Chapter 8

Joon: 11.30.15

"We'll have a 30 minute break before picking back up." The President said and I let out of groan of relief mixed with frustration, not caring about the people around me. That was the most tedious 45 minutes of my life then I have another 30 minutes here. I sat up in my chair and stretched my back while checking the wall clock, 12:50. I sighed because I had to meet Trey, Leo, and Jay for a pickup game in at 2. I wonder if Yandy wants to come, I furrowed my eyebrows Would she want to? I think I can't endure that torment and she'll make it worse so I better not.

"What are you thinking so hard about, Joon?" Ryan asked me, Ryan and eight others in this group were outsiders. The outsiders were a mixture of white, black and Hispanic but the only outsiders that were here today was Ryan and Carina.

Yandy "Nothing really," I shook my head, ridding my thoughts of her "thinking about the game Thursday." I lied as I ran my hand through my hair.

"You're dating Yandy, right?" Goo Yoon-Jae asked as he rest his hand under his chin.

Why is everyone asking about her? I faked a smile and nodded "Yeah." I answered as I took out my phone only to see my background changed to a picture of Yandy in a bikini.

I gaped at it, then coughed and quickly turned it off, hoping nobody would see. When did she get ahold of my phone?? I knew my cheeks were red and I didn't bother to cover it, I stared back at the guys only to receive a weird look from them.

"So." I looked at Ryan "What is it like dating a black girl?" He asked.

I gave him a confused look "What?" I asked and that's when I noticed how quiet it got when he asked the question so I knew everyone was listening in.

He glanced at Ko Min-Joon, who shook his head at him, then looked at me again "What is it like-"

"No," I cut him off "I heard your question." I narrowed my eyes at him "I don't know what you mean by it."

"Oh," He sat up with a sly smile "You've never heard the sayings about black girls?" I just narrowed my eyes but gestured him to go on "Well" He drawled "I've heard they're easy to sway and they're wild in bed." What? "But they don't like to give but rather receive, if you get what I'm saying." He nudged me with a smirk.

"I don't." I said bluntly as I fold my arms.

"They don't suck dick." He said casually which caused some heads to snap in his direction "But they love to get ate out." He added with a sigh.

"I think Yandy's pretty for a dark skin girl." Carina voice added from across him. I was still confused about this conversation when my eyes went to her.

She noticed my expression "Most dark skin girls aren't pretty." She pointed out "But Yandy is one of the few." She added.

Ryan grimaced a little "Eh," He shrugged "I have a thing for black girls but not the dark ones, I lean more to the light side." He then gave me a quizzical look "But I guess that doesn't matter too you, huh?" He joked, I just blankly stared at him "It only matters if it's p-"

"Ryan," Ko Min-Joon voice cut through "I think you should lay off." He suggested frantically.

Ryan gave him a confused look "What? Why?"

"Because-" I raised my hand at Ko Min-Joon and he stopped talking.

Carina gave me a teasing smirk, "Maybe you just wanted a dip in the chocolate." She giggled.

Ryan nodded thoughtfully, "I wouldn't blame you." He agreed.

I narrowed my eyes at that, A dip in chocolate? "And why is that?" I asked her curiously.

Carina tilt her head with a frown "I didn't think she would be down with the swirl because she seems really intimidating and has that 'I'm a strong independent black women and I don't need a man' vibe going on" she paused before giving me a sympathetic smile "which would probably be the downfall of your relationship." Carina explained "I think the both of you are going through a phase or experiment, Joon. She wanted a taste of rice cake and you wanted a dip in the chocolate fountain."

I knew the other members were waiting for me to do something like explode but I wasn't only because I couldn't. I felt too many emotions at once and I didn't like it. I need to leave. I closed my eyes and took a couple of deep breaths, hoping that it would clear my mind. It didn't help and there continuing on didn't make it any better. I slammed my hands on the table, making them shut up, I opened my eyes as I slowly got up from my seat. They waited for me to speak but I wasn't, I just pushed my seat up and made my way to the door.

I stopped with my hand on the door "Do you know her well enough to judge her based on what you've seen and heard from others?" I asked in a calm tone "Just because she carries herself a certain way doesn't mean that her emotions show, Carina. If I was to judge you from this I would think you had low self esteem issues and the only way you make yourself seem relevant is to slyly bad mouth people without here to defend themselves. Which I think is sad and pathetic on your behalf." I heard her gasp "And Ryan," I paused "if you ever refer to Yandy in that sense" I glared at him over my shoulder "we might take a trip to see Mase and Stan, they have been missing you." I smiled evilly, at there names he went pale and wouldn't make eye contact with me.

I didn't wait for anyone to say anything and stormed out of the room, I paced up and down the hallway trying not to go back in there and do something that I would regret or get me found. Stopping, I rubbed my temples and their words repeated to me. I caught most of Ryan's references but most of what Carina said got to me. I stared at the door with clinched fist before turning away and stalking out of the building, I decided to walk around the campus to clear my mind but then I started thinking about what was said. Was I an experiment for her? She's one for me but it's not because of her race though, right? She didn't agree because of my race, right? Yandy's not like that, right? Right? She wasn't what they were saying she was? I didn't even want anything from her chocolate fountain. And what the hell is a swirl? This is-

"Joon!" I blinked out of my thoughts before looking around to see Yandy standing at the door way.