Chapter 22

Yandy: 12.21.15

He stared at me before putting his hands in his pockets, “I didn’t think you would take the medicine from me.” He said, I raised an eyebrow at him so he continued “I thought you were still mad at me.” He mused.

I faked a smile his way “Who said I wasn't.” I gave him a straight face then brushed past him and walked out of McDonalds.

I took a deep breath before walking towards the car, I opened the door only to see Sandy on my side and Hae-In on hers.

“What are you doin on my side?” I asked.

They both stopped their conversation and stared at me.

“I really don't know.” Sandy answered with a shrug.

“I’m tired of driving.” Hae-In sighed as he cracked his back “Plus it's Joon turn to drive.” He added.

I nodded “You could rest up front tho.” I pointed out.

He glanced at Sandy then nodded “I could.” He agreed, “But Sandy and I were in the middle of a game.” He waved his phone before sitting it back down on his lap.

Sandy nodded, “Yeah, so go sit up there witcho boyfriend.” She shooed me before turning to Hae-In “But really, how did you beat me?” She asked before slamming the door in my face.

I gaped at her, This bitch I swear I rolled my eyes and got in the front. Ten minutes later Joon finally got in with a McDonalds bag. He started handing out food to Sandy and Hae-In then sat the bag in my lap. I side eyed the bag then him before looking out of the window, I felt his stare but I fold my arms and continued to ignore him. This went on for 20 minutes because we were getting close to Tuskegee and the GPS always ended wrong. I perked up in my seat once I saw the exit sign and I couldn’t help but smile when he took it. Turning away from the window, I sat up right in my seat.

I took his phone and turned the gps off, he gave me the wtf look “The gps never gets our house right so I’ll direct you from here on out.” I explained.

He bit his bottom lip but nodded “Ok, I trust you.”

I fold my arms “Keep going straight.”

He followed my order and kept going straight. It was silent again and that’s when I noticed that it was silent, I haven’t heard a smart comment from Sandy since we left Montgomery. I looked over my shoulder and noticed that they were asleep. Sandy was snuggled into the door and Hae-In was slumped in his seat with his arms folded. I snapped it and posted it with a caption before making sure that Joon was going the right way.

“Turn right onto Central Avenue and it’s the last house on the right.” I instructed.

“This is it?” He asked.

I looked up from my phone and smiled as I stared at my house when all the many memories flooded my mind. I looked over my shoulder again to see if they were up yet, they were still asleep. I was about to open my mouth to wake them but Joon put his finger on my lips, I looked at him and he shook his head then got out. He came to my side, opened the door for me, and helped me out.

“Thanks.” I said dryly before snatching my hand from his.

He stood in front of me “I’m sorry.” He apologized sincerely.

I scoffed at him then went to side step him. He stopped me by slamming his hand on the side of the car and caging me in with his other. He stared behind me before looking me dead in my eyes.

“I’m sorry.” He apologized again.

I scoffed and pushed him away from me “If you’re sorry you’ll either tell me the truth” I paused when I noticed he tensed “or leave me the fuck alone.” I hissed then smiled falsely at him “Now let's go.” I grabbed his hand and led him to the front door, I rang the doorbell.

My brother Trevor opened the door with a smile but it vanished when he noticed Joon, “Who this?” He asked.

Standing at a solid 6’0 and 165 pounds of pure muscle and good looks, Trevor Brown could either charm you or intimidate you on the first meeting. Seeing as I brought my “boyfriend” he went with the intimidating posture which includes him staring you down while sizing you up. Joon didn’t look intimidated at all, he glanced at Trevor then went back to looking at his surroundings.

I rolled my eyes “My boyfriend, now let us in.” I demanded as I went in.

He cut me off with his hand slamming against the door frame, I jumped back a little and my eyes snapped to his “Does dad know?” He asked, not taking his eyes off Joon.

I bit my bottom lip and glanced at Joon “No” Trevor eyes snapped to mine and he gave me a smirk “but mama knows.” I added.

He tsked at me before turning to Joon “I’m Trevor,” He gave him a once over before staring at him with narrowed eyes “I’m Yandy’s older brother.” He introduced as he stuck his hand out “I would say I’ve heard about you but I haven’t.” He sent him a mocking smile.

I watched as Joon didn't look away from Trevor's calculating stare "I'm Kim Jin-Joon, Yandy's boyfriend." Joon sent me a smirk "Nice to meet you." He shook his hand "Same here. Yandy goes on and on about her mom and dad." He said thoughtfully, “But she didn’t say much about you, though.” He frowned.

I stifled my smirk because I knew he said it to get to Trevor.

Trevor narrowed his eyes at Joon “Well-”

“Anyway” I cut off Trevor and pushed past him into the house “Where is everyone?” I asked as I looked around the sitting room.

He reluctantly let Joon in, then walked towards me “They’re all in the back room.” He nodded over his shoulder “Ma! Yandy’s here” Trevor yelled out then glanced at us “and she brought home an Asian!” He yelled out again.

I gaped at him “Trevor.” I hissed, glancing at Joon.

Trevor shrugged at me “What? He is Asian.” He defended as he fold his arms.

I rolled my eyes “That's not the point-”

“It’s okay, Yandy.” Joon calmly reassured me as he pulled me into his side. Trevor rolled his eyes dramatically before walking toward the kitchen. I shook my head at him and stepped away from Joon.

He took a step toward me and leaned his face closer to mine.

“I don't like it when you pull away.” He muttered.

I narrowed my eyes at him “Tough shit.” I grimaced at him then looked toward the archway that led to the kitchen.

He cupped my cheeks and turned my face towards him, he started leaning in. I stared at him wide eyed until we heard the door slam open. He let me go and turned his head to the door. I stared at his chest, Was he really going to kiss me??

“Why are we always catching y'all two?” Yandy asked with a grimace. I decided to hide my face in Joon’s chest and shot her a bird.

“Thanks for leaving us in the car.” Hae-In said sarcastically.

Sandy scoffed “Assholes.”

“Ahhh” Trevor sighed as he came back in “Not you too.” He groaned in disappointment, making me look at him then Sandy.

Sandy frowned at him “‘Not me too’ what?” She asked as she fold her arms.

He stomped towards the kitchen “Ma!” He whined “Sandy brought an Asian too!”

Unlike Joon, Hae-In looked offended and said something to Joon. Joon fold his arms, rolled his eyes, and responded. Have-In slightly pouted but nodded.