Chapter 3.8 - White - Transfer Student?

I opened my eyes and saw two sparkly brown eyes in front of me. The expression was not a good expression however. I'm not quite sure what I did, but I think it was my fault. In any case I tried to push her away so that I can stand back up but then she press me down to the floor. Well this was awkward.

But that awkwardness was broken once she said, "Stay down, they might hear us."

She was actually protecting both of us from being discovered by the two demon guards that was guarding the office. She held me down for a while until the coast was clear. After a few minutes of almost getting caught because of my face getting squished by her...body, the two demon guards gave up their search and went back to their position. The girl finally lets me go, enabling me to stand up.

"How do you get through them?" the girl asked.

"I went to a window behind, come on."

"It's too dark, I can't see anything in this room."

I was hesitating at first but then I suggested to her, "Hold my hand then, I'll show you the way."

She held my hand and we made our way to the Principal's Office. Her hand was sweaty by the way, I don't know why I should mention that. Now before we get out of this place, I told the girl that I have to look around the room to look up for something. But it seems that luck wasn't on our side and we suddenly felt a tremor. The floor suddenly made a hole under me. As I was about to fall down, she pulled me up and saved me from that fall. Thankfully she made it in time.

"I thought you couldn't see well in the dark."

"I think...I can see a little now."

I gave a thought and considered, "You might have been in that locker for a long time then. It's no wonder your eyes take its time readjust."

"It's not really how it works but yeah. It is something like that."

"What the heck was that anyway?"

"An enemy?" She wondered.

"We better get out now while we have the chance."

We climbed out of the window and we took a short break. It was then I realised that she was still holding my hands ever since that fall. I didn't notice that really. I took a glance at her and notice that she has medium volume of hair. Not too long and not too short just the right amount down to her neck and I can't help it but notice that she has flowers all over her hair. That's interesting. As a matter of that, it doesn't look like she was wearing our school uniform. Plus, that's a nice pair of stockings she have there. It has a flower pattern all over it.

"You seem to like flower a lot."

"You noticed?" The girl stood, "People do say that a lot."

"It was kind of obvious with what you are wearing."

"Yeah." She laughed. "Hey, who are you? Are you a student here?"

"I'm White. Cyclone White.Yes, I'm a first year here."

"A first year? Then, your just like me. I'm also a first year."


"Yeah. My name is Mei Xue. I just got transferred here a few weeks ago before those monster came."

"Before they came? How do you end up in that locker, anyway?"

"I'm not sure." Mei tried to think, "Maybe while I was trying to run away from the demons I tripped and somehow went out cold. They probably kidnapped me and put me in that locker."

Her story was a bit suspicious, "But how do you survive that long inside that locker anyway?"

"You didn't know?" Mei grabbed something from her pockets and showed me something. "I kept my food inside the Dimensional Bag." she showed me her Dimensional Bag license.

"But aren't you suffocating?"

Mei gave a long thought about that and then she finally remembers what happened, "I remember now! When the demon came into here, I actually went inside the dimensional bag and stayed there for a while until I decided I should take a look back at the real world. That was when I realised I was transported inside a locker. I guess I didn't think too long on where I should appear."

"Wait, what?" This was a surprise. "I didn't know you can enter the Dimensional Bag."

"Well, that is true no one can."

"Then, how do you do it?"

"I'm not 100% sure about that yet but I think it is related to my magic." Mei tried to make sense.

"And that is?"

"My magic doesn't really have an official name yet since it's kind of different than any other people and I just got it after I ate something the other day."

"What kind of ability is it then?"

"I can study." so she says.

Was she being serious? "We all can study. What do you mean exactly?"

"Sorry about that. I didn't make it clear enough. I can actually study the ins and out of anything that I wanted to know by simply looking up about it."

This doesn't help at all to be honest. "Mei, that's pretty much what studying mean. What do you really mean? How do you manage to enter The Dimensional Bag."

"Let's just say I studied about The Dimensional Bag and I found out that the system had an invulnerability to it."

"An invulnerability?"

"Like a small crack of a river dam. It can be broken with the right tools and I happen to crack it down."

"So you cracked this system and somehow you've gained some additional control over it?"

"Wow, I didn't knew you would understand! I was about to tell you that. Yes, I got hold of The Dimensional Bag's system and I tried to make myself fully authorised to enter the bag without being pushed away by the security system like most people tried to do so."

"Well this is a breakthrough."

"Indeed it is, White. I've tried my best to look up about my ability but it always results to nothing. All I ended up having was some ancient magic that I could use."

"Hold on." This girl keep bringing up something new. "Ancient magic? I thought you can only learn conventional and elemental magic. Ancient magic can't be learned right? Some say it's inherited."

"But nobody said its impossible, correct?" she looked at me and grinned.

"That is true. But how do you do that? There's no book about learning ancient magic."

"There isn't but there is books about ancient magic. It doesn't teaches anything but it did show a lot of documented ancient magic. Just by studying it, I ended up able to copycat it or should I confidently say that I could do it much better than what was documented."

This was too much. It was insane. How can an adorable girl like her would be able to convey such ability. This was amazing. I never given thought of learning ancient magic would be possible. I thought it was only through inheritance. Later on, I learned that you could learn one by eating those infinity gems. I think that was what happened to Mei when she said that all those years ago.

"But the fact still remains and that is I still don't know what my magic really is."

"It doesn't have a name yet, right?"

"Yeah. The only thing that I might know is that this magic of mine belongs in the category of Unknown. It doesn't really looked like Offensive, Defensive or even Utility."

"Forbidden Knowledge."

"What?" Mei looked at me in confusion.

"That's your magic. It's called Forbidden Knowledge. Cool name, right. You like it?"

"Let me think about that. Forbidden Knowledge." She closed her eyes and think. "I think that's a good name, White. It really mix well with what I understand about my magic so far. Me studying things like The Dimensional Bag's system that shouldn't be studied by any means at all. Yeah. I like it. No. I love it!"

"I'm glad you love it."

"Thank you so much, White!" Mei jumped to me and hugged me moderately. "I never knew I would meet someone who would understand me. Thank you, White. You are like a symbol of hope for me. A Star."

"A Star? I don't think I'm deserving to be called a star. I'm more of a mess than a star."

"More of a mess than a star?" Mei laughed, "A Stardust!"

"A Stardust? Fine. Whatever you wanna call it."

"Oh, I think I should stop now."

"Stop what?"

She blushed, "Hugging you of course." She lets me go. "Sorry about that, White."

"Not a problem, Mei." Then, for some reason I blurted out nonsense, "Hey, Mei Xue is such an odd name. Not the Mei part but, that Xue though. That's a bit weird. Is that really your name, Mei?"

Mei laughed and jumped over me. Bringing me down to the floor the same way as when I opened the locker for her. "Oh shut up, Stardust."

Stardust. Yeah. That's a good name. Who would have known that name would be used in the future...