Chapter 2.7 - Hosuke - Frustration of The Sea God

This was annoying. Nanjo's stupid clone was too annoying. They kept on coming. It was almost like they were preventing us from advancing into the competition. Even when the earth was shaken, they still continued to surround us.

"When will this end, Hosuke?" Airi was also fighting with me at that time.

"Please, I would know if I am Rulend or Zone." I jokingly said that.

To top it off, Adam was able to use his ability Melt thanks to the Location Change that happened a few minutes ago. Things just keeps on getting harder the more we keep fighting these stupid things. Besides, we're also had to dodge and block all of the projectiles that Aizen thrown at us. My frustration level was at its boiling point. But I had to endure because Blax reminded us that we must conserve our Infinitum energy.

"We really need to make an opening and retreat." Airi suggested.

"That would be easy if Nanjo didn't make hundreds of clone you know?"

"This reminds of that one story about the Sea God."

"Wait. There's more than one story?"

"The Tale of The Sea God was a series of stories. Didn't you know?"

I responded, "How should I know?"

"Then allow me to tell you The Frustration of The Sea God."

And so, Airi begins to tell a story about how one day The Sea God became frustrated about something.

Airi told me that it all started when The Sea God was busy overseeing the seas until one day a little fish came to see him. The fish invited The Sea God to a welcome party for the new species, The Dolphins. The Sea God obviously said yes since he really wanted to know this new species that decided to live in his domain.

During the welcoming party, everyone was waiting for the arrival of The Dolphins. Even The Sea God was excited about it considering how this was a once in a billion year to happen. Evolution takes a long time.

"What are you two babbling on about?" Adam interrupted us.

He suddenly appeared beneath us and tried to do an uppercut. Airi manages to pull down a large steel door to block the uppercut. Then, another waves of Nanjo's clone appeared. I used my Water Manipulation magic to make a moderate-size Tsunami to slow them down. Airi finished them by sending in a huge chunks of junk hitting all of the clones like a pinball machine.

Then, Adam appeared from the ground once again and tried to do the same tactics again. This time, I gave a burst of water to him before he was even about to make his move. Airi does a follow-up by increasing the gravitational force of Adam and a wall. He was then sent flying away and crashed into the said wall. He was stuck there for a while.

"As I was saying..." Airi continued his story.

After waiting for about ten minutes after arriving at the party, the honorary guest made their appearance. There were 3 dolphins that entered the party. All fish greeted with them of course. It was like meeting a famous person. What's interesting was that these guys knows a lot of tricks. They even demonstrate it in front of everyone. The Sea God was very happy to see these new species to finally decide to live in his domain.

As the party kept on going, one of the dolphin met up with The Sea God. At first, it seemed like they would be good friends but then the dolphin decided to make a very offensive joke. The dolphin was joking about how the humans were so stupid and just a bunch of losers. The humans can't even swim they said. Since we all know that The Sea God appreciates all life even those outside of his domain. Especially the humans. This concerned him a little.

The dolphin kept on with the offensive jokes until The Sea God decided to take a break outside. The Sea God was very frustrated at how the dolphins were such a big jerk. To make things even worse the other two dolphins were making a mess at their own welcoming party.

The Sea God has had enough of it and challenged the three dolphin to try to do tricks on the surface. At first The Sea God was considering to banish them but they are a unique species. There's no way The Sea God could simply banish such a creature. The three dolphin accepted the challenge and gloriously succeeded. In fact, their tricks were even better on the surface.

In addition to that however, they had an annoying laugh that made The Sea God becoming even more frustrated. The Sea God asked them to do one more trick. They complied. When the three of them were jumping into the air, The Sea God forces them to land on a beach. He challenged them to see whether you can breathe like the humans that they called stupid.

Of course it was an impossible task. The three dolphins were dying. The dolphins quickly learned their lesson and gave up. The frustration of The Sea God faded away thanks to the dolphins for forgiving The Sea God. The Dolphins had to ask for forgiveness to everyone at the party for making all those bad things and almost destroying their own welcoming party.

Everyone forgiven them and the party continues as usual. The Dolphins learnt a valuable lesson and it was that don't be a jerk when you are in a new place. The Sea God also learned something valuable and it was that sometimes, we have to take matters into our own hand when the big problem hasn't been solved yet. I guess that was indeed an interesting lesson.

"I see what you mean, Airi." I finally understood the story.

"That was how the Sea God controls his frustration. I'm not sure how The Reincarnation of The Sea God handles it though." Airi concluded.

"Well, I believe we are one and the same in many ways." I begin to form a ball of water by placing both of my hand in a circular fashion.

Airi understands, "I see where this is going."

"We have to break the rules sometimes. Sorry Blax. This will just be a little quarter of my magic, Blax." I was somehow starting to get excited about the situation.

I unleashed a fountain of water under me and Airi. Both of us were sent way up into the air with the force of the water that keeps on flowing. I looked around the area and finally saw it.

"There! That's the real Nanjo!" I pointed at the rooftop of a building.

"That's certainly is him. Out of all the clones, that one is all alone."

Hosuke looked at Airi and said, "Will you do the honor?"

"As you wish partner." Airi patted him in the back.

After he patted me and changed my gravitational properties, my whole body was sent flying into Nanjo. Nanjo didn't realise it until it was about 50 meters approaching him.

"Woah! What the!" Nanjo had nowhere to escape.

"Time to finish this!" I created a ball of water in my hand.

I throw the ball of water to Nanjo's head and the water was then stuck around his head as if he was wearing a helmet filled with water. As soon as I reached him, I punched him with my watery fist to his head. Nanjo was sent to the edge of the roof. Thanks to the divider of the roof, Nanjo didn't fall down from the building.

"Glad that's over." I begin to clean off all the dust on me.

Meanwhile, Airi pulls himself to another building and saw Aizen was trying to save Adam.


Airi pulled himself to them while at the same time he created a chunk of metals and threw it to the unsuspecting Aizen. Aizen was then struck by the metals. Airi approaches them and made Aizen's gravity properties the same as Adam's. Both of them were now stuck on a wall.

"Well that wasn't so hard."

I appeared while carrying Nanjo on my shoulder, "Indeed it is."

"Rules are meant to be broken, I believe." Airi laughed.

"That doesn't mean you have to fly away from the arena..but it works in the end." I put Nanjo down next to the other two that was stuck on a wall.

"So, now what?"

"Now you guys should run along and find the wand." An unfamiliar voice was heard.

"Who was that?" I asked.

Four people appeared from the top of the building. One of them was revealed to be Meme Element. A classmate of White, Blax and Rulend. Now why are their here?

"Don't worry. We are not here to beat you up." Meme assured us.

"You three can stop now. We're done with this game." Their mysterious leader told them.

"Wait. You guys are done?" I was surprised.

The leader responded, "Yeah we are done. See?" The leader showed us the wand was in their hands already. "We're leaving this arena now. Good luck you two."

"Wait hold on!" I stopped them.

"What do you want?" Another member spoken.

"Who are you guys?"

"We are..." all of the team members suddenly made a pose and said, "Team Brilliance!"

Now that they said their team name, I think I kind of remembered about it. All of Team Brilliance members were from the 2nd class. The same class as White, Blax, Rulend, Rika and The Magnificent Three.

It seems Meme, the one who uses his dance moves to beat down his opponent was also in this team. What's it called again? I think it was called, Breakdance. Yeah that was it. Let's see...The Magnificent Three. Nanjo with his Clone magic, Adam with his Melt and Aizen with his Sharpshooter ability. So far we only know of that. I think White, Blax and Rulend would probably recognize the others since they were all classmates.

But I can't help but notice that one of them had a symbol that represents themselves as one of the Top 7 Students. It seemed that even these guys have a powerful ally on their team. We would fight them but they were all surrounding us. But since they already got a wand, I guess they aren't looking for a fight. They seemed civilized enough. Not like The Magnificent Three, that is.

In any case, two other members appeared in front of us and saved The Magnificent Three. All of them then turned away and got out of the arena...It looks like their plan worked out in the end. They managed to distract us from their true purpose and that was obtaining the winning wand. I guess we have to keep on going since they seemed to say the game was not over yet for us. Thanks a lot, Mysterious Team that has The Magnificent Three in them...

But still, where can we even find that small wand. I hope White really did his job properly as a Wild Card in our team. Either way, we're still on the same mission and that was to find the wand.