Chapter 2.18 - Hosuke - The Creation of The Sea God

Another story about The Sea God? This has been like the fourth time already. How many stories does The Sea God really have anyway? Now, Mrs. R is going to tell a story about how The Sea God was created. This was the first story of The Sea God from the looks of it.

"Are you sure about this, Mrs. R?" I asked.

"Yes. It is related to a certain dragon." Mrs. R replied.

"Then tell us about it."

"Alright then, Hosuke. Sit down and enjoy a cup of tea."

Mrs. R prepared tea for us to drink. She begins by saying that it was all started back during the ancient times where dragons ruled the world. It was back when all humans feared these legendary race. Until one day, A leviathan was swimming around the sea and end up being captured by a fisherman.

"A fisherman? Sounds familiar." said White.

"It certainly is. But this fisherman is a different person." explained Mrs. R.

Moving on, the leviathan was obviously mad about it. It demanded to be released but the fisherman decided to take him back to the land. This was the first time a human being to ever dare do such a thing to such a dangerous race. Yes, the leviathan is a dragon. In any case, the leviathan was brought to the land. The leviathan couldn't stand all of this and warned the fisherman of the danger to come to him. But the fisherman didn't flinch at all.

The leviathan was shocked over how brave the fisherman was. The leviathan then asked the fisherman why was he so brave. The fisherman simply answer because the leviathan was just another catch to him. Why would he be afraid of it if he was able to capture it easily. The leviathan couldn't believe what he just said. Even though the leviathan insisted that it was a dragon, a race that ruled the world. The fisherman didn't believe at all because it didn't look like any other dragon.

The leviathan then realise how different it was. It felt very lonely because of it. The leviathan then gives up. He was ready to be killed and eaten by the fisherman. Until suddenly, the fisherman gave him some fish for the leviathan to eat. The leviathan was surprised. He was baffled of what the fisherman did to him. At first, the leviathan refuse to eat the fishes. But after 3 days have passed, the leviathan started to become hungry. The leviathan gives up and ate the fishes.

The fisherman continued to feed it everyday. One day, the fisherman asked the leviathan something. The fisherman finally believes that he is a dragon and said that not all dragons were evil apparently. The leviathan replied that it was just a weak dragon that no other dragons like at all. The leviathan was different. It doesn't have the normal features of a normal dragon. Even so, the fisherman believes it is a dragon. It was the first time that the leviathan heard someone else believes that it was a dragon.

The leviathan begins to cry after realising that a mere human acknowledges its form. Not a dragon. But a small and weak human. Few days later, the leviathan asks the fisherman where are the other human around the area. The fisherman replied that he was banished from his own village just because of being different. All of the villagers had orange hair except him, who had a black hair. He was thrown out of the village just because of that significant different.

The leviathan and the fisherman's story was the same. No wonder why the fisherman understands the leviathan. One day a group of people decided to mess around with the fisherman's house while he was out at the sea. The leviathan notices it and made a huge roar to scare away the people. The following day, as the fisherman was busy doing his stuff inside his home. The whole villager arrived with pitchforks and fires on their hand. They wanted to kill the leviathan.

The fisherman refuse to allow the villagers from killing the leviathan. The villagers ignored him and trampled him over and destroyed the leviathan's cage. The leviathan was finally free but it was surrounded by the villagers. Somehow, the fisherman managed to stand up and stopped the villagers. During the chaos, the leviathan decided to fly away and leave the beach. Leaving the fisherman all alone being beaten up by the villagers.

The leviathan felt sorry about it and decided to return and helped the fisherman. The villager ran away in terror as the leviathan scares them away with its ferocious roars. The leviathan then takes care of the injured fisherman. Until one day, a group of wyverns arrived because they heard a dragon protected a human. They decided to attack the leviathan.

The leviathan fought well but it was defeated thanks to the numerous amount of wyvern that ganged up on it.

"Oh my..." I said as I was shocked.

"Are you alright, Hosuke?" White asked me.

"I'm totally fine."

I thought the leviathan would be able to fend those wyverns. I mean, wyverns were suppose to be a lesser dragon right? They were way smaller than the normal dragon. I don't know how big is a leviathan but from the way it was named, it should be a strong dragon. I guess I just don't have the knowledge of how a dragon like the leviathan failed to defeat those wyverns.

"Can I continue the story then?" said Mrs. R.

"Yes, Mrs. R."

The story continues as the leviathan was defeated and was now lying on the ground. The fisherman came out of his shelter and saw the chaos. The wyverns saw the fisherman and played around him. The leviathan fought back but was easily crushed by the wyverns. As the moment keeps getting intense, the wyvern decided to end the charade by killing the fisherman. But, the fisherman was saved by the leviathan.

There it was, the leviathan was on the ground lying down its head on the fisherman's lap. As tears begins to appear from both of them, the leviathan decided to preserves its life by turning into what we called today, An Infinitum Crystal. As we all expected, the fisherman ate the crystal and gained the same ability as the leviathan. It was at that time where he finally realise that the leviathan was The Sea Dragon. It was thanks to The Sea Dragon that he now have this power. He fought back the wyverns with his new power and destroyed them. Turning them into Infinitum pebbles. Yes. The wyverns turned into pebbles instead of a crystal.

After all of this had happened, the leviathan now lives inside the fisherman who was now known as The Sea God. He became The Sea God because he wanted to protect the sea that made him meet up with his best friend, the leviathan. That was how The Sea God was created.

"Wow. That was a lot to take in." I said after finishing up the tea that Mrs. R made.

"It was just a simple story about friendship. I never knew that a creation of a god could be like that. Unless this is just a tale from the millions of gods in this world." that was what White said.

Mrs. R then said, "Well, this story is just one of the 'billions' of stories that can be found throughout the ages. From the beginning of time to the present day. There will always be a story. Be it in memory form or in written form. It is still a story either way. A story was written so that the story can be shared to everyone. That is the purpose of a book. To give knowledge."

"Indeed." White agreed.

"Now that you understand how the Infinity crystal work, I think you can begin doing the request that I asked you two to do."

"Is there any reward other than that The Snow Phoenix book?"

"I don't know but a request like this usually give a good reward. Especially from one that actually has 1 Platinum Star on it."

"What are we waiting for?" I said. "Let's go, let's go, let's go!"

"Then allow me to begin my magic."

Mrs. R grabbed the story book and begins to cast a spell on it. The book then begins to glow brightly. So bright that the whole room was filled with the shining glow. We autonomously protected our eyes from the blinding light that was Mrs. R's Written World. With this magic, users will be able to create a portal connecting the world within the book to our world.

Few moments later the blinding light starts to fade away. We were finally able to open our eyes and there it was, a portal was opened on the book. The portal looked like a spiral galaxy spinning. It was so beautiful. I never saw a galaxy in front of my eyes before this. Well, not a real galaxy. But still, it was like a galaxy.

"You may jump into the book. Good luck, you two." said Mrs. R

Both of us nodded and jumped into the book. It was surreal. The feeling of going through a portal was so different from anything that I ever felt in my life. It was too hard for me to explain how it was like. I could only say that it was different.

The next thing I realised was the cold snow that filled the ground. I started to shiver as I realised how cold it was. I searched for White and founded out that he was lying on the other side of the area. He was slowly buried by the snow. The snow was very hard. I could last for a while since my own ability is Water Manipulation. I could make my own body a little warm by changing the temperature of my blood. I made sure the temperature was not too hot though.

But White was out of it. I carried him on my back and began walking around to find a shelter. There wasn't a single shelter at all. As much as I wanted to help out White, I can't. I can only change my own body temperature. If only I could. Before I even realised it, my movement was getting slower.

The blizzard was getting intense. Somehow White who had a small and light body was getting heavier. I couldn't carry on much longer. White was getting heavier thanks to the blizzard. In a few seconds later I finally had it. I fell down together with White. Both of us were slowly getting buried by the horrendous blizzard.

Suddenly, I saw a small light approaching us. I tried to reach out for it but I was too tired to keep going. My vision started to fade away slowly. This was where both me and White...sleep...