Chapter 5.11 - White - VS Team Brilliance

The bell has been rung, signifying the beginning of all Quarter Final Matches simultaneously. While my team was head to head against Team Brilliance, Rika Lightning's Team Supernova was probably facing a tough team as well. I'm sure it won't be as hard as how we faced Team Brilliance. Now that battle was tough for us, alright...

"Why are we hiding behind this huge rock, White?" asks Airi.

I nervously responded, "We are...conserving...our Infinitum! Yes, we're conserving our Infinitum. We don't want to overuse it because we still have another match coming."

"Forget that, White!" Rider screams at me, "The enemy won't give us a chance to play nice. This is a competition, darn it!"

"Then what are we supposed to do?" I was in panic.

Rulend then tried to calm me down, "Calm yourself down, White. We're just getting started and you're already like this...Are you sure you'll be able to make it through the day?"

"Now I'm not so sure anymore..." My confidence level suddenly dropped.

"Hang in there, White!" Blax grabbed both of my shoulder and said, "Don't you want to win The Magic Duel? Isn't that our main goal right now?"

I looked at him and I quickly changed my mood. I suddenly stood tall and said, "You're right, Blax. Now is not the time to panic. Now is the time take charge!"

But then Lore interrupted us, "But White...Rulend has been captured by the enemy. We don't have a proper strategy without him. Almost all of our strategies involves him in it."

"Oh goodness..." My mood went down as fast as a roller coaster.

Hosuke then approached me and said, "Whatever it is, White. I'm sure you have something in mind. Just think. That's all you need to do now..."

Hosuke had a very trustful eye. He was definitely confident in me. Seeing that Hosuke had some faith in me means a lot to me. It kind of made me a little bit better than before. I slowly got up and started to devise a new strategy.

I tried to take a peek at the enemy but the barrage of attack coming from Aizen's sharpshooting ability doesn't help at all. There's no way I can peek my head out in the open. My face would be blasted by one of his projectiles. It was then I remembered that Lore has a shield.

"Lore! You and Rider could try to distract, Aizen." I gave out my first order.

"Hold on, White." Rider stopped me, "I'm not helping this guy out. Definitely no."

"Yeah. What he said, White." Lore seems to also agree with whatever Rider just said.

To which then I replied to them, "But you are guys are so in sync already. Why don't you just go?"

"Do we have to...?" Lore felt pushed.

"Yes. It is an order." I decided to be more assertive to both of them.

Rider was overwhelmed by my assertiveness and said, "Jeez, White...Alright, alright. Well do that. In the meantime, find a way for us to break in later."

"Sure thing, Rider! Be careful you two."

Both Rider and Lore walked toward the end of the huge rock that was protecting us. Both of them looked away from each other as they face to face for a moment.

"I can't believe I'm with you again..." Lore was definitely infuriated to see Rider again.

Rider then guffawed at Lore and said, "To think that I would end up with you one more time. Despicable."

Lore then proudly yelled at Rider, "Well since you seem to have a big mouth right now, Rider. Why don't I shut it down with what I will about to show you!"

Lore quickly got out of the huge rock protection and raised his shield toward wherever the enemy was. Aizen's projectile quickly made contact with Lore's shield. Aizen was shooting a numerous amount of metal ball from his brand new BB gun. It's not like a real gun but it's projectiles will still hurt in a way. But back at the matter at hand, usually this time the metal ball would be scattered around the place thanks to Lore blocking every single shot of Aizen's gun. But this time, Lore had something new.

"I present to you, Rider! Deflect Mode!"

Lore's shield started to glow in blue aura. All of Aizen's metal ball that was able to hit the shield quickly returned fire back at Aizen. Aizen noticing that the metal ball was approaching him, quickly stopped his barrage and hid for cover. Lore was able to stop the barrage of metal ball thanks to his new skill.

"What do you think of that, Rider?" Lore continues to be a show off toward Rider.

Rider wasn't bothered by it as he suddenly transformed his uniform into a brand new armor we never seen before. We thought that the Dragon Armor the other day was enough, but now Rider was wearing to what was known as a Hydra Scale Armor. He probably got that armor made from the scales of the hydra that we have defeated the other day.

Nanjo's clone suddenly started to appear all over Lore who was left alone in the open. As Lore was about to be routed out by one of Nanjo's clone, Rider blocked out of the clones attack with his own sword, Hydra's Teeth. He quickly cut down the clone in half.

"Lovely armor isn't it?" boasted Rider.

Lore then immediately say, "You should look wherever you're looking Rider because the enemy might be just below you!"

Rider looked down and saw Adam Rift in his melted state started to take back his normal form. Adam Rift completely destroyed the Hydra's Teeth by melting it using his ability.

"Well that was clumsy of you, Rider." Adam laughed at Rider for the lost of his sword.

But Rider wasn't loosing his cool at all. In fact, he was smiling. Both Adam and Lore were confused about Rider's expression until they noticed that the sword now begins to reform back from its melted state. Only this time, the sword multiplied. Rider then wielded both of the sword and took out Adam in a quick fashion. Adam Rift has been eliminated.

"You deliberately did that knowing that your blade will multiply into two. Disgusting." Lore pointed out Rider's new sword.

Rider then replied back by saying, "That goes the same way as your shield too. I know that you coated your shield with the Hydra's blood making it more susceptible to reflecting a projectile."

"To think that we think alike to use the same type of material to fight against..." Lore couldn't believe himself.

As they were merrily talking, they were quickly interrupted by the barrage of metal balls from Aizen as well as the oncoming clones of Nanjo. Rider and Lore quickly turned their back against each other.

They glanced at each other for a second and quickly raised their swords and shield toward the enemy in front of them.

Meanwhile from the other side of the battlefield, Blax, Hosuke and Airi was trying their best to help Rulend who recently escaped from the grasp of Team Brilliance's trap. The three of them we're head to head against Zayn's legendary animal aura, as well as the team leader, Rin Zeelint with her summoning magic.

Rulend's escape came to a halt when Meme Elementz interrupted him. Meme gestured at him to come and face him. Rulend prepared himself and went into his fighting stance. Ready to fight against the unpredictable dancing moves of Meme.

In order to win the duel, all of either team's member has to be eliminated. Things would be easier for Blax, Hosuke, Airi and Rulend if I was with them, but for some reason. There was this one girl who couldn't let me go at all.

"Where are you trying to run away, White. There's no escape from me!" Izzy Nova Crystallia was hunting me down as if I was a quest reward.

I was only able run away from her thanks to my little infinibot that Haz gave to me. It was able to slow down Izzy's movement thanks to that. But it wasn't enough as Izzy was able to get away from my little infinibot's range. She quickly jumped toward me with her sword raised high in the sky. But what she don't realise was that I was waiting for that moment.

Since she was already in the range of my ability, I immediately stopped the time and with that free two second, I used my Space Manipulation ability to transport both of us right behind Rin Zeelint. As I moved the time back once again and made sure to be at a safe distance, Izzy accidentally knocked out her team leader with that devastating blow from her magic-infused sword.

Izzy finally realises what she had done said, "Oh no, Rin! It was an accident! I'm sorry! I-" and she was then quickly took out by my knock out chop to the back of the head.

With what's been going on already, Team Brilliance surrendered before they were even able to be completely eliminated. They had no backup leader to provide help and their numbers were growing thin with The Magnificent Three being defeated by The Combination Duo, their best member, Izzy knocked out. We had won the Quarter Final Round and we will be proceeding to The Semi-Final where we will face...

"Hi there, White..." Rika Lightning waved at me from a distance.

I looked at the result board and saw who was our next opponent.

"Oh, will you look at that...Looks like we will finally cross our swords, White."

We'll be facing Rika and her team, Team Supernova next...