You Deserve The World (smut:3)

“How about I play some instrumentals that I put together and you can see which you like better,” the music producer offered.

Shun nodded and listened to the array of music compositions and mentioned he liked certain ones which made the manager sigh in relief. They were getting somewhere at least but when he was in the recording booth, he tried singing parts of what he wrote. It only led to him frustrated with himself.

‘What is wrong with me?!’ He rubbed his face and looked over to the two people who were wasting their time on him. They were probably disappointed with him for not being able to do it.

His phone rang and he saw the image of Jin's handsome face pop up on his screen. Still in the recording booth, he excused himself and picked up the phone.


“How is it going baby?” Jin questioned as he rocked Angel in his arm.

“Terrible. I can’t figure it out.”

Jin furrowed his brows for a moment, but Shun continued on.