Chapter 1.25 - White - Dark Diablo

Apparently, Roman lied about his Inhuman ability. He never had one. The leader of Dark Diablo basically lied to everyone including his own men. From what I can conclude, his laser eyes and ice breath were actually a spell made by Righter. It was proven when Righter used the same tactic when we fought him. He had a helping hand from Mahan.

In addition, these guys were probably wanted because they wanted to be famous. Wewwy can pretty much mind control the Law Wizards with his cheers and boos magic and force them to release a statement about how dangerous they are. They are not dangerous, they are just a swindling stupid idiot. Plus, their leader uses Performance Enhancement which was also known as drug-making. He can use those ability for good use but no, he decided to become a villain. His ability can really help medical science to be honest.

That may be the case but we will find answers after we beat up this Drug Master. Rider who were wearing a different costume than before were fighting Roman with his blade. Roman just blocks it off with his own arm. At some point, the clashes between the blade and the arms made a spark as if 2 metals were clashing each other.

"Stop it Roman!" I shouted at him. "We already know you never had Inhuman!"

"Oh really?" Roman replied. "Well I guess the jigs is up then. I can finally go all out with my drugs!"

He punched Rider but Rider block it. Then Roman does another punch but this time Rider's was pushed away even though he blocked it. Roman then took out 2 small bottles from his belt and ate all of the pills inside of it and throws off the bottle at Lore who blocks it with his Shield.

"Darn it. If I didn't block that, I would be finished by a piece of trash. I don't want that in my record." worried Lore as he was trying to grasp the situation.

Rider stood back up and went in again to attack Roman. Rider successfully hit Roman at the stomach. Just to make sure, yes. Hit. The sword didn't went through the skin at all. It wasn't on purpose. He tried to make a small scratches but it seems Roman was unfazed by that hit. He was like a great wall built to fend off crazy marauders.

Roman grabbed Rider by his neck and began to choke him with just one hand. Rider's face was turning blue in a matters of seconds. He couldn't get away from his choke hold. I ran toward Roman because my current range to use my Time was 7 metres. Lore throws his Chase Mode Shield at me and I caught it. I jumped up and Hosuke shoots out a water blast to my feet. Then I stopped the time. Disabling Roman from continuing to choke Rider while at the same time preventing him from blocking my water-boosted-shield-bash.

Just as I was about to reach him, time continued to move. The bash made Roman drop his choke. He was also about to fall but prevented it by forcing himself to deny from falling. He pushed me away with his hands. My fall was saved by Hosuke's water manipulation.


"No problem, leader." replied Hosuke.

"Yeah, nice work guys. Thanks for the Shield." I thanked Lore as well and gave back his Shield.

"I'll go check up on Rider, White."

"Very well, Lore. We'll handle him for now."

Lore went to where Rider was dropped and carried him away to safety. This leaves me and Hosuke against that drug abuser, Roman. Two young wizards who just acquired their magic for the past 3 weeks against a rogue wizard who doesn't know how to use his magic for the good of everyone.

As we were about to fight him, Seven suddenly jumped on my shoulder. It talks.

"Master White. Father is making a liquid that can disable all drug effects momentarily. Father needs time. Can you handle it?"

To my surprise, Seven can talk. Even Hosuke was surprised.

"How can you talk?"

"Father installed a talking module on me just now." said Seven in its monotonous robot voice. "Father needs time. Can you handle it?"

"Okay. Don't worry, Seven. I have all the 'time' I need."

"That's not funny." commented Hosuke.

"Shut up, Hosuke." I said that in denial of that bad pun.

Seven then gave a salute and transformed into a ball then rolls away from us.

"Now what are we going to do, White?"

"Create a diversion, I guess?"


"You're ability wasn't meant for fighting right?"

"Yeah. It's utility based but I can still drown people with it." explained Hosuke.

"Can you two stop talking and fight me!" Roman charges at us.

We jumped away and continued to talk while dodging all his charges.

"A diversion it is."

"What do you mean, White?"

I explained to him how the plan will work.

"I got this, captain."

I nodded, "Let's go." I looked back at Roman and said, "Hey, Roman! You are totally going to get suspended from your life for doing these terrible things."


"Yeah. Scum of the earth." Hosuke tried to rile him up.

"How dare you!" Roman was furious.

He grabbed a tree, the whole tree and threw it at me. I stopped time and dodged it safely. He charges at me. Darn it, I won't make it. There was like a few seconds of cooldown before I was able to stop time again. Thankfully, Hosuke blows a huge amount of rapid flowing water to Roman which made him stop in his feet.

"White!" signalled Hosuke.

I ran toward Roman and grabbed all of the other drugs that he has on his belt. I looked at all of it and found one interesting bottle. It was labelled, ABILITY REDUCER. I read the description as well, WARNING : PRODUCT STILL IN TESTING PHASE, PRODUCT INTENDED TO REDUCE ONES ABILITY TO A CERTAIN DECREE MOMENTARILY BY REDUCING THE OUTPUT OF INFINITUM IN ONES BODY, WARNING : PRODUCT STILL IN TESTING PHASE.

This was an interesting piece I found. Perhaps I can show this to Haz later. I kept the Ability Reducer drug and destroyed the other bottles by throwing it into a furnace inside the factory. Roman obviously gave chase but I made it in time and all of his drugs are now gone. Hosuke followed as well. Now it was just the waiting game. We have to hold on until Seven comes back with the new drug that Haz was making.

It might sound impossible but Haz was able to review his recorded clip about his findings when he was fighting Roman. He could probably read all of the required ingredient. I guess I will have to ask him more about that later.

"What have you done!" Roman was getting more furious.

Just the thing that we wanted. Hosuke used another large amount of bursting water to Roman to 'cool' him down. Hosuke then manipulates the water and formed a tornado surrounding Roman. Roman couldn't escape from the tornado.

"Not so tough now are you? You should have learned chemistry in class because both of us have it!" Hosuke formed a little water to make a rope-like structure and strike it at Roman one by one.

"Okay, I gotta agree on that pun. That was great, Hosuke." I laughed a little.

"Master!" Seven's robotic voice was heard.

We saw it rolling towards us. It throws a bottle and I successfully caught it. I looked inside the bottle. It was filled with liquid. It wasn't a pill this time. This just makes it easier. But I still can't get inside the tornado. It was too dangerous. If Hosuke stops his tornado, then Roman will continue to attack us.

Looks like I have to rely on my enemy this time. I grabbed a pill from Roman's Ability Reducer and swallowed it. I definitely know what it means but it was still in testing phase. But I will have to trust in Roman this time. For other people like Hosuke, his water manipulation will be weaker and slower. Yes. Slower. If it was me who have the ability to stop time...

This time, I slowed time. During the slow motion, I slipped inside the tornado and ran toward Roman. Mind you, even when I slowed the time, my movement was normal. I ran toward Roman and...tickled him. It made Roman opened his mouth, slowly. During that time, I made him drink all of Haz's drug. After that, I slipped back out of the tornado. Time was then moved normally. I did all of that in the matter of 7 seconds. I probably could make it longer but I'm getting tired.

"Hosuke! He drank it! Finish him!"


Hosuke shrinks the tornado. Meanwhile, Roman was getting weaker and was then pushed away into the water tornado following its flow. Hosuke increases the tornado speed and stops it instantly. Sending Roman straight to the walls. Knocking him out.

"What was that, White? That was a bit different."

I looked at the Ability Reducer and said, "I guess Roman was defeated by his own ability."


"Nevermind. Let's tie him up and call the authority."

10 minutes later the factory was surrounded by authorities. Dark Diablo has been captured. We decided to use the reward money to help out the injured. The leftover was invested into Haz's research program. He was able to get a lab of his own behind the exploded warehouse where I first got my magic.

It was a tough battle. Blax received a few bruises and also some mental illness because of the 'armor'. Kaym was badly injured after being surrounded by the powered up Dark Diablo members. Airi almost dislocated his left shoulder. Rider suffered a minor neck injury. My arms were charred. Haz broke a portion of his backbone.

Everyone except, me, Blax and Rider was sent to a Magic Hospital because of how big their problems were. Blax was recovered thanks to Hosuke's healing water but I can tell he was still traumatic about that 'armor'. Rider was tended by some Emergency Unit from the Magic Hospital. Rulend and Lore was explaining to the authority about what happened.

The Magnificent Three was also sent to the Magic Hospital and received a scolding from the principal and their parents. This wasn't a total victory to be honest. Stardust made a big sacrifice to defeat the Dark Faction. Here I am looking around the factory together with Zone and Seven.

"How can this Dark Faction become so infamous in our city anyway?" I asked.

Seven answered, "Based on my database, they suddenly appeared and became infamous instantly the moment their names starts to pop up in the map."

"That's weird. They should have at least try to make a name first. Not instantly becoming very wanted. It's just too...sudden."

Zone was then laughing. What was going on. I looked at him with an annoyed face.

"Why are you laughing, Zone?"

"Me? Oh it was nothing. It was just the fact that all of this happened because of me."

"What do you mean?"

"You know how I am an Information Broker right? Well when I heard that a small time faction was formed in this city. It was happened to be someone who I despise a lot."


"I used Cheat to make everyone believe that those guys are the infamous, most wanted Dark Faction in this city. Even the authority over here got caught in my ability. It was too funny really." Zone continues to laugh.

I looked at him. Feeling annoyed.

"Come on, White. Laugh with me. It was funny, right?" He laughed and laughed again. Not too loud but enough to make me annoyed at how stupid it was.


The day ended as Zone received a few words and 'punishment' from me and the others that was not sent to the hospitals. All this time we were just fighting against some small faction...For goodness sake, Zone...