The door bursts open. A breeze flies straight into our faces as we shield them in each other’s bodies. Sophia curls into my chest. The twins might as well be one being, so closely connected with each other. Baxter stands strong and faces the outside world with his boundless courage.
Beyond the door, long grass awaits us. The world outside seems to be just as I left it. Wind, ground and fences. Grass and flowers. Bushes and trees. It was a well-kept garden, once, but now it’s overgrown and wild.
Nature has taken over.
Baxter returns to Tess and picks her up again, continuing the march towards the garden. I shiver, but whisper comforting words to Sophia and encourage her to move forwards. Ruby and Sapphire walk by my side, as we leave the house and begin to walk on soft, grassy ground.