Chapter Two

The energy had arrived. Sheenah thought as she went to open her front door. She was greeted with a lot of 'heys' and wide smiles.

"Bestie!" the bubbly Lilly chirped, following the other two girls in the kitchen as Sheenah closed the door.

Kendy just laughed at Lilly's antics and grabbed a glass of juice. Sheenah leaned on the polished kitchen counter besides Lilly who was seated on top of the counter, eating an apple. Tash was putting the bottle of champagne she had brought in the fridge.

"How comes you're not in today? Off day?" Kendy asked, looking at Sheenah over the glass' rim.

"Off day and Shee's name cannot be put in the same sentence. Shee who works like she has the majority of shares at that hospital? Nope." Tash piped up, earning an eye roll from Sheenah and chuckles from the other two.

"Well I hate to burst your bubble Tash, but I'm free this weekend." She smiled proudly.

"Good for you." She paused. "You deserve it." Tash smiled warmly, making Sheenah's heart to swoon.

The scene in front of her made her smile. It had been a while since the girls, all four of them had meet up. Everyone seemed to be busy with their lives and Sheenah loved that for each one of them, but she had almost forgotten the fun and thrill that the girls brought. After Friday's event, she definitely needed it.

"Sooo... What fun thing is happening with you guys?"

The other three were busy on their phones, probably having not heard her question or plainly ignoring her. Sheenah clicked her tongue before groaning.

"If you guys just came here to scroll through your phones you might as well never have bothered."

"Ohh... Are you jealous of a mere gadget Shee? Yikes!" Tash teased, putting her phone away. When it seemed like Lilly and Kendy weren't going to follow suit anytime soon, she added, "but Shee's right, it's been a while since we've all been together without our schedules clashing or something coming up, let's not waste it."

"I'm not asking you two!" She slapped her palms on the counter more forcefully than intended and winced, clutching her hands close to her chest. Tash however managed to get the girls attention amid some glare and she smiled snidely.

"You're a bratty little character. You know that?" Kendy said, slumping on a stool.

"That's apparently my charm."

And the talks successfully began. Each one going on about what was happening in their life.

"...I don't feel happy at that place. You know the way Lilly's face lights up and seems to glow when she talks about the animals she's treating and stuff, I want that.

"And it seems crazy and rather stupid, since I had gone to the extent of talking a certificate course but I don't know, I just want out."

"You have something in mind?" Sheenah asked joining Lilly on the counter.

"Well not really. I want to quit so bad but I have bills to pay and stuff. I need a plan before I can leave. I can't be that reckless." Kendy laughed dryly, with a hint of sadness in her voice.

"I had a tough week at work and..." She wanted to tell them about Friday. About losing a patient for the first time. But she didn't. "Uhm so Fred thought I could use a weekend off. Yeah" Sheenah smiled without the smile reaching her eyes.

She felt guilty.

"If I didn't know better, I'd say Fred had a thing for you." Tash winked while Sheenah wrinkled her nose. The idea was just revolting. Fred was like a dad to her and seeing him in any other light was just cringe worthy.

"Tash! No! God you're disgusting!" Sheenah cried out. Tash cackled and her laugh always sounded funny that soon all the other three were guffawing. After everyone had caught their breath, she added, "I was just trying to liven up the situation. But Fred's hot you know." She got a smack from Sheenah.

"I want to open my own cloth line." Tash blurted out, which made the other three to momentarily quiet down.

"What? You also think I'm being overly ambitious? That's what my mom said." She was wringing her hands and looking so nervous and unsure of herself that Sheenah had to blink. That wasn't Tamara.

"Is there anything like overly ambitious? I don't think so. Plus you have the talent for it. I think you should go for it if that's what you truly want."

"You think so?" She asked Lilly, her voice weaker than usual. Somehow subdued. "What if it doesn't work out?"

"I mean my own mom thinks what I do is really not worth it but I'm so happy doing what I do. I hope the same fate doesn't befall you but if it's your heart desires, you pursue it. The satisfaction and fulfilment that comes from doing something you love is unmatched. You'll be happy, and that's the whole point.

"Also, about the what if question, you'll never know if it would've worked out unless you take the risk. Try it out. A leap of faith." Lilly finished shrugging.

"Ha! Who would've thought that the clubby Lilly had some insight in her." Tash joked, but the light in her eyes was back, and so was her voice.

"Girl shut up." Lilly smiled.

And the talks went on; Kendy was struggling to find time to write, Tash was working on new designs, Lilly had in the previous week done a fracture repair surgery on a cat named Maxy, she thought it was cute.

After a while, Lilly made a declaration of her hunger and the talks had to stop. Kendy offered to prepare something and Sheenah decided to help. Lilly and Tash made their way to the living room, to probably catch up on a Netflix show or something.

They both worked in comfortable silence, Sheenah pounding the mixture of garlic and ginger in the wooden mortar while Kendy peeled the tomatoes skin. She had at first argued that that was wasting the fruit's nutrients, then had suggested to blend them but Sheenah remained adamant. She didn't like having the fruit's skin in her food, and blending it just wasn't the same. The blended paste lacked authenticity, at least according to her. The taste was different and so peeling was the best option.

"You could use tomato paste you know." Kendy tried again but was answered with an eye roll and silence. She finally gave up. Sheenah then went on to prepare the rest of the things that they needed for their meat, while Kendy put water in a sufuria to boil. They were making wet fried beef with ugali and some veges.

"How is Yvette doing by the way. It's been a while since I last saw her. And Jacob?" Sheenah asked, frying the onions for the veges.

Kendy sighed heavily and Sheenah could only imagine what it was like for her. Being forced to be a parent by fate when she was merely getting by herself had to be hard.

"Yvette's fine. Currently in her second year."

"Still doing pure math?"

"Yeah, she turned out to be a math genius." She chuckled lightly. "I don't know who she took it from. She loves numbers so much you know."

"Jacob is trying. He really is. I just wish I could help him out. Get him a good job or something. He has always been our big brother; so used to taking care of us for so long I think he doesn't know how or when to ask for help himself." She drifted off, tiredness and sadness in her eyes.

Sheenah wondered if perhaps the reason Kendy couldn't just walk out of her current job was because of her siblings and their situation. Yvette was still in school, and Jacob did not have a stable job, couldn't easily get one considering he hadn't finished highschool. She wanted to ask her friend that but didn't.

"Tell them I said hey." She said instead.

Kendy blinked and smiled, nodding. They both settled back to silence, the only sounds being of sizzling beef.


Sheenah made her way to the living room, leaving Kendy in the kitchen cooking ugali. Their food was almost ready. She sat down on the grey couch, her legs tucked. The two girls had been watching Disconnect, a Kenyan film highlighting the dating scene in Nairobi capital. It was very humorous and relatable, Sheenah liked it.

"Nick is hot" Tash said.

"Pascal's so much hotter than Nick." Lilly said with a duh voice. Like it was the most obvious fact on the planet.

"Oh please!" came Tash's reply. "Why? Because he can sing? Nick has been in the game for far too long and he's still hot as hell. "

"Exactly!" Lilly beamed triumphantly. "Nick Mutuma is hot. Pascal Tokodi is sexy. There is a difference."

Tash frowned, confused. "They are both handsome." Sheenah said to cut the argument short.

"And probably players." Kendy added from the kitchen. The house's plan was an open kitchen design. Lilly scoffed.

"Sweetie, every beautiful guy is a player. Take what you can and leave some for the next girl. That's the rule."

"What kind of rule is that? Who hurt you?" Tash said, trying to provoke Lilly who just rolled her eyes.

"Maybe that's why you'll die single." Kendy teased.

And the bickering went on. Sheenah looked at her friends and sighed contently. All different in their own ways but somehow similar. What was lacking in one was overflowing in the other. Maybe that's what made them to stick together after all. They were more than friends. They were family. Sisters.

Kendy was the oldest of the girls. A literature degree holder but currently working as a procurement officer in a small firm. She was the logic one and the sort of person who when you went to for advice would take you through the pros and cons of your choices before letting you make the decision, always insisting that emotions were to be left out of decision making.

Tash was the youngest of the girls. She had mad talent in design and was slowly but surely making waves in the country's fashion industry and hopefully the world. She was a petite little thing and had a beautiful baby face that always made her look like a minor. Unlike Kendy, she was the blunt type of person. The sort of person who would tell you to suck up your problems or face them head on. She never accepted bullshit from anyone, despite her little frame, maybe that's what made people love her, social media included.

Lilly, as her name was a flower, albeit a wild one. The party girl and most sociable of the girls. She had a wild side that was intriguing to people who didn't know her that well and annoying to those who knew her too well. She was a charismatic beautiful young woman who had a soft spot for animals, as her career kind of demanded of her. Guys couldn't get enough of her, except she never was the one for commitments, as she had countlessly said. Until her Aladdin would come along, she was okay with her no strings attached expeditions. She was also not the type of person who you went to for advice, especially if you hated the club scene.


"When's Fashion High Tea?" Kendy asked, while munching on a piece of meat. The food they had prepared was ready and the girls were seated at Sheenah's dining table eating joyfully.

"The last Saturday of April." Tash answered while trying to suppress a grin. She was too excited about the Fashion High Tea, which was an annual event that brought all the big pins in the fashion industry. It was a chance for her to showcase her designs and she couldn't wait for the day.

"You guys are still wearing my designs right?" She asked, while sipping on the champagne that she brought.

"Yes!" The other three answered unanimously, before Lilly added, "you trippin'." All the girls had agreed to show their support for their little sister by wearing her designs for the event. Why not when she made the most dope clothes and understood each of their bodies and preferences perfectly?

"Oh here we go again with American phoniness," Kendy rolled her eyes. "Imagine if you had finished your studies there."

Lilly sipped her champagne leisurely before answering, "I would have written a book on American English. And probably gotten myself a handsome nigga to go along with. Watcha' thinkin' bout' that?" The girls looked at each other before bursting into laughter.

"Your accent is the most fake I've ever heard." Sheenah said, still giggling uncontrollably.

They continued eating, with bits of stories being thrown here and there and enjoying each others company. Since each was trying to be as independent as one could be, they rarely had time to spend with each other, hence today being somehow special to each one.

Sheenah especially felt lighter, and Friday nights events seemed to be pushed to the furthest part of her mind. The loneliness she had experienced earlier with her house was now filled with laughter and voices and she felt tranquil.

After eating, Lilly was ordered to clean the dishes, since Kendy and Sheenah had cooked and Tash was the one who brought the champagne. After complaining too much about how she was being bullied since she happened to be the shortest among them, she finally did it.

While lying on Sheenah's bed, trying to have a nap, Lilly broke the silence.

"You guys remember the KRA guy?" she asked out of nowhere.

After getting a satisfying 'yes' from them she continued, "we broke up."

"No way!" Tash exclaimed, mouth agape. "And here I thought he was the Alladin." She seemed somehow sad at the new realization.

"What happened?" Sheenah asked, concern thick in her voice.

Lilly sighed sadly, seeming so distant, "feelings happened."

"Uhm, explain further." Tash said, in a duh voice.

"Mark was getting too invested. It was supposed to be a fling with no attachments. Feelings were getting in the way. I had to call it quits." She paused. "Too bad, he was really good in bed" Lilly winked, seeming to have regained her normal mood.

"Lilly..." Kendy started and the girls felt like screaming 'uh-oh'. The tone meant advice, lots of it. "Sometimes I feel you are really stupid." Kendy smiled, to ease the harshness of her words before continuing, "no offense, but how do you let go of a beautiful man who happens to not be a player. Not only that, but he's super smart and rich, all for what? Feelings? Oh, yeah, and some stupid Disney animations. I can't believe what sort of friends I have." She slapped her forehead for exaggeration and probably for her point to sink in.

Lilly felt like arguing with Kendy but deep down knew that she was on the wrong. She had left a good man and probably would regret it but her instincts never let her down, and right now, they were fully supporting her decision. For that, she was sticking to her probably_not_wise decision.

"It's not like that." She defended, almost appearing defeated.

"Then how's it?" Sheenah asked, pulling the duvet higher and feeling somewhat guilty. Here she was, listening to her friends letting her in in their lives. Sharing with her some really deep stuff about themselves but she couldn't even tell them, in all truth and honesty about her days at work. She felt like she was undeserving of such moments.

"I don't know. Mark was just too good for me, you know? He is this awesome guy. And then there is me, who is just... Me." Lilly was sad. "He was too good for me. I couldn't let him get too deep, to a point of no return and then be the reason he will one day hate all females and curse love. I couldn't let that happen, it would've killed me."

The girls looked at each other and understood their sisters plight. It was like they did not need any words amongst them to comfort Lilly, they just moved closer to each other and cuddled. The silences spoke volumes.

"The worst thing that can ever happen is feeling inadequate in a relationship. That shit can destroy you." Tash said.

"American phoniness." Kendy fake gagged. "Welcome to the single ladies league." She winked at Lilly.


Silence filled the room once again before Tash broke it, with a suggestion that would change the girls lives. Forever.

"It's almost Easter. We should go for a vacation." Tash declared boldly.

"I'm in." Came Lilly's lively voice.

Kendy knew that the vacation would cost her money that she didn't have. Or rather did have but couldn't spend on such things. Lilly and Tash had family money, and Sheenah wasn't that bad herself. It was only her.

"We'll see." Kendy said, closing the conversation.

As they slowly drifted to a peaceful nap, they each hoped that the vacation would bring with it good tidings.


NB: Sufuria- is a Swahili word for cooking pan but is kind of deeper.

Ugali- is a type of stiff maize flour porridge made in Kenya.