Chapter 3.13 - White - 7 Month War

It's been months after I woke up all alone in this abandoned demon headquarter. I don't remember anything apart from the fact that I was on a mission to take down the demon base. But it looks like, it was already taken care of. Other than that, I don't really remember what happened.

I figured that our plan was a success to eliminate the demon but it looks like it got even worse for some reason. I was about to get back to the school until I saw a very ominous structure floating way up above the sky. I didn't know what it was at first. But for all I know, thousands of demons was walking about the whole city. I decided to hide inside this abandoned headquarter and tried to survive until something happen.

I waited and waited but it looks like no one even tried to find me at all. Little did I know that it was already 7 months since the demons arrived. After The Conquest of Soul Power High ended with a victorious victory by the students, a number of other conquests from the other parts of the city started to win their battle as well. It looked like the human race was about to win the war but one day, the ominous structure suddenly appeared and started to rain down more demons than ever before.

The entire city was quickly overrun by the demons once again. It feels like it was exactly what happened when the demon arrived 7 months ago. I can't believe I was out cold throughout that terrifying phase. I don't know if I should consider myself lucky or not considering the situation I got myself into now.

By the way, I brought in a little boy who happens to be unconscious near the headquarter. His right arm was all demonic looking. At first I thought he was just another demon but then he started fighting against hordes of demons with his ability. He kept on fighting until the horde was cleared. That whole sequence made him exhausted and immediately went down to the ground. Here I am taking care of him for some reason.

"You're awake, boy?" I asked him.

"Yeah. Where am I?" the boy asked.

I gave him a cup of water, "We're in an abandoned enemy fortress. This used to be the demons base...Until their main forces arrived up there."

"Who are you? Why did you save me?"

I introduced to him, "I'm White, Cyclone White. A 1st year from Soul Power High School. And I still haven't got my magic yet. What about you, boy?"

"Kaym. Kaym Famine."

"What's with that arm anyway? Something happened?" I tried to ask him about the arm.

Kaym answered, "I was already dead. But then this one demon decided to offer a contract to me. Living back to this world in exchange for the demon to stick with me for the rest of my life."

"Eternity." A voice suddenly echoes to my head.

"What was that?" I was alarmed by the voice.

"I'm the demon inside this boy's arm. The only reason I decided to help this boy was because he was interesting."

"And you let Kaym use this powers of yours to eliminate your own race?"

"My race?" the demon laughed, "Silly humans, I'm not like them. I'm here to chase down that Fake Demon Lord, Lucifer. How dare he makes a mockery to my Lucifer."

"Wait, hold on. Fake Lucifer? My Lucifer? What's going on?"

"You see boy, the demons that you have been facing all these times were demons from a different dimension. They were brought here by a mysterious portal that was opened by a malicious person from here. Under this world's Demon Lord command, he ordered me to end the other world's Lucifer. This world does not belong to his. Only one Lucifer is allowed to live in one world."

"You're doing this alone?"

"My lord believes in me. I will do so with ease."

"But it looks to me that you won't stand a chance on your own."

"My Lord seemed to underestimate the enemy."

Kaym interrupts, "But why would he send you all alone to eliminate a monster that looks almost similar as your own leader? Don't you think he should come here with the rest of his army?"

"You're right, little boy." The demon agrees to Kaym. "My Lord wouldn't send me just to eliminate these other world enemy. There might be a reason." The demon tried to think.

"I didn't know demons would truly exist among us." I tried to make a small talk. "Do you think there's angel as well?"

"There is angel as well. We are at an ongoing battle with them. But we are not interfering the human world at all. In this world, Both the demons and angels are not allowed to interact with the human. But it looks like these other world demon seemed to have a different rule."

"Do you think there's a way to fight them back?" I tried my luck.

"Can we talk to these guys?" the demon asked.


"Now that's one question answered. Hey, boy. Come here."

I walked to it slowly, "What is it?"

"We're going to meet the fake Lucifer." the demon grabbed my arm forcefully.

I tried to fight back but to no avail the demon pulled me right into him. The next thing I found out was that I was surrounded by a bunch of demons all pointing their weapons at me. What the heck did that demon did to me? Did he tricked me? In the mass of confusion, I tried to stand up and then suddenly I heard Kaym's demon voice talking inside my head.

"You got inside the lair, boy?"

"What you've done?" I talked back to him through my mind.

"Calm down and don't be scared. I guess, right now you are surrounded by the demons. They won't kill you, for now. Just listen up."

"What the heck is going on. What am I suppose to do? I can't even fight them back."

"You don't have to, kid."

"Why not?"

"The only reason I talked to you was because I realised that you are a reminds me of someone that I know from a different dimension."

"What do you-" then, our communication was cut off.

"Arise, Demon Hunter." a menacing voice started talking to me.

Demon Hunter? Is that suppose to be me? I looked around it looks like all of the demons were looking at me with a fearful face. Why the heck would they look afraid though? Were they talking about me?

I stood up and replied, "Uh...Yes?"

"I cannot believe that you would be able to chase us even across the dimension, Demon Slayer." The Demon Lord, reveals himself to me.

All demon started bowing down to him. It looks like this was Lucifer. The other world Lucifer. The Demon Lord that came from a different dimension. I try to make some sense and figured that the person they were referring to The Demon Slayer could possibly have a resemblance with me. Better yet, this Demon Slayer might just be me from the other world. That was the only possible thing. From the look of the way they looked at me, this other me seemed to be a very powerful person.

"We've tried everything to get away from you and you still keep popping out of everywhere. This will indeed be the end of us." Lucifer's face was in total disbelief.

I tried to take the advantage and bluffed to him, "You should stop now, Lucifer. Go back to our world and fight properly!"

"Never! We demons love this world! This world was easier to take over!"

I went on and bluffed more, "That's just the problem. This world is too strong for these people here. They are too weak to the point you can't even show them what it is a true demon."

"A true demon?"

"Yes. This war was useless because you won't even get to use your power. The humans in this world won't stand a chance at all. You should come back and fight the real fight."

Lucifer started to think, "You are right. I wanted to create a world that was mainly for the strongest! Weaklings like these humans over here doesn't deserve to be killed! Release the captive!"

Then, three other students appeared in front of me. It looks like it was Nanjo, Aizen and Adam. The Magnificent Three. How the heck were they even here?

In any case, I continued, "You forgot one more thing. Your demons have killed countless innocent lives in this world. You should leave this world as it used to."

"Fine. Fine. Everyone that was killed will return back to life. But they won't forget this event at all I promise you. It will be written in their history and their memory! They will still remember the moment that they were murdered by demons."

"If that's the case then, we should go back to our world and fight the real fight over there."

"You are right, Demon Slayer. It is time for us to face the lord and his angel back at our world. You will help me I presume?"

"I'll observe first."

"Very well. We will meet again, Demon Slayer" Lucifer raise his arm and created a black hole.

The black hole absorbed all demons and even release some twinkling light that turned into humans. It looked like the other world Lucifer didn't betray me. Apparently, this Demon Slayer guy was someone very formidable even to the point that it might even scare off The Demon Lord himself. In any case, it looks like that was the end of The 7 Month War. Everything was back to normal but all our memories will forever be scarred by this event. All our memories...yeah...but for some reason...I still feel like I have forgotten something important.