Chapter 3.1 - White - The Surprise Announcement

After being 'friend-zoned' by Rika Lightning, she left the rooftop leaving me all alone there until suddenly I heard a loud thud coming from the other corner of the roof. It was the other Stardust members, all of them were there apparently. They laughed at the outcome that I have faced which resulted to me attacking them with my magic. This has been one of many similar encounter I'm going to have with the rest of the Stardust member throughout the year later on. We were still enjoying the moment until suddenly, a familiar face appeared in front of us through his amazing magic.

Pushing away his glowing cape to his back, Sonozaki Wakana makes his presence known to us, "Are all members of Stardust here?"

"The Magic Duel version or the full version?" responded Kaym.

"Given the current situation, I think I need all of you."

"What's going on, Wakana?" I asked him.

"No time, meet me at the school square. At once. Everyone will be there." Sonozaki Wakana finishes his sentence and flashes away out of the rooftop using his light manipulation magic.

Blax sighed, "What was that all about?"

"Beats me." Hosuke shrugged and continued, "Seems important if he wanted us. All of us."

Airi was rather confused and so he asked, "Are we that important though? I never knew that."

"I think we probably got our name thanks to what happen a few weeks ago." Kaym figured.

Rider agreed, "That might be it. But I also think otherwise...I'm not sure though."

"The sooner we go to the square, the faster our questions will be answered." I stepped in. "Head for the square while I go find the others."

"Alright, White. Who's not here?" Rulend looked around as he surveys the current member of Stardust.

Right now on the rooftop there's me, Blax, Rulend, Hosuke, Rider, Airi and Kaym. Which means, I have to go and get Serena, Kin, Nif, Lore, Haz and Zone. I think the girls are at the library right now. I'm already on my way there so why not I pay a visit to the library first before meeting up with the boys at our headquarters at the school garden.

And so, I parted ways with half of my crew and went for the library to call up Serena, Kin and Nif. As soon as I was about to go inside the library, the girls were already at the front door.

"Oh, White. What are you doing here?" asked Kin as she stopped moving and stood there at the entrance.

"Oh hi there, White! How is your day?" Serena appeared suddenly and greeted me.

"I'm okay. But you guys better hurry up."

Nif also appeared and went to ask, "What's wrong? Is there something going on?"

I don't know what to say to them and I ended up just blurting something to them, "I'm not really sure but we are needed at the square. I'll meet you there."

As soon as I finish saying those, I immediately made my way toward our headquarter at the school garden. Leaving the three girls in confusion. At the very least the girls did went to the square after that. Meanwhile, as I was on my way to the garden I saw almost all students were heading to a different direction. I look around and noticed that they were all heading to the square. It looks like we are not that special to be called to the square. Looks like there might be something going on later. I better hurry up get those guys.

Meanwhile inside the headquarter, Zone, Haz and Lore were tinkering with tools. To my knowledge, they showed me a blueprint of a tool that might be useful for us to use later in the duel. I find it kind of funny how we are able to bring in outside stuff into an official tournament. It just shows how loose the tournament is. I doubt we're the only ones who were bringing along something into the game.

"Can you pass me the adhesive tape?" requested Lore.

Haz grabbed the adhesive tape next to his workplace and passed it to Lore without losing focus to what he was doing, "Here you go."

While both of them were busy finishing something up, Zone was busy talking with someone on his phone. I don't know what he was talking about, but I'm quite sure that it is confidential since this is Zone we are talking about. As they were minding there own business, the front door slammed revealing me who looked a little worried about what will transpire later at the square.

"Shows over guys. Stop the tools. We got something big going on."

"Can it wait? I'm almost finish with this." Haz told me as he continued to work on his project.

Zone finally puts down his phone and asked me, "What's going on?"

"We don't have time for this. The whole school are on their way to the square for some reason and we better move fast!" I ordered them to stop working on their projects.

"The square? We have a surveillance camera there right?" questions Lore as he was screwing down a bolt.

"Yeah we do. We could just watch a live broadcast of it right now." answered Haz as he remain unfazed of what was going on.

"Okay, I can see that you guys won't be coming out of here. In that case, where is the monitor that displays the square?"

Haz pointed at a direction for me and said, "It's at the Spy Room. You can broadcast it to whole headquarter by pressing the "Broadcast to HQ" button next to the keyboard."

How convenient, I never knew that kind of button would be useful. In any case, I should go there and turn it on for those three to watch the summon. I finally come to a realisation that the fact that our so called headquarter was placed somewhere that was seemed to be inside the school area but at the same time it looked like it was outside of the area. I find it rather interesting. The more you know, I guess.

After founding Haz's computer, I pressed on the "Broadcast to HQ" button that was conveniently made by Haz just in case of something like this were to happen. In any case, I can see the school square from many different angle thanks to the hidden CCTV that we carefully placed. It seems that the party hasn't started yet so I guess they were still waiting for something. Few minutes later, our principal makes an appearance at the front of the square. I raised the volume just in case.

"Good evening everyone. First thing first. I know it is rather surprising to know that I summoned all of you to come to the square here. There is only one reason for that, my students."

And at that moment, I finally realised how grim can the world be...

The principal raised his right hand to the sky while unveiling a magic staff that suddenly appeared through the usage of the dimensional bag. The top of the staff looked like it has an eye and the eye seemed to be alive. As a matter of that, it even has wings. Wings like birds. What kind of staff is that. The following thing that happened was something that I totally did not expect at all. Especially from someone like our principal.

"I'm putting this place under quarantine!" shouted the Principal as the staff shoots out a magical beam to the sky.

The magic beam stopped right around the 1st kilometre and formed a glassy looking particle. The glassy looking particle then started to grow larger and formed something that looks very familiar. It was the same glassy particle that trapped us during the 7 Months War several years ago. The difference this time however, it wasn't a large dome that covers the entire city.

"White!" Haz called me from the main hall.

I ran to the main hall to meet up with the remaining of my friends. Everyone was looking at the window. I followed as well and saw that the glassy particle was getting near our headquarter. Wait a minute...

"It's coming toward us!" I shouted after coming to a realisation. "To the back, everyone!"

"What the heck is going on?!" Airi expressed our confusion through himself.

The glassy particle finally stopped as its finish making a dome that surrounds the entire school compound. It also manages to trap a portion of the headquarter. Thankfully non of us were caught inside of it. However, one thing was for sure. Everyone else was inside the glassy dome.

This isn't the 7 Months War but it sure as heck looked like a smaller version of it. Even though it was smaller than before, it seemed like this was more centralised around the school area.

The principal laughs as he caught himself in a magical whirlwind and transforms himself. Once the whirlwind stopped, the principal finally showed his true identity. Wearing a purple robe, along with two metal shoulder pads and some chains around his belt. The most significant of his reveal was his huge necklace. It looked like an eye that was putted inside a glassy confinement wrapped with chains on it.

What is up with the principal and those eyes anyway...In any case, the most important part which is his face was covered in darkness thanks to the hood that came from his robe. The only thing that can be seen is that he was wearing a sinister iron helmet just to add up the mysterious side of him. His eyes were glowing in orange. What the hell is going on...