Honey, I'm Back

“I don’t get it,” Shun scratched his head, “I am so obvious with Ah Jin…”

His memories of just meeting Suu Jin was enough to make his heart beat loudly. Ah~ even without his lover, he was thinking of him. Smashing his warm cheeks, he exhaled deeply and rearranged some of the gifts. By the time 16:00 came, Ping Ping’s parents already were hiding behind the counters as everyone hid. Lights were off as the car pulled up.

Jin’s bodyguard exited the car and looked around the vicinity before stating it was cleared. Ping Ping was happy to spend time with his cousin. They had gone to eat ice cream, played laser tag, and he got four new clothes plus a very special one for when Ah Dong and he were together. His biao ge told him to show no one until he was officially with Ah Dong. Ah Jin said it was only for Ah Dong’s eyes so Ping Ping made sure to go straight to his room and hide the outfit.

However, when he walked in and flipped on the lights, he saw his family and friends popped up.