
“Shameless!” Heeang scowled and began typing up the brazen act the couple was partaking in on television. As he was doing so, Mikey quickly wiped his mouth and grabbed his own phone to send a text to the point person of the plan, Jenell.

“Problem. They kissed on television. Tongue and all,” he sent.

Mikey didn’t have to wait long until there was a reply.

“NOOOOO! God dammit!” a long pause, “We’re going to move you and Heeang up. See if you guys can duet with them earlier.”

“Got it. Will let you know soon.”

Jenell groaned and rubbed her temple as the news came to her. She felt tired and her brain hurts, but she volunteered herself to manage the plan. She’ll have to reach out to the others to let them know of the change. She hoped everyone agreed with it. Making the notes on her phone, she saw the cup of coffee sitting before her. A leaf foam sat on top of the drink and she found her lips stretching.