Chapter 3.19 - White - Sealed Space

The light continued to blind everyone. It took a few seconds until the light started to slowly recede. Once I stopped glowing, we found ourselves to be on the other side of the seal. In other words, we teleported a few metres from where we were.

"What just happened?" Haz was confused.

Then I said, "I think I did something..."

"Now that you mention it," Mei figured, "The book that we got did mention a certain family that was able to inherit Space Manipulation. They did mention that its a family who was always surrounded with chaotic events. Like a cyclone."

"Cyclone White." said Lore, "Isn't that obvious?."

Mei nodded, "Indeed. Good thing we got one problem sorted out. Now comes another thing that bugs me."

"What is it? Is it about saving our friends" questioned Airi.

"That, yes. But in actuality, I never heard of someone with two unique magic."

Haz suggested that, "It's probably because White was so impatient he went on to get a different ability by eating the Infinitum crystal earlier this year. Now he have two kinds of personal magic."

"But aren't you have like a lot of different kinds of magic, Mei?" Zone pointed out.

Mei explained, "Well yeah but most of those can be learned. Unique or personal magic can't be learned through books. They could either be through inheritance or by eating an Infinitum crystal."

"What about the people that ate the crystal before us? Don't they have two abilities as well?" Airi wondered.

"As far as I can tell through my library, most of the test subjects were animal. Only one human was tested though. That person was already gone centuries ago."

"So there's no record of such phenomenon? Interesting." said Haz as he nodded slowly.

Airi interrupted us, "It's all fun and games alright but I think we should get back to saving the school."

I responded, "You're right. Let's do this."

We picked up our bearings and made our way to the nearest building. The nearest building we went to was the lab building. The feeling of deja vu was very strong especially when you realise that this was where we started to fight back the demons back then. Haz looked a little agitated from the way he walks. I guess he also felt the same way as I was. I mean yeah, it was a terrible time.

As much as we wanted to forget the past, it's just not an easy task especially when the things that happened happens to be directly related to you. I'm not quite sure about Zone, Lore and Airi however. I wasn't with them during that time but they certainly experience the same thing as well but it was probably from a different location or it was when I still haven't met them yet. It could be either way.

As we marched on, we notice a few monster was roaming around the building. According to Mei, it was an Imp. An Imp is a little creature, usually the size of a toddler or even a preschooler. They aren't dwarves and they don't look like a human. They do have a humanoid body but other than that they were a monster. A monster that has some kind of armour that was happen to be their very own skin. Their skin was made out of some unknown armour. It can come in many different colour and it usually depends on their races among the Imps community.

For example, what's in front of us was a Fury Imp and they have red armoured skin. Some of them even have a few white hair on their head. That's just one of the unique feature to differentiate between each Imps. Just like us humans, we differentiate ourselves with our faces, body physiques, and personality. Even the Imps were like that. You can find a buffed up Imp living in this world. It looks like these Fury Imps was serving under Escher from the fact that they all have an eyeball emblem on their chest.

"Let's handle this swiftly." said Zone.

Lore made his move, "Allow me to break the ice."

Lore revealed his shield and changed his shield mode to Hidden Mode. Lore's whole body begins to take on the same colour as the background. Hidden Mode was a mode that Lore have recently trained that enables him to camouflage on the surrounding area. He sneaked his way toward one of the Fury Imp. Once he was directly behind the Imp, he revealed himself and bashed his shield to the Imp. That hard bash Lore made was so strong that it knocked out the Imp. It also made a loud noise, attracting other Imps.

"That's a nice introduction you made, Lore." Airi mocked him.

"Shut up, magnet."

"Is that suppose to be an insult? That's lame, you gotta do better than that."

"Will you please help me up!"

"Sure thing, buddy." Airi was done fooling around and joined next to Lore.

Airi pulled in two Imps toward him using his magnetic ability. He ducked and that made the two Imps end up hitting the wall that was behind him. He pulled in another one and this time the Imp was sent flying to a lamp post nearby. The lamp post fell down and crashed down to a number of other Imps. That was a smart move made by Airi. But we cannot celebrate yet as there was another group of Imps that started to appear. Airi quickly dispatched them with his gravitational magic while also releasing some earth elemental magic that he had learned in class.

"You're an earth user?" Lore asked.

"Yup. What about you?"

"Mine's a bit different however..." Lore grinned.

Lore ran toward an Imp and punched it with all his might. During the same moment as well, a metallic sound was heard. The Imp was sent flying to the sky and landed to the ground after a few seconds. From what had transpired just now, it looks like Lore have been learning some Metal Elemental magic for himself.

"You can use Metal?" Airi was a bit surprised.

Lore bragged about it, "It's not that hard really. In fact, this is not even my first element. I can use two elements."

Lore unleashed a water spell that wiped almost all of the imps. It was like a mini-tsunami that was not strong enough to destroy building structures but just enough to wipe down enemies. The whole area begins to get flooded but then Lore drains it down by making a whirlpool that drains down to a single point. All of the Imps end up hitting each other during the chaos and it lead to a small explosion of Imps falling from the sky thanks to the impact of crashing with each other.

"Water and Metal. Interesting. You can use three element then." said Airi.

"What do you mean?"

"You can make rust." Airi chuckled.

"Are you seriously doing this now?" Lore felt annoyed by Airi's lame joke.

"Okay guys, break it up. We cleared this area so let's try and find anyone from our school." Haz intervenes.

We decided to split in pairs. Haz with Lore. Zone with Airi and Mei with me. Haz and Lore will look around the laboratory while Zone and Airi will be looking around the library building. As for us two...

"Where should we go?" I asked her.

She thinks for a while and answered, "How about the Square? That's probably the most obvious place since that was where everything started."

"So we have to go through the teacher's lounge and the office?"

"Not necessarily, we could just go behind the cafeteria through the computer's room and then the school museum."

"You're right. Let's do that."

We decided to went on with Mei's plan and made our way to the square by moving through the computer's room building and the school museum. Yes, our school was kind of different. We have a small museum dedicated for our school. Soul Power High School has been here a while. It had a lot of history. Fun fact, my mother was a student here. That goes the same for my only elder brother and my two elder sisters. Soon enough even my two younger brother would join us. But that will be for another different story that will be told later on.

As for now we carefully made our way through the computer's lab until we suddenly heard a voice grunting. We hid behind a few barrels and saw two Cyclops roaming around the area. Cyclops is a large humanoid monster that has one eye. They can be as large as a 2 story-house or as small as a buffed up human. In our case, they were in between of that. Which was their average size. From the looks of it, they were wearing leather shoulder pads with spikes and a pair of boots. These Cyclops also come in different colour. In this case, it was a light blue Cyclops or as Mei called them, Cyclops Warrior. The light blue ones were always the best in melee combat. Hence the name. In any case, we have to take care of these monstrosity at once.