Chapter 3.15 - White - Just in Time

We kept on delaying and delaying every single discussion to the point that we figured there was no other way for us to help the others who were trapped inside the seal that Escher made months ago. We look like a bunch of pathetic nobody that lingers around the decent looking headquarter. We looked very hopeless. No, scratch that. We're doomed.

"Aren't we suppose to do anything productive?" I began to realize.

"Like what? We don't even know if we can even break the seal." said Lore as he mashes down the button on a video game controller.

"That's just it. There must be a way to get inside the school."

"Is there even another way for that? Hey, Haz. Do we have a secret entrance to the school?"

Haz replied, "No we don't. We don't have the resource to build that kind of path just yet. Especially when all this craziness just appeared out of nowhere."

I sighed, "Is there any way we could just...appear inside the seal...At least we could find a way to stop Escher from there."

"There is a way." Suddenly, a not so familiar voice was heard.

Zone looked surprised, "My, my. If isn't the number one student in Soul Power High School. Mei Xue..."

"Mei? What are you doing here?" I asked her.

Mei opened her dimensional bag and grabbed something, "I've found something interesting."

Mei handed me a book. It was a very old book. It was dusty and probably filled with spider webs all over it.

"What kind of book is this?"

"It's one of those book that talks about ancient magic."

"Ancient magic? Wow. How in blazing fury can you find this book anyway?" I was in awe to find out such book exist.

"Didn't I told you back then?"


Mei coughed and said, "I mean, with my ability Forbidden Knowledge. I was able to look up such a book. After years of studying my ability, I come to realise that I can also look up about anything. I just have to have the right keyword in order to find such a book."

"You mean this book really exist?"

"In all honesty, it doesn't really exist." she crossed her arms.

"What do you mean?"

Mei took a seat and continued, "I don't really know how to explain this but apparently my own brain is like a huge library of knowledge. The problem is, the current me feels like someone who just came into this new library that she doesn't know about. So I have to find it myself if I wanted to learn something. It can be ancient or even modern. The only thing I couldn't find so far are those that have a distortion between me and that specific book. In fact, there's like a whole different library of that kind of distortion."

"Wow. You're ability are truly...mysterious. No wonder you are number one, Mei. Here, have some tea." Airi placed a cup of tea for Mei at the table.

"So, anything good White?" Haz asked me.

"I don't know...All these spells and abilities are interesting. But I can't seem to find anything that can be helpful for us."

Mei took a sip and said, "Try looking on page 107. You might find something there."

I went and flipped to page 107 of the book and began reading the paragraph,


It has been known for quite some time that there were thousands of ancient ability in this world but there is one ability that seemed to be rather different than most other ancient ability. It was simply called Space Manipulation. The only known users to such an ability can be dated back during The Dragon Age where A certain Dragon, was able to manipulate space. According to these story, it was known that the Dragon was able to teleport itself from one place to another in a blink of an eye. The Dragon could also teleport another target if The Dragon wishes it.

The Dragon was infamously known as The White Dragon for having white and silver scale. The White Dragon also seemed to have another ability as well. However, not a single being was able to witness such ability. It was only known through word of mouth from other dragons that The White Dragon actually have two magic ability. Whatever it was, it will never see the light of day since The Dragon Age was already over by the time we humans began to destroy The Infinity Core and brought out magic or as we call it today, Infinitum to every single being including us, humans.

That was all the book wrote, the other part seemed to be all mushed up by something mushy. But it looks like there is more content than what was the author was trying to say. With all have been said and done, this book was rather intriguing. Back then, we humans never had Infinitum until the humans decided to destroy this thing they call, The Infinity Core. I wonder what is this Infinity Core the author was talking about.

In any case I talked back to Mei, "It is an interesting read, but what are you trying to tell me?"

"Didn't you read properly?" Mei shakes her head in disbelief, "Space Manipulation."

"Space...Manipulation...Teleport from one place to another in a blink of an eye."

"Okay, but what does that mean for us?" asked Lore.

Mei finishes her tea and said, "Don't you see? There is an ancient ability called Space Manipulation. If we could find out more about this ancient ability. Maybe we can use it to teleport ourselves into the school compound!"

"That's interesting. Really. But how the heck are we suppose to do that?" Zone questioned.

"You don't know my magic really? Even you, White?"

"What are you talking about?" I was confused.

"Uh...I mean, never mind. What I'm trying to say is we should find a book that took a more in-depth look on this Space Manipulation ability. Once we find that, I can study on it and probably learn about it. Then we can finally get inside the school compound."

"I see. But why do you need us then?"

"Well you see..." Mei begins to slowly and silently clap her hand, "I tried finding it in my library but there is not a single thing about it. Then I figured that it maybe hidden inside the distortion part of the library. But when I get in there, I was blocked by something."

"What is it?"

"It's actually a door with a lock but not just any ordinary lock. It was a magic lock."

Zone clarified, "You mean those kinds of lock which requires a specific type of magic to open it up?"

"Yes. That kind."

"So what does the magic lock need then? Is it another ancient magic?" asked Zone.

"Not really. It actually require someone who has fused their Infinitum with an Infinitum Crystal. And its not just one, it needs two people."

"Infinitum Crystal? White. Didn't you ate one earlier this year?"

"Uh yeah. I did. Is this why you need me?" I asked her.


Then I asked her again, "But don't we need two people for that?"

"Not to worry. Because my Infinitum was also fused with the crystal like you. Hence why, I have this amazing ability you called, Forbidden Knowledge."

It looks like Mei was another of those people who ate an Infinitum Crystal. We couldn't use Hosuke because he was still trapped inside the school but I guess we can go through the plan now that we have enough Crystal-fused wizard. I also have one thing that I thought to myself. Does her Infinity Crystal also came from a dragon? If so, then it might just prove the fact that every single crystal was made by the dragons during The Dragon Age. So far, the only known dragon as far as I have witnessed was Leviathan, which was Hosuke's and another one was the dragon that disguised itself as a snow phoenix. If only there is a way for us to talk to Leviathan. But I guess that is something for another time. For now we have to focus on what matters the most.

"Do we have an agreement then?" Mei finishes her cup of tea.

"Can we come as well?" asked Haz.

"Sure you guys could. We could always need more manpower especially when we're heading somewhere unknown."

"Then let's get going, Mei. Everyone, prepare yourself. We got a book to find." I raised my hand into the sky to show my spirit for the upcoming quest.

I can't help it but notice that I am going to look for a book. Again. This is almost like back then when I helped Mrs. R to find her book. But this one is a bit different...

"How are we gonna get there?"

"We go through the dimensional bag."

"What?" Everyone excluding Mei said that line in unison.