Blue Heart Turns Red

His face was cupped and he blinked back into reality. Green eyes, still slightly red, stared at him with furrowed brows.

“Are you alright? Feeling sick?”

Shun swallowed thickly and it hurt a bit, but he nodded. Smiling and placing a placating kiss on his idol prince’s face, Jin sat beside him again and sighed.

“Let’s begin.”

“Are you sure?” Allie questioned and seeing both men nodded, she checked to see if the camera was still recording before she began.

“Suu Jin, you were part of 1Luv, a young group that consisted of you, Pengu, Yanny, and Genu. Can you tell me why you left? Was there trouble in the group?”

Shun squeezed his lover’s hand.

“There was no trouble, Miss Allie,” Jin looked away for a moment, “I was selfish and stupid. I thought it was better to leave because of a miscommunication. I won’t say I regretted it, because I am happy where I am now and with so many support, but… I wished I spoke to them about how I felt instead of running away.”