Chapter 4.16 - Mei - The Fairy Forest

A few hours into our operation to find The Runix Cube and we're already being surrounded by a bunch of monsters.

"How did we end up like this again?" Airi sarcastically said so as he readies himself for combat.

"Oh whatever. I can't believe I'm signing up for this stuff." Shawn Wallfort, one of the members of Team Supernova that decided to join us has already started to complain even though it was only a few hours into the operation.

In addition to that, we also have his cousin, Shay Wallenburg to join this group.

"We're just getting started and you are already complaining, Shawn?"

"Shut it, Shay. You don't know anything about me."

Shay replied, "What are you talking about? I'm the closest person you ever have in your life and you dare say something like that?"

"Well of course. But still, that doesn't change the fact that whenever you go, bad things always happen."

"And wherever I go, I'm the one who always cleans up the mess."

Shay raised his hands along with two pieces of wood on each of his hands. The pieces of wood seemed to have a string attached to it. From what I remember, Shay's ability was called Puppetry. Basically, his magic allows him to control something. What is that something? It's actually interesting.

Shay's string started to glow and begins to wrap around one of the monsters that was apparently an Imp. The imp's eyes then started to glow the same color as Shay's string was, which was like a bright white light. The imp then started to attack its own fellow monster by viciously clawing its way to the faces of all the monsters that was surrounding us.

As what I have seen, I can conclude that Shay was able to control anything that his string was able to take control of. But there is a limit to it however. Shay have to at least have a higher power level than his target if he ever wanted a full control on his target. Else, if his target was stronger than him then Shay would only be able to control it partially. Worse case scenario, he won't even able to control them.

"My goodness. That was brutal of you."

Shawn expressed his surprise in a rather sophisticated way. Meanwhile, I grabbed a magic tome from my dimensional bag and began to cast a defensive spell that increases everyone's awareness of any oncoming attack. This kind of spell was actually helpful for these kinds of situation. Especially when there was multiple monster coming from left and right.

"What are you guys doing?" Shay notices that most of us just stood and did nothing. "Help me out beat these Imps."

Lore walked up and pulls out his shield and bash through the hordes of Imps as much as he could. Airi joins in as well as he threw a bunch of boulders to the Imps by combining his gravitational controlling magic with his earth manipulation magic.

"Now we're talking!" Shay delightfully appreciated the help of Lore and Airi. However...he wasn't happy with someone else, "Shawn! What the heck are you doing. You're suppose to protect the girls. Not be a girl"

"I'm not touching that ruffians you call, Imps." Shawn quickly responded.

Shawn proudly crosses his arm and acted all high and mighty. I guess his outfit does compliments his personality as most people say. I just didn't know that he would be this troublesome. I decided to intervene and scolded him.

"You really are the worst, huh?"

"What are you talking about, girl?"

"Don't you dare call me like that, I'm your squad leader and if you're not helping us then I'm going to report this to Rika."

"Who do you think you are to order me around. I should have been the squad leader considering my amazing background of an elite family."

"Who am I? You seem to be rather ignorant for someone as smart as you who declared that he should be the squad leader."

"What do you mean, peasant?"

I couldn't help myself but to grin from his ignorance. Haz noticing this, told Shawn who I was as he whispers to him.

"What? Impossible! This is the renowned top student of Soul Power High School?! How inconceivable! There's no way she's number one!"

Shay snickered.

"And here I thought, I'm the stupid one here. You didn't know, cuz?"

"This is probably some petty joke you all planned on me, right? There's no way she's the top student."

"Oh yeah?" I step forward and intimidated him. "I'll show you something, rich boy."

I flipped some pages from my book and stopped when I finally found an interesting spell. I began to read the ancient spell that was actually written in a long forgotten language. It seems I have to say it out loud.

There ware many types of way to unleash your spell. One is by simply waving your hands around doing a certain gesture. The gesture could be drawing something through your finger or doing a hand sign. It can even be a mix of both as well as a combo for some advanced spell. Another way to unleash a spell is by saying a magic incantation. Usually, the incantation will be spoken in ancient language.

And according to my research in my 'library', there was about 200 different ancient language that has ties with magic. Unfortunately, I can't really tell if most of those languages was used for magic that came from only through Infinitum. So far, I've only seen about 3 of them that I can use and about 15 of them that does nothing at all. I haven't have the time to look up about the other languages as of this time.

In any case, I read out the incantation out loud. The incantation sounded like gibberish for everyone else but it was definitely an old language long forgotten. When I was doing that, a circular glowing symbol started to appear below me.

All of my allies were also covered with a circular glowing symbol below them. As I finished my final word, swords started to rain down in the Fairy Forest. It wasn't in hundreds, it was more than that. It was thousands upon thousands of swords coming down and annihilated all of the Imps that was surrounding us. The magic circle was apparently used to protect the spell user and its allies since the swords just bounces away from us. It's like we're wearing a rain coat.

"What in the heaven was that?!"

Shawn was in shocked after seeing that all of the Imps has been eliminated in a matter of seconds.

"Are we done, here?"

That was probably the first sentence I heard from Kin since we started the operation. Even Nif talked with me before this. Well in any case, at least she haven't gone silent. I relaxed myself and replied to her.

"Yes. We are done here. Let's get going and find the Runix Cube."

"I sure hope we can finish this up fast. It's boring me out after countless of encounters with these Imps."

Haz seemed to be not in the mood for some reason. But anyway, we kept on going until the forest landscape started to change drastically. I stopped my feet to appreciate the surrounding landscape.

I talked to myself as we were walking through the place, "Now this is The Fairy Forest. A mysterious forest that was believed to be inhabited with fairies."

The tree leaves were light purple and it was beautifully glowing alongside with a few sparkling sparkle on the leaves. Most of the wooden part of the trees remained the same except for the leaves as stated before. A river was visible further down the road surface that was probably made by the fairies. The road surface was filled with sparkling pebbles and was beautifully aligned as if it was a village entrance.

We walked along the road surface and reached the river only to be in awe of how wonderful it was. Just like the leaves and the pebbles, the river was sparkly and clean off any rubbish that could harm such a majestic looking river. I tried tasting the water and it was absolutely refreshing. I've never drank such an exquisite water like this. Especially coming from a river. I look even further and found out that there was a magnificent looking aqueduct that was well-built around the trees without even disturbing any of the trees.

"It's a beautiful place isn't it?"

Suddenly, there was an unknown voice that started to talk to us. We looked around and saw a little person with glittering wings floating about. The size of the person was as big as my own encyclopedia. That's kind of tiny to be honest.

"Who are you?"

I stepped in to talk to this little person. Upon further inspection, the person was female.

"I am a fairy. You can call me, Lily."

It was amazing, really. This was probably the first time that I ever saw a fairy. Scratch that, nobody in our squad has ever seen a fairy before and now they were finally in front of us. This was an amazing spectacle to say the least.

"Nice to meet you, Lily. This place is wonderful!"

"Indeed it is wonderful...unfortunately..."

Lily looked sad. I wonder what's going on in her mind. I better find out. Who knows, it may lead to the Rubix Cube.