Chapter 7 Contract Marriage

Charles Gu stared at her quietly, and then said casually, "am not pretending to be nice to you. Get in your car and drive to my villa, I will follow you at your back."

After saying this he turned and returned back to his car, not giving her a chance to consider.

Sally Sue didn't know whether to follow him or not.

What was it that he wanted to show her, that would require her coming to his villa?

Finally, she took a deep breath and got back into her car.

She started the car and began driving towards the direction of his villa. She could see his car following her from behind.

After some minutes, she stopped the car at a large house that spelt out the word, 'EXTRAVANGANT'

The gates opened and she drove in. She parked her car at a corner and pulled out her keys.

Sally Sue closed her eyes for a moment, trying to put herself together, then she opened then back again, and got out of the car.

Charles Gu car was parked at the back of her car.