The In-Between Story: Taemeng’s Promise Ring To Star (2/2)

“No,” the dancer let out a laugh, “I only see her when you are around, Star.”

Smiling relieved, she settled in her seat more relaxed. Of course she trusted Kola to not do something like that, but still… it could had been someone else. One of his trainees maybe? The females were young and pretty. They spent a lot of their times with him as they should, but it didn’t stop her thoughts from heading to a side she didn’t want it to go.

They pulled up to the parking lot and left the car to enter the restaurant. Sitting together, they ordered their usual order. They were a creature of habit, but they had tried a new dish, but preferred their usuals. They spoke about their day and Taemeng mentioned Suu Jin helping him raise money for the studio. He spoke about the girls and what that specific female asked him about his career.

“Ah, you know, I do want to know that too. Either way, I’ll still be here for you, Ah Tae,” Star smiled and the male dancer smiled back.

“I’m not sure.”