Chapter 1.18 - White - Brief Meeting

After school was over, I immediately headed toward the library. Even though I already reached the library, the other was still not there. Darn it, this was an emergency. Can't they at least hurry up? Half an hour later all of the Stardust had finally arrived. Great, we are losing too many time.

"So what took all of you so long?" I asked everyone.

Blax said, "I was helping out the teacher with the duel preparation next week."

Rulend then said, "Yes. Both me and Blax were already busy right now. This better be over quick."

I replied to him, "Don't worry. It'll be quick, because we got to hurry up. What about you guys?"

Hosuke said, "Well Zone, Airi, Lore, Rider and I were stuck in class. Our teacher was so into teaching us about the upcoming Magic Duel history. It was too long."

"Really? Then what can you tell about last year duel?" I asked him.

Hosuke simply replied, "I forgot. Besides, who would want to memorise boring things like that?"

"I guess you are right..."

Haz then interrupts as usual, "So what are we doing here again, guys? I need to go back to my research you know?"

Right then, and not a moment too soon. I told them about what happened today. About me meeting with The Magnificent Three and how I finally got a rank which was F. I told them everything. I hope they respond with something good.

Rulend gives a thought, "So, they just wanted to be a vigilante huh? This was probably not the first time those three got into trouble, right?"

Blax nodded and added, "Plus, whenever those three get involved in such a serious matter like this, it will only get bigger before it was too late."

"Just like The Seven Month War" said Kaym depressingly as he hold his demonic arm.

Lore patted his shoulder, "It's okay bro. We were all there. We understand your feelings."

"You guys aren't contracted with a demon at least." Kaym continues.

Suddenly, Demi's voice was heard, "Hey Kid. Be grateful that you are alive after being killed by a demon. I was the only demon there who wasn't interested in killing you humans. And I picked you out of all thousands of people."

Kaym replied, "I see. I didn't know that. I didn't know that you actually despise the demons."

Demi responded, "Indeed. I despise my own kin very much. I have my own reason to be despised of them. Thankfully that young boy, White saved us all with the deal of the century he made with the demons."

I looked at Kaym who was still concerned over The Seven Month War. Yeah. He was killed but then resurrected by Demi after contracting with him. I don't know why Demi decided to revive him. He may have his own reason but today was probably not the time to talk about that.

Zone then steps in, "Anyway guys, what should we do about The Magnificent Three?"

Airi suggested, "Let's just leave them. They are not our problems. They can handle themselves."

Rider then retaliated, "Are you serious? Just because they are magnificent doesn't mean they are powerful enough to fight off a Dark Faction. If it were me however, it would be a lot easier."

Airi then replies, "Oh so you are saying you wanted to help them? Or you just wanted to rank up?"

"How about both?" Kaym said.

"That's interesting. But, have you considered any possibilities?" Haz asked us.

Kaym asked him back, "Like what?"

Haz explained to us, "Like what would happen if there are powerful wizards inside that Dark Faction."

Blax agree but then said, "Yeah, but still. We can't just sit here and do nothing about this. They might end up killing themselves. We don't want that to happen before The Magic Duel begins next week."

Rulend added, "If that were to happen then The Magic Duel will be either postponed or cancelled. But most probably cancelled because the school had to take the blame for the students death. They might be going on a trial if it comes to the worse thing possible."

"What now guys? I asked all of them.

All of them were thinking of the possibilities that the magic duel may be cancelled. If the duel was cancelled then there will be no other way to find out who was the very best wizard among the students. The Magic Duel has been going on for years now. Cancelling now will just hurt the history.

Blax stood and announced, "I say we help them out."

"Are you sure, Blax?" I asked Blax just in case.

Blax nodded and continue, "Everyone, I know we got a lot of things that needed to be done right now since the duel is coming next week. But right now, our friend needs our help! And If we don't help them, The Magic Duel could possibly be cancelled due to our selfishness."

Rulend stood and added, "I have to vote yes for this. It is the only possible choice that will assure us The Magic Duel from cancelling."

Hosuke then stood up and said, "Agree! I'm not wasting my final year without entering The Magic Duel! I've been waiting all these year to join the duel along with my newly founded ability."

Rider also stood, "All that training will be worthless if the duel got cancelled. I really don't like wasting time, you know. Besides, we might be able to beat them with these many people."

Lore agrees and stood as well, "You are right, Rider! We've trained so hard and even cancelled our entry in The Invitational just to join this Magic Duel. We ain't losing another friend now!

Kaym jumped and told us, "Exactly! Even though I'm not sure whether we will make it out alive or not. I'm just a little bit scared of that."

Haz then joins in, "Do not worry, little Kaym. My creation will help us all defeat those Dark Faction members. Infinibot will also help us. This is the chance for you to try out our training, White!"

Zone slowly stood up and said, "I really don't know this friend of yours but all I know is that I'll help as well. Even it might be beneficial for me to get some info about them. This will be a pain in the neck but I'm sure we will get through this."

Airi joined in, "If everyone is standing, then why not I stand as well. This would be good for our preparations before The Magic Duel opening. In fact, by the time we entered The Qualifiers we might be on a different rank!

Everybody was standing up around the meeting table. It seems we come to a conclusion. I guess there was no other way to do about it other than helping them out. Seeing them all standing and excited made me realise how amazing these peoples are.

I stood up as well and told them, "It looks like we have come to a conclusion. Now that we know what to do. I suggest we devise a plan first. Rulend, you will be leading the first phase. In phase one, we will wait until the time they decided to go to the factory. When they do, I want Zone and Rulend to work together and help us follow them without noticing us."

Rulend asked me, "What happens next?"

I continued, "Once we reach the destination, Rulend will observe the whole compound and order us to split up to the situated area. That is the end of phase one. Phase two is where we wait until The Dark Faction does something.

Kaym then asked, "And what is phase three?"

I said, "Phase Three is where Stardust makes their debut!"

Everybody was all riled up and ready. We still don't know when they will make their move but we will be ready when it happens and to our surprise, a little pigeon gave us a message.

Serena appeared at the library entrance and called us, "Guys! Hurry!"

"What's up, Serena?" Blax asked her.

She was breathing heavily. She took a moment and then said, "The Magnificent Three is going to fight a Dark Faction!"

"We know that and we are on our way. Right, White?" Blax said it confidently.

Everybody was looking at me. I know they are anticipating my answer. I never believed that this day would have come. The Stardust will finally be reintroduced back to the world. Don't worry, my ancestors. I will bring back the glory of The Stardust. I will be just like you one day. You beat a Dark Organisation? Defeating the Dark Faction will be our first step to achieve the same thing as you did back then, Cyclone.

"Stardust! Begin Operation MAGNIFICENT!" I said out loud.
