beautiful memory

After a speedy cleanup, Dave was finally ready with breakfast. He set the plates and made sure everything was in perfect condition then looked at the well arranged dining table and said to himself "it's still futile " then he walked over to the stairs yelled "Shiro, breakfast is ready"

After that, Dave could see his son running down with lightning under his feet and instantly finishing his breakfast while standing.

"I don't remember being like this when I was your age" Dave said with a disturbed look on his face. "You actually don't remember anything " Shiro replied as he hung his bag and took of to school.

"He's just like his mother" Dave said as he shook his head and smiled. "Wait a sec" Dave said to himself in a surprised tone "just like his mother, just like his mother, just like his mother," he said repeatedly in agony and pain.

Dave kept writhing in pain as images he couldn't see clearly flashed in his mind. The pain was great but he tried hardest to grab some of it. He finally remembered an important part of his life and she was beautiful but where was she.