Chapter 5.1 - Escher - The 7 Month War Revisited

Extracted from Professor Ash's Personal Diary

Obtained through Mei's Forbidden Knowledge

Narrated by Professor Ash a.k.a. The Battle Mage, Champions of Chaos, Escher.

6 October 20XX

I finally did it! I have done it! The experiment worked! I knew I was right! Creating the perfect wizard through the means of combining a ripe Infinitum Crystal! And people say consuming an Infinitum Crystal before it was ripe will cause an outburst for the test subject. The test subject was alive and well thanks to my brilliant knowledge about magic. Seven test subject were tested to see whether they would be capable enough to withstand such an outburst. In the end, only one remains in the final testing.

I have to say, I can't believe my own eyes but it was right in front of me all this time. My own daughter was the best subject throughout the testing phase. I don't like doing this kind of thing at first but once the results were out, I changed my mind and figured that she might be able to become the perfect wizard.

She doesn't have a mother anymore, she only has me. She has always been by my side ever since the loss of her mother. Everyday, the little girl would play around the lab. Of course, I made sure that anything critical was not near her reach. The fact that I'm already a professor, I figured that my daughter wouldn't need to go to a school so instead, I teach her here at the lab. She's been here for the longest time ever since.

That came to a halt when I was trying to make an interesting staff. A staff that could change everything we know about reality. Nothing seems to work correctly during the first trial. After hours upon hours of fixing the staff, not a single results was promising. I couldn't finish my project...That's when until someone appeared next to me while my daughter and I were eating outside. He heard that I was making the staff and he offered for help. He said that he could help him out with these kinds of things because he seems to have a knowledge that was related to reality, illusions and something in between.

And so with the person's help he gave me a single amulet. He called it The Amulet of Chaos. I asked him why it has a chaos in its name and he replied by saying that in order for something to be completely like an illusion like how my staff was suppose to work, it has to be filled with chaos. Because things always gets crazy when there is chaos. He's not wrong on that part. Most reaction will always cause chaos but that will only lead to results. In conclusion to that, this was the only way I could have done.

And so, we combined the amulet together with the staff. We couldn't think of a better design than making the amulet looked like a big eye at the top part of the staff. It was brilliant. And the good news was that it actually worked! The Staff of Illusion worked!

But it was at this moment that I ended up shooting one of the mirror in my lab with the staff, the mirror suddenly turned into a portal. Inside of was hell. Yes, as much as I wanted to be proud of it. I couldn't. Because I was the one who started The Seven Month War. It was by accident that it happened.

It was at that moment where we decided that we will stop the demons. We managed to close the gate that we've created but all that was left was the demons. The both of us weren't enough to beat all the roaming demons so I decided to use the staff which can create an illusion of a sealing spell where I can close off a huge chunk of area. I cast the magic with the staff using all of my strengths. This was to ensure that everything and everyone under the fake sealing spell trapped inside here. Nothing can get through it unless I cancel the spell.

And it was that when I closed off the whole city from the outside world. The outside world doesn't even know a thing that happened here because all of this was blocked by my illusion. As things get messy with all of the people keep getting murdered from left and right. We considered this a success since we have minimised the probability of a higher death count. But we won't stop there, it was at that moment when we decided to create the perfect wizard that could stop the demons. This was where my daughter comes into play. She decided that she will help us and save the world by stopping the demons.

And today was the day where it all came into pieces! My latest creation worked! My daughter was the perfect wizard! She could use any ancient spell that she can learn through the masses of her brain that was filled with all of the information of the magic world. Yes, I carefully tinkered with her brain on that part. That was where she was able to learn things at such a quick rate. All of those ancient books and tomes? It was all thanks to my partner. He didn't tell me where he got all of these books but he did tell me that we can fit all of these into a single brain by giving out a single sacrifice. And that sacrifice was nothing more than just by being working partner with my partner.

7 October 20XX

A day have been passed. My partner have put a spell on me. He said it was the power of chaos. It slowly corrupt me. Chaorrupt me. Then again, it might be the work of my own creation, The Staff of Illusion but I cannot be sure because it was at his hand at the moment.

It all happened after I agreed to be his working partner. He does his job of putting all of the knowledge he got into my daughter. And right after that, he immediately blasted me with these unknown magic that I have never known about. He started to float around and laughed at my miserable face as he started to reveal an armor taking form on his body. I've never asked for his name before, but I asked just in case...he responded by revealing himself as, Nova.

I've managed to get away from him by blowing up a portion of the lab with any means necessary. I brought along my daughter and we headed to one place where there could be many people. Soul Power High School, there's probably a lot of people who took refuge over there. We went there and found out that a bunch of demons was infesting the school. We managed to find some cover inside the office to which I realise that this was the end of the line for me as I starting to lose control of myself. The illusion magic was too strong. I decided to hide my daughter inside a locker. Just to be safe, I even did a memory wiping spell on her just so she can live a normal life. Not living in such chaos and disarray.

As my body slowly seeps away from the light, I headed as far as I could away from the school only to be discovered by Nova who had been chasing me all these time. At the very least...My daughter was safe...

A few year has passed

Under custody of Nova. He promises me to stop the madness only if I follow his orders. He has assigned me to be one of his Champions of Chaos. I agreed and it was then where the effects of The Staff of Illusion was cancelled. If I didn't say yes to help him out then I would have done something even worse. I waited for some time until I finally got my assignment. I was given a new name and a disguise. I was to disguise as the new principal for Soul Power High School. At first I only treated this assignment as an assignment. But long after that, I started to feel resentful of it. I started to love the school. Just when I started loving the people in it, Nova gave me another assignment. Summon The Chaos Beast that was hidden in this area. The Ravenous Hydra.

Why it has to be this way when I have an attachment with something that things like these has to happen. First it was my daughter, now its the whole school. In any case, I have an order I must abide or else another invasion will happen. Like I said a few years ago, we have to minimize the probability of a higher death count. That was the only way I could do...It all changes when I found out there was a little fleeting dust of the space that started to make a mark in the world of wizardry. Perhaps...a Stardust.