Chapter 2.11 - Zone - Lie, Cheat and Steal

While those guys were busy with the Magic Duel Qualifier, I got out of the headquarters so that I could find some people to help with Haz's underground room. As much as I feel very lazy about it, I can't let this chance slip away from me. As a reward, Haz will give me full access to the school database. Even Rulend couldn't do that kind of stuff.

I still remember the time when I was just an information broker. I had my own way of spying stuff. But people will always come to me with money so that they can get some information about anything related to whatever was happening in school. Why do I want the school database? So I could dig up something interesting. I know that this high school has their secrets but what if they have a dark secret? Something that was so secret that they kept it deep inside the school database.

Future plans, current developments, secret agreements, dark histories, hidden treasure. The possibilities are endless. I want to know what was the school hiding when I saw something back then. It was 3 years ago when I was still a small time information broker. I was just hanging around with my drone that Haz made for me after we come to an agreement.

"Are you sure, you want this drone?" asked Haz.

"Yes I am sure. You are a big help, Haz."

"It's no problem. It was your idea to put a camera on a flying object. It sounded practical but with the funding you provided. I managed to make it look more professional."

"Yeah, I got that idea when I was playing Elematrix."

"Oh that game huh? Interesting. You know, with this drone...I believe such an invention will become big in the filming industries soon."

"You sure about that?"

"Yes I'm sure, Zone. Those filmmakers could take some decent shots without having to use a real chopper. And that cost a lot."

That was the discussion we had after Haz finished making the two drones that I called, Vanguard 1 and Vanguard 2 respectively. It was so small that it could land on my palm. With a very advanced blades, the drone will be as silence as the void. Additionally, Haz also implemented a camouflage technology that has the same function as how a chameleon camouflage themselves.

Most importantly, it has a built-in wireless function. The droid will be connected to the Drone Watch that Haz made as a companion device. This guys can also tap in anyone conversations on their phone. This drone was could probably be one of the most advanced spying tools if I were to use it commercially. I'm sure the military version would be far more advanced than this one already. But Vanguard 1 and 2 was enough for me.

In any case, when I was busy tuning up Vanguard 2. Vanguard 1, who was flying around the school caught a phone signal coming from a far away country. It was trying to reach the principal. Since I am an information broker, I would totally scoop up something by tapping in their conversation.

"Hello" I could tell this was the principal's voice since I always hear it every time he made a speech.

Then an unknown voice responded, "Hello, Mr Principal. It's me. One of your ex-student who graduated at your school."

"Oh you must be that guy, correct? I have been waiting for you to call me."

"Very well, Mr Principal. First of all I'm going to file in my report about our project, Private Test 3 to your e-mail later."

What is this Private Test 3? In my opinion, this might be another of those test that the school might try to implement to the education system. Why I think so? Because the word 'test' in P.T.3. Yeah, let's call it P.T.3 to make it easier. What could the school do to such a project. And why does it involves a school graduate? This might be something good I'm sure.

"Alright then. Anything else?"

"Yes, the 24th meeting of The Chaos Champions will be held in 2 weeks from today."

"I'll see to it. See you at the meeting then."

"Pleasure it is, Mr. Principal. Or should I say, my Lord?"

"No, please. Mr. Principal is fine."

"Very well then. See you later, Mr. Principal."

The line was then cut off as they ended their conversation. That last information was rather unsettling. The Chaos Champions? What is that? It looks like our Principal has a very dark secret that no one knows about. Now this just changes everything. I decided to look up for anything about The Chaos Champions at the school library but there was none. I even went to a public library. But alas, there was no result at all. Even the clerk over there told me that such keyword does not exist in their database.

But it was so weird how such a name could be so secret that not even a single news paper or book wrote anything about that name. I even used my Cheat to see whether the clerk was telling the truth. This was a dark secret that was too deep for me to look up.

Hence why, I decided to help Haz find some help for his construction. I want that school database. I want to know EVERYTHING about the school. What they showed us, What they planned, What they hid from us. All of it. I must also get to the bottom of this thing called The Chaos Champions.

As I was walking past the school cafeteria, I saw Team Brilliance was resting there. Oh yeah, they finished The Treasure Hunt first. Such a brilliant feat I must say. Around this time as well, I bet the other team from the 1st class would probably have gotten the wand that they were looking for.

I'm not sure about Stardust though. Blax seemed to be out of his mind last time I saw him from the live broadcast. Rulend got swallowed by a monster plant. Rider and Lore were exhausted after being beaten up by Team Buddyz. Airi and Hosuke was still running around looking for the wand. White on the other hand...He hasn't even shown himself up in front of the broadcast. Where was he in all of these?

Don't tell me White had a secret passive ability. But then again, he might of have. Why? Because there was one story that White told me. It was about how even his parents didn't notice that he was in the car whenever they were going on a trip. But he was in it all the time throughout the trip. I don't know what's wrong with White but I think his parents was a bit problematic there. It sounded like White was abandoned by his own family just for being unnoticeable.

There was also time when the teacher was taking their attendant, they don't even see White and said that White played hookey. He was in the classroom at that time. How can no one notice him at all. That was a terrible teacher to be honest. How could they say such a thing when he was present at that time. He was innocent.

And the most scariest of them all was when White always appeared suddenly behind us without any single footsteps was heard at all. He will just suddenly appear and greet us. Which then resulted with all of us surprised about his sudden appearances. Seriously though, what was up with that boy? Is he some kind of stealth master? An Assassin? He could be one with that speciality of his.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand. I saw that one of the members of Team Brilliance was calling me. Probably a client. I'm still an information broker anyway. I walked to them and I finally noticed who it was. It was non other than The Spirit Guard, Zayn Mayan.

"Howdy, Zone. Got anything new about The Fox?"

"The Fox?" I looked around to make sure the coast were cleared and replied to him, "I have some. But for a price of course. It almost cost me an arm and a bone you know." I decided to haggle to get some good money out of him.

"Of course. How much are we talking about for almost an arm and a bone then?"

"Oh I don't know. But it is probably a lot."

"Then how about we trade information?"

"How big are we talking about?"

"Pretty big. It is related to Dark Diablo. I heard the Dark Faction was caught last week."

The Dark Diablo. I already forgotten about that. Especially when I was the one who ended up on the wrong stick when my friends founded out that it was all of my doing. What a disappointing information there.

I sighed, "I already knew that. Anything else new?"

"Eh, I got nothing. Sorry about that. Wait, how about I do you a favor?"

"A favor?"

Then again, I do really need some people to help out Haz at our headquarters. Maybe this would be my opportunity to use them I guess?

"Yes. A favor. Anything."

I give a little thought and said, "Then how about you, Meme and The Magnificent Idiots help me with something."

"Why not all of us?"

"Because the other two are girls. This is a man's job. I need manpower."

"I see. It is a deal. Now tell me about The Fox."

I told him everything that I know about The Fox. Zayn Mayan, he has been chasing this guy for a while now. Zayn Mayan was known for his magic which was known as Spirit Guardian where he can take on the spirit of an animal. As far as I know for now, he can take on the spirit of a Red Tiger, Green Turtle and Blue Bear. I don't know what else he has. But I know The Fox might be his next target. He was not stealing another's ability. He was only trying to get their spirits. In a sense it is harmless. But in reality, it is kind of like stealing.

Lie. Cheat. Steal. That was my principle when doing this kind of business. I don't care about the outcome of those information that I gave to my client. All I cared was the reward for getting the information. When there comes a time where I had to lie just to get the information. I lie. When there comes a time where I have to cheat my way to get something. I cheat. When there comes a time where I had to steal an information. I steal. These three things are what I stood for a very long time ever since I decided to become an information broker. My client count had reached thousands of people. I had gathered hundreds and thousands of information just for my client. In the end, I only do it for the reward.

But there was only one thing that I dared not to follow that principle. And that is Stardust. To me, Stardust was like another home. They kept me even though they knew I did bad things by lying, cheating and stealing my way into something that might be dangerous. Especially that one guy, White. He was always a hard to read kind of person. I don't know what was on his mind. But I know he has something big in it. Perhaps even his unconscious mind had something bigger hidden deep inside it.

In any case, I done my job and gotten all of Team Brilliance as Haz's Helper for his construction. I made sure to make them forget about what they had done after they have done their work. I don't want the enemy to know about our upcoming plans for The Magic Duel of course. Anyway, I hope Stardust does a great job to finish The Treasure Hunt.