Chapter 4.19 - Hosuke - Strength of The Sea God

The large gargoyle seemed to be wearing a crown on its head. We'll call it the Gargoyle King with that in mind. The Gargoyle King, hovered menacingly in mid air summoned 5 huge spears simultaneously. This was not what Serena had told us. But it seemed to not be something out of the realm of possibilities considering that it was summoned by the leader of all gargoyle in this ruins.


Shouted Kaym as he struggled against the hordes of gargoyle that was still surrounding us. Realizing that, I had no other choice but to rely on my abilities.

"Darn it, looks like I have to pull in something big."

I managed to manipulate a huge amount of water and brought it towards the ruin just in time to create a defensive wall made out of water. It's not just a normal wall with the material of water but instead, the flowing water was as fast as a raging river. It was also going upward. It was like a reverse waterfall. A geyser, perhaps. Thanks to that, the spears was stopped just in the nick of time.

"That took a lot of my Infinitum..."

I started to breath heavily as I tried to regulate my Infinitum consumption back to a normal rate. Compared to popular believe, people say that it is not good to use up all of your Infinitum in a single attack as it will always require a follow-up but forget that. There's no way I can protect my friends if I don't save it up for something like that.

"Here, take this."

Rose gave me something.

"What is that?"

"This? It's a drink that recharges your Infinitum. I didn't told you that I love cooking as well didn't I? Well...I made it."


"Don't worry, co-captain. It is safe. I've tested it hundreds of time already. Drink up!"

With that smile on her face, there's no way I can say no especially when she already tried her best to make something that useful. About the drink though, I've heard somewhere that by the end of the year a really big company will be releasing a drink that will rejuvenate a wizard's Infinitum. But it seems that someone here has already found the secret formula before it was even released to the public. We got a genius chef, here.

Putting that aside, I drank it and in a matter of seconds, I feel that my Infinitum was coming back to me. It didn't charge up to the fullest of my Infinitum capacity but it really did the job done to recharge a portion of it.

"Wow. It really does work. It's like a potion. Only its for Infinitum."

"What should we call it then?"

"I don't're the one who made it. Why don't you name it?"

Rose laughed.

"Yes, I did made it but it was you who tasted it first."

"Oh really..."

It was then, at this very moment where I realized something was off.

"Wait! You said you tested it already! Did you lied to me?"

"No I don't, co-captain. I tested it on animals...if it makes you more comfortable..."

She makes an innocent face as she said those faulty words of hers. At the very least, I haven't got a single side effect from drinking that. So, I shouldn't get mad about it.

"Alright then...let's call it...Infinitum Potion. How about that?"

"That sounds wonderful. It's better to simply call it like that rather then just giving it something complex."

Rose was delighted of my idea.

"Yeah, that's good and all you two...but can you please stop talking and fight!"

Rider was frustrated at us for leaving him hanging against the gargoyles.

"Sorry about that, I'll end this one, Rider."

With a single inhalation of the air through my body, I calmly exhaled it out and moved both of my arm forward. With a slight movement of the arms, I summoned my katana, The Mizusame and slashed the air.

It seemed that I indeed slashed the air but what happens after that doesn't really connects to what I've done as The Gargoyle King was suddenly staggered for some reason. What really happened was that I sliced through the air as fast as I could that I end up creating an invisible wind slash that reaches The King. To make sure The King will be totally staggered, I made sure to add the wind slash along with a pinch of water magic to it. So now, it's simply a water slash. The difference was that it was too fast for anyone to see it was coming.

The only downside to this kind of ability was that I can only do it when I just summoned my katana. If I try to do it for a second time, the water slash will be visible. But, it will still move at the same speed as how much I slashed through.

With that in mind, I rapidly slashed the air creating a barrage of water slash that headed towards the staggered Gargoyle King. The King couldn't do anything to the point that I managed to cut off its wings. The Gargoyle King was slowly falling and gliding down towards us. It looked like it was about to crash into us, and it was.


Serena shouted out loud to all of us to watch out for the falling Gargoyle King. Everyone was already out of their way away from where The Gargoyle King was about to fall except for Rose who was still struggling against the gargoyles.


I ran toward her and caught her just in time before she was about to be crushed by the huge stone monster. I did that but the whole floor began to crumble, we weren't able to jump away from that except for Kaym who has his own wings so he could just fly away from the ground.

During the fall, I can see that Zone and Rulend were fighting against what seems to be a Stone Golem. Looks like they were beaten up quite badly. I wonder what happened. But enough of that. What happened next was that the golem was crushed by the apparently destroyed ceiling along with The King Gargoyle on top of it. Let's not forget that there were tons of Gargoyles on the other floor just now.

And its looks like all of the battles has been stopped thanks to that. Zone and Rulend sat down on the floor in relief.

"Goodness gracious. Better find them under these rubble..."

Kaym glided his way down toward where we were and began to find us from the pile of rocks. Rider made his way out on his own by forcing all of his strength while Serena was successfully saved by Kaym. What about Rose, you say? She's safe as well. Right above my body, all fainted up from the impact of the fall. This was totally unintentional. I only did it to save her, nothing else.

"Rose? Are you alright?"

She didn't respond.

"Rose! Hey. Come on this is not funny."

I tried to shake her body but she doesn't seem to be full of life at all. Her body was flailing.

"Rose! Rose! Not like this! ROSE!"

"Oh can you please shut the heck up. She's fine, idiot."

Sally walks towards me and said those harsh words.

"What are you talking about? She's not moving."

"She's fine. I tried to heal her and apparently she's just fainted. Look, there's moss on her back. As you know, my ability is called Tree of Life. I can manipulate any plant and even use them as a means to heal someone."


"'re shouting...right next to my ear...don't do that please..."

Rose finally woke up from her momentarily slumber. I gave sigh of relief after finding out that she was okay.

"Well then..."

Rulend approached towards us.

"Looks like not only we beat these monsters. We also uncovered The Runix Cube."

"Yeah...I can't believe it's inside The Stone Golem. Here I thought it would be from a hidden room or something" said Zone in a disappointed tone.

Rulend grabbed the pieces of The Runix Cube and began to observe it. It was all purple with gold engravings all over it. There's a glowing hole that was probably meant to be used to connect the other pieces of the Runix Cube.

Rulend then ordered us to move, "Let's head back, everyone..."

Everyone collected their bearings and made their way for the exit which was the huge hole that The Gargoyle King made. We had to climb our way up and use some rope. Other than that, Kaym carried us one by one.

Rose transformed herself into a humanoid bat. A werebat? Whatever. She carried me up to the other floor.

"Thanks, co-captain."


"For saving me. I...appreciate it."

I nervously laughed and said back to her.

"The operation is over. You can call me Hosuke."

"Alright then. Thanks, Hosuke."

And with that, we made our way back to the school and waited for the other team to return from their operation.