dong who went live as he watched every live episodes of the show was livid.

"If Heeang and Youang really sabotage the challenge against Shun, I will be pissed," he told his fans, "Because I know you all will be voting for Ping, Shun, and Kiki, right?"

He read the chat and they were also feeling the same way as he was. When the polls opened up, he quickly told his viewers to vote for Ping and Kiki and then send complaints to the show. He was determined to get Shun to win however way he could.

Suu Jin finished casting his votes with his lips thinned. He had been watching the show and was concerned with what was happening on it. A hand touched his shoulder and he smiled at the female. She brought their food to the table and they ate together.

"The show is getting interesting, isn't it?" She smiled, "All the trainees have talent. What do you think, Ah Jin?"

"Mm. I agree. I wonder who the group in the end will be. They seem to be particular in what they are looking for."

"Oh?" She questioned.

"Let's just wait until the show ends. I was thinking about our photoshoot for our single," Jin mentioned, "Let's discuss our theme."

"Can we not talk about work?" She sighed, "Let's take a break, Jin, please?" She asked sweetly and held his arm.

Jin let out a soft laugh and nodded. A peck to his cheek and they just chatted casually as the cameras snapped pictures of them from afar.