Chapter 1.10 - White - The Mad Inventor

"Infinibot!" It is an Infinibot!" said Haz.

I don't understand what was Haz saying but I'm sure it's something interesting.

"Can you explain it to me, Haz? The Infinibot." I asked Haz.

He begins to explain it, "The Infinibot! My latest and greatest invention! From the outside, it looks like a small cube. But what is inside however, contains millions of compressed particles that can be expanded with some Infinitum. In other words, if you were to give some Infinitum to Infinibot. The Infinibot will transform into anything we desire. But for now, the maximum of how big Infinibot can get is just as big as a big van."

"Wow, with your Reanimation magic and this Infinibot. You can totally make a strong combination." Rulend said.

"Can you explain your Reanimation again? Because if I'm not mistaken your magic is kind of different than the normal 'raising the undead' kind of magic." I asked again

Haz explained his Reanimation magic, "Reanimation is a New-Generation Offensive type magic."

I interrupted him, "Wait, New-Generation? I never heard that before."

Haz continued, "You will learn it this year but allow me to tell it to you first. Why? Because it is not implemented yet in the education system. It is a new term that will be used starting this year. Basically they are now 9 different types of magic."

"NINE?!"I shouted.

Haz explained more, "Hold on, let me explain. It is 9 because it can differentiate between how different the magic will look like. They are 3 new terms that will be added for all the 3 original types. There is the Old-Generation Type, New-Generation Type, and also Ancient Type."

"So you just basically add those three in front of the original three types. Hence why it is now 9 different type. Interesting" said Rulend as he was walking around the testing room.

Haz continues to explain, "How different are those types? How about we take a look at my magic." Haz grabs a marker and starts to draw something on a whiteboard inside the testing room.

He explains as he was still drawing, "Believe it or not, they are actually 3 different Reanimation magic. My New-Gen Reanimation, reanimates only non-living things. That's why I decided to make Infinibot. To make use of my magical ability to the fullest."

Haz draws another diagram, "Old-Gen Reanimation reanimates the dead and turn them undead. While, Ancient Reanimation reanimates the dead and also fully resurrecting them and give them their fullest ability as if when they were still in their prime form. For example if you reanimate an S ranked wizard, it will fight like an S ranked wizard and maybe higher if you are lucky. While the Old-Gen version doesn't work that way because they basically just made a zombie or a skeletal soldier that is definitely easily disposed"

"So you are saying that somewhere in this world, there is also another different version of Investigation?" Rulend asks.

"Yes indeed! This was recently discovered by researchers." Haz confirms.

"Wow, this changes everything" I said.

"I can tell that Ancient version will probably be something very over powered. But how do you differentiate between The Old-Gen and New-Gen version?" Rulend asked a very important question to Haz.

"Simple." Haz told us. "You can tell it whenever they are using their magic. If you can see a digital-like aura appear around them that is a New-Gen. Observe."

Haz touches a toy car. As he was touching it, we can see his aura was flowing around his body. But his aura seems like it was digital-like. As if it was a computer program. Sometimes the aura will be static and moved away instantly like a classic video game and sometimes the aura looked like there was a bug in a computer. There was also numbers appearing around them at times.

"See? Nice and simple." Haz told us as the toy car moves around on his working table.

"How does this toy car turn into an Offensive type anyway?"

The car then speeds up and hit my knee. I didn't expect that.

"Like that, I guess." said Haz.

"That's a pretty neat knowledge. I'll be sure to add it to my database." said Rulend as he started writing notes about it on his notebook.

"Anyway,why are you guys here?" Haz then finally asks us.

Time to finally start the recruitment. That was what I hoped at least. Let's see if we can persuade an A ranked student. Haz Kazama, one of the Elite 7 Students.

Rulend initiated, "We came here because we want you to join us in The Magic Duel."

"The Magic Duel?" said Haz while he was playing around with the living toy car.

Rulend continues, "You are going to be a very helpful ally because-"

Rulend was then stopped by Haz, "No. I'm not joining The Magic Duel. I don't want to.

"But why?" I asked.

Haz told us, "I'm planning not to join The Magic Duel because I wanted to focus more on my research."

"Research? What do you mean?" I asked him again.

Haz replies, "Recently, I've been researching something related to Infinitum. It concerns about the existence of Ancient Magic. I want to know where it come from. How many are there and how powerful are the user. I'm also still researching something that I just heard for the past few days."

"And what is it, Haz? Rulend asks.

Haz stopped the car and stood up, "It is about your Time Magic, Cyclone White."

That was probably one of the most shocking thing that I heard from Haz.

"How do you know about my magic?" I asked him.

He replied, "Well, someone told me. Someone among you guys. I thought you knew."

So Haz was innocent. He didn't really know about my magic before this. But apparently someone among us told him about it. I wonder who told him. I know it wasn't Haz fault but now he knows it.

"Don't worry, White. From the looks of your face I can tell that you never planned to tell about your magic to anyone. It's okay. I'm a smart person and my only intention is to learn more about your time manipulation magic." Haz ensured me as he approached me and put his hand on my left shoulder.

"Are you sure, Haz?" I questioned his trustworthiness.

Haz reassures me, "Trust me. I really want to know about your magic. I heard you can only stop for 1 second for now. But with training I believe something interesting will develop. Don't you think so?"

"His right, White. You can trust him the same as how I trust my Investigation. He isn't lying." Rulend backs Haz up.

"Then you are not going to join us?" I asked him.

Haz replies, "Unfortunately no. I'm sorry."

"No. Don't be. I understand. I even don't understand my magic as well. Perhaps you can help me."

Haz then went to his working table and said, "Oh I will do just that. And in return, I can support you guys in The Magic Duel. I can even sponsor you guys. I can also endorse your team. In other words I will support you guys in any way I can. Just leave me alone with my research and we will be fine."

I looked at Haz and then looked at Rulend then I looked back at Haz. Rulend knows that the decision falls to me, the leader. I have to decide.

Haz adds up, "Did you know that The Magic Duel does not have a very restrictive rules?"

I asked him, "What do you mean?"

Haz grabs something on his table, "I mean that if I can't participate the duel, perhaps a little friend of mine can help you. " Haz shows The Infinibot as it suddenly grows a spider-like leg with one big eye with just a little Infinity transferred from Haz.

Rulend face palmed himself in disbelief. It sounds stupid but it may very well be effective.

Haz continues, "Nobody still knows your magic. So, the conclusion is. It is not cheating until they realise it. With the help of Rulend and that shy junior Nif, I believe we can come up with a fake ability. Consider this as a test run for my Infinibot while at the same 'time' using your hard to notice time magic."

Rulend then joins the scheme, "You know, maybe we can even persuade Nif to jump into our watch during the game. No one will notice that I believe?"

Haz then said, "Doing this will be hard but I just got one brilliant idea. Thankfully we have an important asset. You guys do know that we have a friend who can make this 'cheat' unnoticeable, right?"

"You mean, Zone?" Rulend suggested.

"Yeah, Zone Helmine. Probably one of our interesting friend in our circle of friends. Especially you, Rulend." said Haz as he was playing around with the Infinibot.

Rulend looked down and said, "The only one person that I cannot defeat. The Deceiver, Zone. So it was him who told you about White's Time Magic"

"I am truly sorry but yes. By the way, it was a relief that you guys have dealt with the problem last year." said Haz.

So, are we going to go and talk with Zone now? The situation just keeps getting interesting.

Haz then said, "Believe me. Almost every team will cheat in their own way. So it's not just you alone, White. Because Cheat is also a magic ability that Zone uses.