Chapter 6

Yandy: 11.24.16

I frowned at that as I shifted my backpack and noticed that we were heading to the South East Campus Housing.

We continued on in silence until I remembered something "Oh yeah, I'm sorry about what Nidia and Sandy-"

He waved me off "It's ok, I knew what they were doing." He said nonchalantly as he led me to the third floor of the apartments.

I furrowed my eyebrows "You knew?" I asked.

He nodded his head as he stopped in front of 301 "They were trying to get under my skin, right?"

"Yeah," I answered as he opened the door for me "Thank you." I walked passed him and into his 'apartment'. The first thing I saw was the hallway that I'm guessing that led to the rooms, I glanced to my left and saw the dining room which was unique. They had a small oak table placed to the wall with two oak benches on each side, they had a couple of shelves on top with décor on it.

I look to the right and saw the living room that was kind of matching the color scheme of the dining room. They had a white sectional pushed to the wall with a small oak table and the tv on an oak tv stand that had speakers on each side.

I slowly made my way to the living room and dropped my bag next to couch, I took my cardigan off and plopped on the couch.

"Ok." I fold my arms "Get to begging." I joked.

He got on his knees and bowed in front of me "I'll do anything." He begged.

I shook out of my surprised and pulled him up to stand "Don't beg, you too fine to be begging." I stated as I pulled him to sit next to me.

He still had a pout when he nodded "But I will do anything." He repeated.

An idea came to mind and my eyes roamed his physic "Anything?" I asked with a mischievous smile.

He nodded "Yes." He said but narrowed his eyes at me when he noticed the change in my tone and my smile.

I turned my mischievous smile into an innocent one "I have a few conditions but let me get this straight first, we'll do what boyfriends and girlfriends do." I stated as I moved closer to him, he nodded in agreement "Go out on dates, be seen together all the time," I moved onto his lap and he stiffen "have sex." I drawled as I ran my finger across his jaw.

"Wha-wh-what?" He stuttered.

I gave him an innocent smile "Yes, that's my condition. We're going to have tons of sex." I said nonchalantly "It keeps the relationship healthy." I smiled as I straddle him.

He looked away from me with a frown, Yes, back out. Rethink this dumbass idea. I smiled inwardly as I played with my afro.

He faced me and stared at me before sighing "If that's what you really want." I stared in shock as he took his shirt off and threw it across the living room.

I thought he had intimacy issues!! I couldn't help but look at his well defined chest and abs. He had a couple of scars on his stomach and I slowly traced the one above his belly button. He grabbed my hands and held them behind my back.

He cupped my jaw with his other hand then tilted my head up "You think that I have intimacy issues?" He asked with furrowed eyebrows. Did I say that out loud? Oopps.

I looked at his lips and leaned closer to him, he leaned back immediately causing him to knock his head to the wall "That's how I know." I answered with a whisper "You tensed earlier when I shifted in your arms, meaning you were uncomfortable with touching me-"

He grabbed my jaw softly and shook his head "I don't have intimacy issues." He stressed.

I pulled my face away from his hands "It's okay Joon. Whatever happened to you that caused you to have these issue-Ahhh!" I was thrown into the couch and landed on my back.

My eyes widen when I noticed Joon was hovering over me "Yandy?" He whispered out.

I gulped "Yes?" I stuttered.

The way he was staring down at me let me know that I went to far. I was going to apologize until his lips hovered mine.

"I don't have intimacy issues." He assured as he stared into my eyes. All I saw was the truth so I believed him, I was about to ask him a question until I heard a door close. My eyes widen but Joon looked calm and even rested most of his body on me. I grunted then looked to the door and saw two guys standing there staring at us with neutral expressions.

The one on the right looked at Joon with a raised eyebrow and said something in I'm guessing Korean.

Joon rolled his eyes as he got up "We will." He smirked as he picked me up bridal style.

I quickly wrapped my arm around his neck then turned to the other guy when he spoke.

I felt Joon take a deep breath, "Yandy, these two are my roommates. Lee Suk-Sung" The one with the bubble jacket smirked and wave "and Yoo Hae-In." He gave me a curt nod.

I wiggled for Joon to put me down but his hold just got tighter "Well I'm Yandy." I greeted with a smile and wave.

"You can call me Lee." Lee Suk-Sung said with a smile before turning to Joon with a smirk "You clearly lied when you said that she was cute" I felt a glare coming on "She's sexy." He sent me a flirty wink along with some other Korean words.

I couldn't stop the grimace that was forming on my face, "Well she's taken." Joon said in a hard tone followed by Korean as well.

Lee put his hands up in mock defense before speaking Korean. Yoo Hae-In shook his head and made his way down the hall.

"Do it and die." Joon threaten, I glanced up at him and saw a scowl on his face and his eyes were dark brown. That's right baby! Better take up for yo ba-wait wait no Yandy no, you're not agreeing stop it! I scold myself.

Lee tsked "So possessive, calm down. I would never take your" He finished his sentence in Korean but I could guess what he said because that word was similar in English.

"If you called me 'chocolate goddess' I will punch you in the throat." I promised with a glare. Lee flinched back and said something else with a pout.

Joon laugh, "She does." He agreed then started to carry me down the hall.

He opened the door at the end with me still in his arms Damn he strong, I weigh like a good 145.

I landed on the bed with a bounce, I stared at him because he still didn't have a shirt on. He noticed my stare and gave me a confused look before looking down at himself, he blush slightly before walking over to me.

"I can see you didn't understand my explanation of why I chose you so I'll do it a different way." He said slowly as he sat next to me. I started to scoot away until he held me in place.

"If you think this plan was a spur of the moment, you're mistaken. I've been planning this for the last month. I decided to chose you two weeks ago." I furrowed my eyebrows and tried to move away, he ran his hand through his hair with a sigh "I chose you because you're pretty intimidating" He admitted sheepishly "to people and you don't care what anyone says about you which means you would either ignore people and what they say or put them in there place when it comes to this 'relationship'." He paused and looked me in my eyes "I chose you because you're very smart and sensible, Yandy. You don't take shit from anyone and you're thoughtful from what I've seen." He grabbed my other hand "So please do this for me, until May." He pleaded.

After that speech, I took it all in and I was a little flattered. He thought I was smart, sensible, and thoughtful. I smiled at that but then I pouted because he didn't comment on my looks. Like damn, gas a bitch up if you want her to do something for you. From what I recall from our first conversation he left out his other reason but like he said he doesn't trust me enough to tell the truth so I have to get to a certain level to unlock his deep dark secret. I narrowed my eyes at him and started to consider the pro's and con's of this scheme.

Pro's: He fine, he smart, he is tall Don't look at me like that, he can help me with my work, I could find out his secrete, ya girl can get that d whenevs HAHA

Con's: I can't fake something for a long time, I have to lie to everyone for a long time, no one can know the truth.

What do I have to lose out of this? Myself respect. Well the pro's out weighed the cons so I guess I'll ride with it. But let's have some fun before I agree to this.

I turned to him "Fine, I'll play along." I mused.

He smiled "Thank y-"

"So you're not attracted to me?" I pout as I leaned closer to him.

He looked down at me with wide eyes "Wh-what?" He sputtered as he shot up.

I rolled my eyes at his reaction "Am I pretty to you?" I grimaced at the fact that I had degrade myself to pretty.

He blinked at me "Yeah, you're pretty." He answered quickly.

I started fake gagging, "I think I'm going to be sick." I groaned as I leaned over.

"Are you okay?" He asked, concern in his voice.

I pouted up at him "You said I'm pretty and I'm more than pretty." I whined.

He was confused but it turned to amusement "You are," he nodded "I didn't know if it was a test or not." He admitted.

"It wasn't." I stated as I propped on his bed with my elbows "I'm self conscious so I'ma need for you to tell me I'm gorgeous everyday." I said with a smile, he rolled his eyes but nodded "And I was serious about those conditions." I smiled gleefully. What? Don't look at me like that! I can get dick on the regular now!!

He paled at me and I narrowed my eyes, confused. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before turning away from me. Hmm, maybe I should start off with research about him before figuring out his secret. He opened his eyes and stared out the window.

"Oh yeah," he looked at me expectantly "I can't act." He frowned "And when I do it's only on attraction." I winked.

He pinched the bridge of his nose and muttered something. I threw my head back and giggled. It's so easy to get him riled up, this should be fun.