Chapter 5.14 - Mei - Stardust

It's already night time and The Final Round of The Magic Duel was ongoing. In a matter of moments left until either Team Supernova or Team Purity would become the winner of this year's Magic Duel.

Seeing how devastated White was earlier this evening, I couldn't help myself but to feel the same as well even though I'm not really a part of his group of friend. I'm just watching from the sidelines. Looking over him whenever it needs to. And from the looks of it, he had already moved on from his grieving phase of losing the chance to win The Magic Duel. He has come to accept the defeat. That includes the rest of his group of friends as well...

Who would have known that a short and timid person like him would end up leading a couple of misfits. In a way, he's no longer timid at all. He just doesn't talk a lot and he would rather be that way. That's how I come to know the real him. Even if it was after I wiped out a few of his memory about us in the past...There was that one time where we had that one conversation under that tree,

"Hey, Mei." White called for me first back then.

"What is it?"

"Do you think I should try entering The Magic Duel?"

I responded to him logically, "You know, White. We're still a 1st year here and only a 5th year student can enter The Magic Duel. And besides that, you don't even have any magic yet. How do you think you could even stood a chance in the qualifying round?"

"Jeez, you don't have to be so honest about it. It was a hypothetical question."

"Well if it's hypothetical, White..." I looked at him for a moment and remembered what happened between us before I wiped his memory about our relationship back during The Seven Month War. "You're probably going to be a tough opponent. All you actually need now is a good teammate to listen to you."

"Is that so? Well, it was just a baseless question and I'm not seriously thinking of entering the duel. Not in this condition, at least."

I gently smiled at him and said, "In due time, you'll be good to go, White."

"But still..." White was still wondering, "There's a chance that I might lose the duel entirely. So it would just be a waste of time, don't you think so?"

I put down the book I was reading and turned my head to him and said, "Well, winning isn't everything really. You win some, you lose some. That's just how it is. What matters is how you reforge yourself after the result."

"Is that so? Well...I might have some interest in this Magic Duel..."

Looking back again. I think that conversation kind of sparked his courage to try and enter The Magic Duel. It was also a conversation that reminded him that failure isn't the end of everything. He was still able to become a good person. That's just who he is. That's Team Stardust's captain, Cyclone White.

With all have been said and done, I still have one thing that I need to do next. And that was to find out what exactly am I. Being this weird enigma really piques my curiosity and I intend to go on a journey of discovery on my own. I would ask White and his friends but they might not want to deal with that kind of problem anymore. I've considered to leave them just like that but then White might probably come back and try to chase after me because of my whereabouts. He would just drag himself into another person's personal matter. If he wants to be selfish, then I can be selfish as well.

That was when I decided that it was best if I completely wipe out everyone's memory about me existing at all. It was better that way. I wouldn't be bothered by them anymore and they don't have to bother with my own problems.

"Mei, what are you doing in the rooftop, here? The final match is already over." White suddenly appeared from a distance.

I looked back at him and asked, "Really? Who won?"

"Sonozaki Wakana's team won. Team Purity is the winner of this year's Magic Duel."

"So Rika's team is in 2nd place. It's a logical outcome alright. Team Purity is stacked with top students like The Descendants of A Great King, Luther Pendragon. The Head of Prefects, Faith Rayna and of course, Sonozaki Wakana himself."

"They are in fact, as their title are called. The Top Seven Students of Soul Power High" said White as he walked and rested besides me.

"Truly deserving of the title. Unlike me."

"What are you talking about, Mei? You do belong as The Number One Student of Soul Power High."

"But that's just my father's doing. Well at least he was my father, I think... Now even I am not sure about that..."

"It's not entirely just that, Mei." White shakes his head. "It's also your remarkable talent. There's no one in this school who can stand against you. Had you entered the Magic Duel, you and your team will automatically be considered the winner just because of your innate talent. It's not just the help of the principal. Well...ex-principal now."

I laughed a bit and said, "In such a short notice, the teachers in this school was able to continue The Magic Duel with the disappearance of him. It's quite scary how easily replaceable people can be. Really just shows how fascinating these people are..."

"Indeed it is, Mei. Indeed it is." White was looking up into the sky as fireworks began to spark all over the night sky. "Looks like the celebration has started. I think we should go to the arena."

I considered to him a better option, "I rather stay here, White. This is a better view we have here."

He chuckled and said, "You're not wrong." He decided to stay with me for the rest of the night.

Before I wipe out everyone's memory about my existence, I continued our conversation with a simple question.

"Say White...How are things with the others?"

"You mean our friends?"

I nodded, "Yeah, them."

"Well..." He begins to tell what's currently happening with Team Stardust.

He told me that Blax Tank and Kin Star have talked it out with each other about their compatibility. It looks like Blax and Kin are no longer a couple. It was a peaceful outcome where both sides agreed with each other. Still, it was kind of sad to know that the couple would break up in the end. It just shows you that there's still more for us to look forward to in the future.

Rulend Soft and Zone Helmine continued to struggle with each other as always albeit it was more healthy now. They no longer feel hatred among each other with their Cops & Robbers tendency. It's for the best, I guess.

Haz Kazama have been continuously developing his invention along with the help of the other three juniors which was Serena, Kaym Famine and Nif Ferel. They have develop a bunch of new things including a potion that enhance ones magical ability. Also, White's little robot friend, the Infinibot, Seven has been taken into custody by Haz. He said that he will be tinkering with the little critter for a while. Until then, White will be on his own.

As for Yukimura Airi and Haruhiko Hosuke, those two mysterious lives have finally revealed to the rest of Stardust. Which means that there's no need to hide anymore. Airi can now rest assured that with the loss of Team Stardust in The Magic Duel would make him think more freely about what his next step would be. He can now choose freely without being burdened by his family tradition. And as for Hosuke, his confidence level still needs some work but he's growing up to be a capable person from the looks of it. I wouldn't be surprised if one day he would be someone important with how powerful his talent is.

Let's not forget the reunited duo. The Combination Duo, Lore Pidea and Rider Blade themselves. The last time I remembered about them was that both of them were fighting with each other over their lack of trust with each other. I'm glad they settled their differences after all have been said and done. It just shows that wound can be heal with time. It's not all the time, but in this context, it is.

"Seems like everyone is in peace." I told that to White.

"I'm glad they are all alright. It's too bad that I might be leaving them soon."

"Leaving? What do you mean?"

"Our high school years is coming to an end. We have to think what's next, right? So I decided to apply to a university."

"A university? Which one then?" I asked.

He answered, "I'll try aiming for Infinity Academy."

"Isn't that like one of the largest university in this country? Especially when they have a lot of different branches from different regions of this land."

"Yup." He nodded. "It's the largest, alright. But I can't honestly say it's the best one in the world. There are other places where I could apply but I think this place would suffice because of its history of high probability of acceptance for new students."

"They are only the biggest university in the country because the government is funding them. It isn't a private university."

"I know that, Mei. But what other options I can choose for someone as moderate like me, right?"

I looked at him for a moment a lightly laughed, "You're right. I think Infinity Academy would be good enough for you. So what are you applying for?"

"I don't know yet. They still haven't open up registration. But I've considered of trying out this one course called, Magic Studies. It's basically learning everything about magic itself. It's less fighting and more theoretical. But I'm sure I'll have to apply those in my upcoming battles."

"That's sounds fitting for you, White. I'm sure you'll graduate in no time."

"Thanks for the compliment, Mei."

We enjoyed the night for as long as we could until the time where I was forced to do what I had to. And that was to wipe out everything everyone knows about me. They will still remember Escher, but they won't remember me being involved in that. Not anymore. After this, I'll probably go and search for my self. Until then...this will be a goodbye for the time being. At least until a miracle could happen. Only then will the story continues...

