Chapter 2.23 - Hosuke - Hunting of The Sea God

Why does it have to be dogs? I really hate dogs you know? One time, I was chased by a freaking dog just for walking past it! It's not like I'm trespassing or anything. What the heck was that anyway...

Now I have to face two dogs and their owner. It would be an easy battle if it wasn't for the fact that the owner was also a wizard like I am. Here I am right now, hiding away from those freaky dogs inside a barrel full of water. Yeah, I changed my whole body into water and went inside this barrel.

How did I end up like this? Well let me tell you what happened a few minutes ago when I was crushing those stupid guards. As I was swinging around my trident and making sure my strikes doesn't involves the usage of the sharp point of my trident, I kind of notice that some guy wearing a black cloak was walking toward us. I didn't mind it at first until suddenly he summoned two rabid dogs to go and bite my hands off. I barely managed to dodge the two dogs bite by purposely falling down to the floor and safely landing on a mattress-shaped water that I made to cushion my fall.

I stood back up and one of the dog jumped at me. I blasted a gallon of water to the dog and the dog was sent flying away to a nearby wall. After that was done, the other ran toward me and this time it really caught my arm. Thankfully, I managed to blast off the dog by blasting in about dozens of litres of water to the dog.

"Dogs. I hate dogs." I said that in full spite.

I looked around and saw a guy who was wearing a black cloak was slowly approaching me. As he was approaching me, he summoned another dog to charge at me. I quickly fend it off by creating a miniature-sized Tsunami toward the dog. Unfortunately for me, the tsunami didn't hit the black cloaked guy.

"Who are you?" I asked the black cloaked guy of his identities.

He stopped his steps and said, "I'm just a wandering dog tamer who happens to be passing by this town and somehow I end up getting myself involved in a chaos made by kids like you."

"You're not forced to get involved in this if you're just a passerby, you know?"

"Unfortunately for you, I have a sense of justice that I must adhere. What I'm seeing here right now is something that needs to be justified."

"So what? What is it to you? It's not like you can do anything."

"I can't do anything but The Hounds of Justice can..." the cloaked guy raised both of his arms to the air and summoned 3 wild hounds around him.

Now I see. It was a magic called Summon. But since he can only summon one species, than that means his magic was called Summon: Dogs. Some call people like this a Summoner Wizard but most of the time it is just called a Summoner. I'm not sure what's up with that guy but I don't like where this was about to go soon.

I decided to used a huge amount of water to make a large water sphere and exploded it. The burst of water made all of the guards at the city square all knocked out. With all of the guards have been taken care of, I ran from the scene. The hounds started to chase after me. I managed to stop one of the hounds by bursting a pipe by concentrating the water to a single point, forcing the pipe to burst. The metallic piece that was broken off from the pipe hit one of the hounds but it only stopped it momentarily as it comes back to reality.

The other two hounds was about to reach me but thankfully right in front of was a manhole. I step on the manhole and forced the sewage water below it to create a fountain over it. I was sent up thanks to that and jumped away from the manhole to the rooftop. Glad that was over, I thought. But it was far from over as that one hound before this suddenly appeared behind me. How does that happen? The hound actually made its way by using the stairs. Apparently these dogs really knows a lot about strategy or maybe they were actually being controlled by that cloaked fellow.

The hound jumped on me and made me ended up falling from the rooftop. Below me, was the other two hounds that was waiting for me to fall down. During the intense moment I somehow manage to calm myself down and concentrate on what needs to be done next. Then it came. I concentrated my Infinitum to my whole body and there it was, I turned my whole body into water. As a considerable amount of liquid falling down from the rooftop, I make my way by slipping into the manhole and turned back into my solid form.

"Seriously...that dog was freaking dangerous as heck." I tried to take a breather momentarily.

I said momentarily because as I was still regaining my composure, I heard a growling noise. It wasn't the same noise that the hound made. It was very different. Then it hit me when I heard a howl. Three wolf suddenly showed itself and surrounded me. They circled around me to make sure I cannot escape and began watching over me. They were going to jump in any moment. Where does all of this creature came from anyway? But then again, if I think about it. It was probably that Summoner who did this. Since he can summon dogs, it doesn't mean that it would be just dogs. It can be anything related to the dog family.

"Damn you, Summoner..." I cursed the Summoner for trapping me once again.

"Why thank you for the praise, kid." The Summoner appeared from the darkness of the sewer. "Like my pets?"

"Pull back your mutt away from me, Summoner."

"Now why would I do that? Especially to someone who created some chaos in a poor city."

"You don't know anything!"

"Of course I know. It is blatantly obvious that you were wrecking havoc just for fun!"

I got a little confused and said, "What are you talking about? That's not the reason."

"Well, whatever the reason is. I'm not going to let you go that easily, you troublemaker. Prepare to experience what The Hounds of Justice got for you." The Summoner ordered his wolf to attack me.

I swiftly noticed one of the wolf tried to jump on me. I caught its head and struggled with the wolf and making sure my head was not bitten off by the wolf. I mustered my remaining strengths and threw the wolf away from me. Those mutts doesn't give me any breathing room at all as another one tries to lunge on me. The wolf managed to bite off a strand of my hair as I barely tried to dodge the wolf's lunge. Then, in an instance the third wolf jumped on me and made me fall to the floor. Once again, I struggled with the wolf by trying to push away the wolf from my face. I'm almost near to the end of my life if this goes on. Was this how I am supposed to die?

Spoiler alert. I am not dying yet. I grabbed the wolf's neck and concentrated my energy to my hands. The wolf then stopped moving. It's eyes were wide open as if it was shocked. In an instance, the wolf's head was blown off. Bloods, brain and other facial parts of the wolf scattered all over the place. My whole face was all red thanks to the blood. What really happened was that I manipulated the wolf's blood and concentrated all blood to go to a single point and overload it there. With too much blood in a single place, it creates a force that will make the head of the wolf explode entirely because of the excess blood on a single point inside the wolf.

"Nasty..." I wiped away the blood that was on my face and stood back up.

"I can't believe you actually killed an animal."

"I was...defending myself..."

"Be that as it may. I can still summon more."

Before I was even able to look behind both of the wolf pounced on me and forced my whole body to once again kiss the floor. Thankfully, the wolf didn't try to eat me as The Summoner stop them from doing so. I tried to stand back up but my whole body was held down by the wolfs. Just what was this guy intention anyway?

"It is no use. You can't get up." The Summoner puts his foot on my head and made me literally kissed the floor. My nose turned red from the not-so soft stomp he made.

"No use? Then I can't believe I'm going to say this but I'm going to rely on a natural disaster to help me..."

I didn't expect this would happen but thankfully with my quick responds, I manipulated the sewage water and caused a tsunami inside the sewer. All of us including the wolf were swept away by the sewage water. Around this time as well, I decided to turn my whole body into water and escaped by flowing away to a small drain. The Summoner was then never seen again as he flows away from the sewage.

The drain end up leading me to the pipe that I blew minutes ago. My liquid body got caught up in the rapid water that flows out from the burst pipe. I hit the wall and it made my whole body turned back to solid state. I crawled my way slowly to a barrel of water that I saw nearby. I went inside it by turning myself into water once again and hid inside it.

"Gosh, that was intense." I said to myself.

As I tried to take a break inside the barrel, my energy started to slowly fade away that even my water form starts to dissolve. Forcing me to turn back into my solid form. Thankfully, the barrel was way bigger than me. I opened the lit and saw the sunlight shines towards me. I covered my eyes from the blinding light.

"I hope that guy is gone already because I'm already tired after all of that. I even had to kill a wolf for goodness sake!"

I stepped out of the barrel and sits on a crate next to the barrel. I lean my back against the wall and decided to rest a little after all of that. That was surely tiring. But still, it was very awesome because I finally able to make my whole body turn into liquid. I'm going to be unstoppable if I train more soon. We might just win The Magic Duel if I do that.

"Looks like that Summoner is really gone...Glad that's over, I guess."

I think I deserve a rest after all of that. But I got no time to rest as I remembered my original duty which was to distract all of the guards. I stood and slowly headed my way back to the town square. I hope those two manages to do their duty well. Here's hoping that those two were not caught up in some shenanigans like I do.